Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

14 años 2 meses
Empezamos hoy jugando lo siguiente de momento, si hay algún busto temprano, me inscribiré en otro que cuadre por horario, y lo pondré aquí.
- 16:30 - Big 8,80$
- 16:45 - 4,40$ 8max
- 16:45 - 11$ NLH
- 16:45 - 21$ Knockout
- 16:50 - 6$ Deep Stack (Party) Nick: Greyman-82
- 17:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)
- 17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout
Total: 85,20$

14 años 2 meses
Bounty y bote en el 21$ Knockout, que es de 10$ cada Bounty
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG b2k-Snick ([="#0000cc"]2,825[/])
UTG+1 JBzzzr ([="#0000cc"]4,475[/])
MP1 DIDA 1983 ([="#0000cc"]908[/])
MP2 smertin15 ([="#0000cc"]2,713[/])
MP3 worst_nuts ([="#0000cc"]3,100[/])
CO rikos1993 ([="#0000cc"]3,175[/])
BTN TMMPOKPOK ([="#0000cc"]3,295[/])
SB giannis sx ([="#0000cc"]2,900[/])
BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,500[/])
Blinds: 25/50
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]75[/], 9 players) greyman82 is BB A:spade: K:club:
[="#cc0000"]b2k-Snick raises to 100[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]DIDA 1983 goes all-in 908[/], [="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 3,500[/], [="#777777"]b2k-Snick folds[/]
Flop: 3DIAMONd 7:club: 7:heart: ([="#0000cc"]1,941[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
Turn: 5:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,941[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
River: 4:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,941[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]1,941[/]
DIDA 1983 shows a pair of Sevens - lower kicker
10:club: Q:heart:
greyman82 shows a pair of Sevens
A:spade: K:club:
greyman82 wins 4,533 (net +1,033)
b2k-Snick lost 100
DIDA 1983 lost 908

15 años 6 meses
Go fishardo powaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

14 años 2 meses
LOLAZO de mano al mas puro estilo pokerstars...quien gana???El q tiene mas stack de los que van por detrás...obv! El bote valia 3 bountys (7,5$) y ponerme CL en las primeras manos del torneo.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG imin5thlevel (4,485)
UTG+1 CinderellaBD (3,120)
MP1 Dillabeat (2,955)
MP2 TimotheeS (3,090)
CO primdisc (2,955)
BTN greyman82 (2,955)
SB custom_k (2,865)
BB Bagda65 (1,605)
Blinds: 15/30
Pre-Flop: (45, 8 players) greyman82 is BTN A:club: A:spade:
4 folds, primdisc raises to 75, greyman82 raises to 210, custom_k raises to 570, Bagda65 goes all-in 1,605, primdisc goes all-in 2,955, greyman82 goes all-in 2,745, custom_k goes all-in 2,295
Flop: 7:club: 6:spade: 8:heart: (10,380, 4 players, 4 all-in)
Turn: QDIAMONd (10,380, 4 players, 4 all-in)
River: 4:spade: (10,380, 4 players, 4 all-in)
Final Pot: 10,380
greyman82 shows a pair of Aces
A:club: A:spade:
custom_k shows a pair of Kings
KDIAMONd K:spade:
Bagda65 shows a pair of Nines
9:spade: 9:club:
primdisc shows three of a kind, Queens
Q:spade: Q:club:
primdisc wins 10,380 (net +7,425)
greyman82 lost 2,955
custom_k lost 2,865
Bagda65 lost 1,605

14 años 2 meses
Bueno, los primeros AA q me habian repartido hoy...crackeados...veremos como sigue la cosa

14 años 2 meses
Doble up en el Big 8,80$
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,222[/])
UTG+1 Mister SLK ([="#0000cc"]2,962[/])
MP1 TAZLEA69 ([="#0000cc"]4,720[/])
MP2 involu ([="#0000cc"]11,653[/])
MP3 Kevin26ko ([="#0000cc"]1,752[/])
CO Ramb5OO ([="#0000cc"]8,084[/])
BTN fannat1ck ([="#0000cc"]4,316[/])
SB Fanyan60 ([="#0000cc"]4,775[/])
BB rares1980 ([="#0000cc"]3,769[/])
Blinds: 50/100 Ante 10
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]240[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG K:club: K:spade:
[="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 300[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], involu calls 300, [="#777777"]4 folds[/], rares1980 calls 200
Flop: 8:spade: 9DIAMONd 9:heart: ([="#0000cc"]1,040[/], 3 players)
rares1980 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 800[/], involu calls 800, [="#777777"]rares1980 folds[/]
Turn: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]2,640[/], 2 players)
[="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 2,112[/], involu calls 2,112
River: ADIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]6,864[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,864[/]
greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Nines
K:club: K:spade:
involu shows a pair of Nines
10:heart: QDIAMONd
greyman82 wins 6,864 (net +3,642)
rares1980 lost 310
involu lost 3,222

14 años 2 meses
Ostia...menuda entrega, esta mano tendría que ir en manos WTF.
Explico que abro K7s en UTG+1, xq UTG q hace call es un tio que está jugando totalmente random, y el resto de la mesa super nit, asiq quiero aprovechar y jugar el mayor número de manos vs el mono. Pero se me apunta otro (la BB), que no parecía mono...sorpresón que me llevé al ver su mano.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG $kostya$1390 ([="#0000cc"]2,658[/])
UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]9,532[/])
MP1 jury68 ([="#0000cc"]2,890[/])
MP2 new16 ([="#0000cc"]6,252[/])
MP3 ciaca21 ([="#0000cc"]5,801[/])
CO trip_a_bit ([="#0000cc"]1,301[/])
BTN riskysoldier ([="#0000cc"]6,761[/])
SB Lagazzi ([="#0000cc"]9,235[/])
BB Eisman2377 ([="#0000cc"]6,140[/])
Blinds: 25/50
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]75[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 7DIAMONd KDIAMONd
$kostya$1390 calls 50, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 105[/], [="#777777"]6 folds[/], Eisman2377 calls 55, $kostya$1390 calls 55
Flop: 4DIAMONd 7:heart: 7:spade: ([="#0000cc"]340[/], 3 players)
[="#cc0000"]Eisman2377 bets 200[/], [="#777777"]$kostya$1390 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 400[/], [="#cc0000"]Eisman2377 raises to 650[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,500[/], [="#cc0000"]Eisman2377 raises to 3,100[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 9,427[/], [="#cc0000"]Eisman2377 goes all-in 2,935[/]
Turn: 9:club: ([="#0000cc"]12,410[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
River: 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]12,410[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]12,410[/]
greyman82 shows three of a kind, Sevens
Eisman2377 shows a pair of Sevens
8:heart: JDIAMONd
greyman82 wins 15,802 (net +6,270)
$kostya$1390 lost 105
Eisman2377 lost 6,140

14 años 2 meses
Otra donación en el deep de party...ahi ya me acojono y pienso en QJ q le entra en su rango perfectamente y prefiero hacer ch-bh en river.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG CoSJR ([="#0000cc"]11,910[/])
UTG+1 IUA88 ([="#0000cc"]5,090[/])
MP1 lender222 ([="#0000cc"]4,530[/])
MP2 resscrowds ([="#0000cc"]4,500[/])
MP3 stef87GER ([="#0000cc"]15,950[/])
CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]7,010[/])
BTN SANKT458 ([="#0000cc"]4,080[/])
SB zzcarreaszz ([="#0000cc"]10,785[/])
BB djaylan597 ([="#0000cc"]7,300[/])
Blinds: 60/120
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]180[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO A:heart: QDIAMONd
[="#777777"]1 fold[/], IUA88 calls 120, [="#777777"]2 folds[/], stef87GER calls 120, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 360[/], CoSJR says "that was sick", [="#777777"]2 folds[/], djaylan597 calls 240, IUA88 calls 240, stef87GER calls 240
Flop: JDIAMONd 5:spade: Q:club: ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/], 4 players)
[="#cc0000"]djaylan597 bets 120[/], IUA88 calls 120, stef87GER calls 120, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 600[/], [="#777777"]djaylan597 folds[/], IUA88 calls 480, [="#777777"]stef87GER folds[/]
Turn: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,940[/], 2 players)
IUA88 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 2,205[/], IUA88 calls 2,205
River: 4:spade: ([="#0000cc"]7,350[/], 2 players)
IUA88 checks, greyman82 checks
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]7,350[/]
IUA88 shows
5:heart: 10:heart:
greyman82 shows
A:heart: QDIAMONd
greyman82 wins 7,350 (net +4,185)
IUA88 lost 3,165
djaylan597 lost 480
stef87GER lost 480

14 años 2 meses
Bueno, break:
- 16:30 - Big 8,80$: 804/2664
- 16:45 - 4,40$ 8max: 458/541
- 16:45 - 11$ NLH: 234/471
- 16:45 - 21$ Knockout: 178/286
- 16:50 - 6$ Deep Stack (Party): 40/226
- 17:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$): 17/596
- 17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout: Busto AA vs KK vs QQ vs 99
Total: 85,20$

14 años 2 meses
Me abro los siguientes:
- 17:45 - 5,50$ 1k Cap
- 18:00 - Big 22$
Y con eso terminamos por hoy.
Al final:
BI Consumido: 112,70$/1000$

14 años 2 meses
Doble up en el big 22$
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG edm1s ([="#0000cc"]4,059[/])
UTG+1 BLONDY4 ([="#0000cc"]2,690[/])
MP1 Hatethemoney ([="#0000cc"]2,730[/])
MP2 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,169[/])
CO DutchForever ([="#0000cc"]2,935[/])
BTN M. Andrey 81 ([="#0000cc"]2,967[/])
SB erythrox ([="#0000cc"]2,640[/])
BB buckguy2200 ([="#0000cc"]2,900[/])
Blinds: 15/30
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]45[/], 8 players) greyman82 is MP2 9DIAMONd 9:club:
[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]BLONDY4 raises to 75[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], greyman82 calls 75, [="#777777"]3 folds[/], buckguy2200 calls 45
Flop: 3DIAMONd 4:spade: 9:spade: ([="#0000cc"]240[/], 3 players)
buckguy2200 checks, BLONDY4 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 210[/], [="#777777"]buckguy2200 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]BLONDY4 raises to 615[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 3,094[/], [="#cc0000"]BLONDY4 goes all-in 2,000[/]
Turn: 5DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]5,470[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
River: 2:club: ([="#0000cc"]5,470[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]5,470[/]
BLONDY4 shows a pair of Jacks
J:heart: JDIAMONd
greyman82 shows three of a kind, Nines
9DIAMONd 9:club:
greyman82 wins 5,949 (net +2,780)
buckguy2200 lost 75
BLONDY4 lost 2,690

15 años 6 meses
Luego te quejas, menudos regalos te hacen, no se han enterado que hoy el chino esta de fiesta 😄 y se lanzan esperando su river mágico 😄

14 años 2 meses
Busto del 4,40$ 8max
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG legaleo ([="#0000cc"]2,670[/])
UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,255[/])
MP1 golf339 ([="#0000cc"]7,365[/])
MP2 asttttt ([="#0000cc"]11,112[/])
CO orsek ([="#0000cc"]9,070[/])
BTN Crewbase ([="#0000cc"]5,573[/])
SB dott 63 ([="#0000cc"]2,574[/])
BB peiforme ([="#0000cc"]9,635[/])
Blinds: 60/120 Ante 15
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]300[/], 8 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 A:spade: K:spade:
[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 252[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]asttttt raises to 1,080[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,240[/], asttttt calls 160
Flop: Q:club: QDIAMONd 3:heart: ([="#0000cc"]2,780[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: 8:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,780[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: 3:club: ([="#0000cc"]2,780[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]2,780[/]
greyman82 shows two pair, Queens and Threes
A:spade: K:spade:
asttttt shows two pair, Queens and Tens
10:spade: 10DIAMONd
asttttt wins 2,780 (net +1,525)
greyman82 lost 1,255

14 años 2 meses

15 años 6 meses
Luego te quejas, menudos regalos te hacen, no se han enterado que hoy el chino esta de fiesta 😄 y se lanzan esperando su river mágico 😄
RelfoLuego te quejas, menudos regalos te hacen, no se han enterado que hoy el chino esta de fiesta 😄 y se lanzan esperando su river mágico 😄
Como te odio cabrón!!!Para q no nombras al chino!!!
Busto del Big 8,80$ para ponerme bastante gordo.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG MGUIMA ([="#0000cc"]3,525[/])
UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]5,549[/])
MP1 Mister SLK ([="#0000cc"]10,033[/])
MP2 Starbuck70 ([="#0000cc"]2,975[/])
MP3 involu ([="#0000cc"]15,178[/])
CO randy dee1 ([="#0000cc"]5,846[/])
BTN Ramb5OO ([="#0000cc"]13,802[/])
SB marcuszum ([="#0000cc"]5,320[/])
BB Fanyan60 ([="#0000cc"]8,337[/])
Blinds: 100/200 Ante 25
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]525[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 J:spade: JDIAMONd
[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 420[/], [="#777777"]6 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Fanyan60 raises to 1,000[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 5,524[/], Fanyan60 calls 4,524
Flop: 4DIAMONd 8:heart: 7:club: ([="#0000cc"]11,373[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: 8:club: ([="#0000cc"]11,373[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: A:club: ([="#0000cc"]11,373[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]11,373[/]
Fanyan60 shows four of a kind, Eights
8:spade: 8DIAMONd
greyman82 shows two pair, Jacks and Eights
J:spade: JDIAMONd
Fanyan60 wins 11,373 (net +5,824)
greyman82 lost 5,549

14 años 2 meses
Relfon, ha sido hablar tu, y no parar de pegarme ostias contra fishes q pagan un squeeze con Q8s, y cosas así...o medio stack preflop con 44, y obv le dan su set.

14 años 2 meses
Quedan 4 balas...menudas ostias me han dado.
Busto del 5,50$ 1k Cap con KQ vs Q8
Busto del 6$ Deep de Party con AK vs 44

14 años 7 meses

14 años 2 meses
Relfon, ha sido hablar tu, y no parar de pegarme ostias contra fishes q pagan un squeeze con Q8s, y cosas así...o medio stack preflop con 44, y obv le dan su set.
greyman8Relfon, ha sido hablar tu, y no parar de pegarme ostias contra fishes q pagan un squeeze con Q8s, y cosas así...o medio stack preflop con 44, y obv le dan su set.
Pero acá llego yo para terminar con el maleficio de Relfón XD..! :p

14 años 2 meses
Otra entrega en el 5,50$ 2R1A
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG alonsa22 ([="#0000cc"]964[/])
UTG+1 Fruffel ([="#0000cc"]4,830[/])
MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]18,425[/])
MP2 Claudiu333 ([="#0000cc"]3,049[/])
MP3 new16 ([="#0000cc"]7,137[/])
CO ciaca21 ([="#0000cc"]9,239[/])
BTN kviten78 ([="#0000cc"]13,090[/])
SB riskysoldier ([="#0000cc"]7,356[/])
BB Lagazzi ([="#0000cc"]11,703[/])
Blinds: 50/100 Ante 10
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]240[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 J:heart: Q:heart:
[="#777777"]1 fold[/], Fruffel calls 100, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 210[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], ciaca21 calls 210, [="#777777"]3 folds[/], Fruffel calls 110
Flop: JDIAMONd 10:heart: Q:club: ([="#0000cc"]870[/], 3 players)
Fruffel checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 652[/], [="#777777"]ciaca21 folds[/], Fruffel calls 652
Turn: QDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]2,174[/], 2 players)
Fruffel checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 1,100[/], Fruffel calls 1,100
River: A:spade: ([="#0000cc"]4,374[/], 2 players)
Fruffel checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 4,374[/], [="#cc0000"]Fruffel goes all-in 2,858[/]
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]10,090[/]
Fruffel shows two pair, Aces and Queens
8:club: ADIAMONd
greyman82 shows a full house, Queens full of Jacks
J:heart: Q:heart:
greyman82 wins 11,606 (net +5,260)
Fruffel lost 4,830
ciaca21 lost 220

15 años 6 meses
Súpertiñosos digo supersticiosos 😄

14 años 2 meses

15 años 6 meses
Súpertiñosos digo supersticiosos 😄
RelfoSúpertiñosos digo supersticiosos 😄
Si,si, lo q tu digas, xo desde q se te ha ocurrido nombrarlo...no ha parado de recibir ostias...esto no es normal ya...
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG kviten78 ([="#0000cc"]7,182[/])
UTG+1 riskysoldier ([="#0000cc"]10,282[/])
MP1 Lagazzi ([="#0000cc"]21,121[/])
MP2 Thief0fchips ([="#0000cc"]11,529[/])
MP3 ma.alex70 ([="#0000cc"]12,659[/])
CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]20,415[/])
BTN Claudiu333 ([="#0000cc"]2,613[/])
SB new16 ([="#0000cc"]1,861[/])
BB ciaca21 ([="#0000cc"]7,879[/])
Blinds: 100/200 Ante 25
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]525[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO J:heart: JDIAMONd
[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]riskysoldier raises to 500[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,800[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]riskysoldier goes all-in 10,257[/], greyman82 calls 8,457
Flop: 2:heart: 5DIAMONd 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]21,039[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: A:spade: ([="#0000cc"]21,039[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: 7:heart: ([="#0000cc"]21,039[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]21,039[/]
greyman82 shows two pair, Jacks and Sevens
J:heart: JDIAMONd
riskysoldier shows two pair, Aces and Sevens
A:heart: 8:heart:
riskysoldier wins 21,039 (net +10,757)
greyman82 lost 10,282

14 años 2 meses
Llevo como una hora, sin ganar ni una mano al showdown...todos los 80/20 perdidos, los flips...
Quedan 3 balas...y dos de ellas muy enfermas...se hará lo q se pueda.

14 años 2 meses
Ale, busto de una bala enferma, como todo el día, vamos por delante, pero perdemos. Soy consciente de que esto es...a largo plazo, y por eso no me tildo...pero no veas como jode empezar un pack así.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG 1Dan E-T ([="#0000cc"]14,414[/])
UTG+1 b4shesh ([="#0000cc"]9,275[/])
MP1 iceman99885 ([="#0000cc"]17,388[/])
MP2 Brito72 ([="#0000cc"]21,641[/])
CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]2,386[/])
BTN Brodzanec ([="#0000cc"]6,202[/])
SB Thanos Theo ([="#0000cc"]5,703[/])
BB 152140 ([="#0000cc"]12,692[/])
Blinds: 250/500 Ante 60
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,230[/], 8 players) greyman82 is CO 7:spade: A:club:
[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 2,326[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], 152140 calls 1,826
Flop: 8:spade: 6:spade: KDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]5,382[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: QDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]5,382[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]5,382[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]5,382[/]
152140 shows a pair of Queens
10:club: Q:club:
greyman82 shows high card Ace
7:spade: A:club:
152140 wins 5,382 (net +2,996)
greyman82 lost 2,386

14 años 2 meses
Otra mas perdida al Showdown
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG UKKage ([="#0000cc"]3,888[/])
UTG+1 M. Andrey 81 ([="#0000cc"]2,172[/])
MP1 AudFortJuvat ([="#0000cc"]5,254[/])
MP2 erythrox ([="#0000cc"]6,676[/])
MP3 buckguy2200 ([="#0000cc"]1,269[/])
CO Kulunguerele ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])
BTN filufilu110 ([="#0000cc"]3,870[/])
SB Hatethemoney ([="#0000cc"]2,775[/])
BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]7,186[/])
Blinds: 60/120 Ante 15
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]315[/], 9 players) greyman82 is BB ADIAMONd KDIAMONd
[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]buckguy2200 goes all-in 1,254[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], Hatethemoney calls 1,194, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 7,171[/], [="#cc0000"]Hatethemoney goes all-in 1,506[/]
Flop: 5:spade: 7:club: 8DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]6,909[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
Turn: 4:heart: ([="#0000cc"]6,909[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
River: 5DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]6,909[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,909[/]
buckguy2200 shows a pair of Fives
K:spade: J:spade:
Hatethemoney shows two pair, Queens and Fives
Q:heart: QDIAMONd
greyman82 shows a pair of Fives
Hatethemoney wins 6,909 (net +4,134)
greyman82 collects 4,411 (net -2,775)
buckguy2200 lost 1,269

14 años 2 meses
Así si! Dos manos consecutivas y me pongo 4/459
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG Magemelon ([="#0000cc"]34,842[/])
UTG+1 Xmachine888 ([="#0000cc"]13,399[/])
MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]13,281[/])
MP2 Royal_Tour ([="#0000cc"]11,994[/])
MP3 akispap71 ([="#0000cc"]19,692[/])
CO dogsballs ([="#0000cc"]8,375[/])
BTN dakky ([="#0000cc"]18,229[/])
SB dug0huz0 ([="#0000cc"]13,770[/])
BB guilherme12 ([="#0000cc"]21,695[/])
Blinds: 150/300 Ante 40
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]810[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 K:heart: A:heart:
[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 900[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]dug0huz0 goes all-in 13,730[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 12,341[/]
Flop: 10DIAMONd 3:club: K:spade: ([="#0000cc"]27,142[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
Turn: A:spade: ([="#0000cc"]27,142[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
River: 4:spade: ([="#0000cc"]27,142[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]27,142[/]
dug0huz0 shows a pair of Fives
5DIAMONd 5:club:
greyman82 shows two pair, Aces and Kings
K:heart: A:heart:
greyman82 wins 27,142 (net +13,861)
dug0huz0 collects 489 (net -13,281)
Y esta es la ostia
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG Xmachine888 ([="#0000cc"]13,359[/])
UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]27,142[/])
MP1 Royal_Tour ([="#0000cc"]11,954[/])
MP2 akispap71 ([="#0000cc"]19,652[/])
MP3 dogsballs ([="#0000cc"]8,335[/])
CO dakky ([="#0000cc"]18,189[/])
BTN dug0huz0 ([="#0000cc"]489[/])
SB guilherme12 ([="#0000cc"]21,355[/])
BB Magemelon ([="#0000cc"]34,802[/])
Blinds: 150/300 Ante 40
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]810[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 10:club: A:heart:
[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 630[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]dug0huz0 goes all-in 449[/], guilherme12 calls 480, [="#777777"]1 fold[/]
Flop: 2:heart: 10:spade: ADIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]2,369[/], 3 players, 1 all-in)
guilherme12 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 1,776[/], guilherme12 calls 1,776
Turn: 2:club: ([="#0000cc"]5,921[/], 3 players, 1 all-in)
guilherme12 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 4,440[/], guilherme12 calls 4,440
River: 8:spade: ([="#0000cc"]14,801[/], 3 players, 1 all-in)
guilherme12 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 11,100[/], guilherme12 calls 11,100
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]37,001[/]
dug0huz0 shows
7:club: A:club:
guilherme12 shows
6:spade: A:spade:
greyman82 shows two pair, Aces and Tens
10:club: A:heart:
greyman82 wins 37,001 (net +19,015)
dug0huz0 lost 489
guilherme12 lost 17,986

14 años 2 meses
Soy una estaca...he intentado robar 3 o 4 veces, pero tengo una mesa muy cabrona...asiq he cerrado rangos y a jugar por valor. Estoy en 55k con la media en 43k.
Es la última bala y hay q aprovecharla.
Estoy 46/167, cobran 108. Quizá en la burbuja me moveré algo mas.

14 años 2 meses
Pues una de la de siempre, el tipo con mas OR de la mesa, creo que de las ultimas 10 habia abierto 9 y 3beteado otra, y el tipo mas calling pagando, de las últimas 10 habia pagado 6. Pusheo 99 ante el OR y call del calling, y me topo con QQ.
Manos de showdown del OR: A5, A9, J9s (esas 3 q yo le haya visto).
Eso si, me sale un set precioso...pero a él tb.

14 años 2 meses
Bueno, al menos me han dado casi seguido AK, AQ y AT, y me pongo en 37k después de q me pasen las ciegas. Tenia 47k antes del encontronazo.

14 años 2 meses
ITM....ahora vamos a remontar esto!!!

15 años 6 meses
estas en sit-out que te pasa gay? problemas con internet?
p.d. madre mia, 4 vueltas en sit-out y estas con mas fichas que cuando te vi, te foldean la pequeña cuando estas en ciega grande jajajaja

14 años 2 meses
Puto interneeeeeeeeeeet....pero ya estamos de vuelta...a doblarse!!!

14 años 2 meses
Al final el 57/840, 35,95$ que sumados a los 10$ de un bounty hacen 45,95$ de ITM hoy.

14 años 2 meses
Hoy jugamos lo siguiente:
17:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)
17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout
17:45 - 5,50$ 1k Cap
18:00 - Big 22$
18:15 - 8,80$ 500 Cap
19:00 - 5,50$ NLH
19:00 - 22$ NLH
4 Sits 180 Players 4,50$
TOTAL: 115,80$

14 años 2 meses
Joder, creo que nunca me habia pasado esto. En cuestión de 4 min...se me ha quedado una cara de tonto...
13,50$ Knockout, Busto flush vs flush high
Big 22$, Busto trips de A, en board AA375 vs A5.
Sit 180 Players, Busto 66 en flop 457 vs AK, river A.

14 años 2 meses
Y ahora pierdo este bote en el 5,50$ 1k Cap
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG PEARCE420 ([="#0000cc"]567[/])
UTG+1 koutou ([="#0000cc"]1,491[/])
MP1 tgrigoletti ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])
MP2 a-leahy7 ([="#0000cc"]6,072[/])
MP3 tutz_aml ([="#0000cc"]2,533[/])
CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]5,989[/])
BTN dumbo dave ([="#0000cc"]6,520[/])
SB STILIANOS83 ([="#0000cc"]4,329[/])
BB DOOMLORD13 ([="#0000cc"]2,850[/])
Blinds: 40/80
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]120[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO K:heart: A:club:
PEARCE420 calls 80, [="#cc0000"]koutou raises to 160[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]a-leahy7 raises to 400[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 5,989[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]PEARCE420 goes all-in 487[/], [="#cc0000"]koutou goes all-in 1,331[/], [="#777777"]a-leahy7 folds[/]
Flop: 9:spade: 6DIAMONd 3:club: ([="#0000cc"]4,069[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
Turn: Q:heart: ([="#0000cc"]4,069[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
River: 10DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]4,069[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,069[/]
greyman82 shows high card Ace
K:heart: A:club:
PEARCE420 shows a pair of Threes
5:heart: 3:spade:
koutou shows three of a kind, Queens
Q:spade: Q:club:
koutou wins [="#0000cc"]4,069[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,578)[/]
greyman82 collects [="#0000cc"]4,498[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]1,491[/])
a-leahy7 lost [="#0000cc"]400[/]
PEARCE420 lost [="#0000cc"]567[/]

14 años 2 meses
Otro bote, y este de los que pican, por los stacks, y por como me dejaba en el torneo...el mismo flip de antes, pero al revés...de verdad q hay veces q parece q me ha mirado un tuerto...maldito down!!! Esperemos q pase pronto.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG Vitana ([="#0000cc"]6,935[/])
UTG+1 defr6 ([="#0000cc"]15,431[/])
MP1 timerwood ([="#0000cc"]23,370[/])
MP2 Geopoker19 ([="#0000cc"]12,302[/])
MP3 lipeabruzzi ([="#0000cc"]1,877[/])
CO camikater ([="#0000cc"]16,363[/])
BTN $RLPRO$ ([="#0000cc"]11,168[/])
SB orb$1ne ([="#0000cc"]6,000[/])
BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]17,689[/])
Blinds: 60/120 Ante 15
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]315[/], 9 players) greyman82 is BB Q:heart: Q:club:
[="#cc0000"]Vitana raises to 270[/], [="#777777"]6 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]orb$1ne raises to 720[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,560[/], [="#cc0000"]Vitana goes all-in 6,920[/], [="#777777"]orb$1ne folds[/], greyman82 calls 5,360
Flop: K:spade: JDIAMONd A:club: ([="#0000cc"]14,695[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: 4DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]14,695[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]14,695[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]14,695[/]
greyman82 shows a pair of Queens
Q:heart: Q:club:
Vitana shows two pair, Aces and Kings
K:heart: A:spade:
Vitana wins [="#0000cc"]14,695[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]7,760)[/]
orb$1ne lost [="#0000cc"]735[/]
greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]6,935[/]

14 años 2 meses
Llevo dos o tres días, que mis NSDW están por las nubes, y las SDW por los suelos...y todo en AI's preflop...

14 años 2 meses
Bueno, pasado el momento...no se donde meterme xq me caen por todos los lados...
Vamos a volver al focus y al buen rollo!XDDDD
Me apunto tb al 11$ NLH de las 19:15. Con ese será el último por hoy, salvo sorpresa.

14 años 2 meses
Importantisimo doble up e importantisimo river!
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG lipeabruzzi ([="#0000cc"]3,954[/])
UTG+1 camikater ([="#0000cc"]7,635[/])
MP1 $RLPRO$ ([="#0000cc"]14,183[/])
MP2 orb$1ne ([="#0000cc"]11,305[/])
MP3 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]11,944[/])
CO Vitana ([="#0000cc"]13,315[/])
BTN defr6 ([="#0000cc"]8,635[/])
SB timerwood ([="#0000cc"]16,760[/])
BB crdo1001 ([="#0000cc"]19,050[/])
Blinds: 125/250 Ante 30
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]645[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP3 6DIAMONd 6:spade:
[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 525[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], timerwood calls 400, [="#777777"]1 fold[/]
Flop: 9:heart: 6:heart: 8:heart: ([="#0000cc"]1,570[/], 2 players)
timerwood checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 1,177[/], timerwood calls 1,177
Turn: 5DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]3,924[/], 2 players)
timerwood checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 2,943[/], timerwood calls 2,943
River: 9:club: ([="#0000cc"]9,810[/], 2 players)
[="#cc0000"]timerwood goes all-in 12,085[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 7,269[/]
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]24,348[/]
greyman82 shows a full house, Sixes full of Nines
6DIAMONd 6:spade:
timerwood shows a flush, Ace high
A:heart: 10:heart:
greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]24,348[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]12,404)[/]
timerwood collects [="#0000cc"]4,816[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]11,944[/])

14 años 7 meses
Comenzaste lindo Greyfish...
Vamos con lo que queda XD..!

14 años 2 meses

14 años 7 meses
Comenzaste lindo Greyfish...
Vamos con lo que queda XD..!
Comenzaste lindo Greyfish...
Vamos con lo que queda XD..!
Si me estás viendo en el 5,50$ 2R1A....tengo una ballena increible con 20k a mi izq, q no para de hacer 3bet push q estoy esperando q me den mano...para pagarle...

14 años 2 meses
Break, 6 balas 6!!!
5,50$ 2R1A: 66/262
Sit 180 Players: 29/92
5,50$ 1k Cap: 152/223
11$ NLH: 197/510
22$ NLH: 403/895
5,50$ NLH: 910/1907

14 años 2 meses
Ostia, este bote me ponia casi CL. Pero bueno 61/112 después de esta ostia...
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG mvdb92 ([="#0000cc"]6,364[/])
UTG+1 lozanopopi ([="#0000cc"]19,393[/])
MP1 nikainikai ([="#0000cc"]17,588[/])
MP2 Daisydogstil ([="#0000cc"]31,651[/])
CO 37stone* ([="#0000cc"]112,137[/])
BTN Goncalves10 ([="#0000cc"]13,974[/])
SB Cinders1006 ([="#0000cc"]10,073[/])
BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]33,131[/])
Blinds: 400/800 Ante 100
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]2,000[/], 8 players) greyman82 is BB J:club: JDIAMONd
[="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Goncalves10 goes all-in 13,874[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], greyman82 calls 13,074
Flop: 2DIAMONd 10:club: 10:spade: ([="#0000cc"]28,948[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: 2:spade: ([="#0000cc"]28,948[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: 2:heart: ([="#0000cc"]28,948[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]28,948[/]
greyman82 shows a full house, Deuces full of Jacks
J:club: JDIAMONd
Goncalves10 shows four of a kind, Deuces
2:club: A:spade:
Goncalves10 wins [="#0000cc"]28,948[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]14,974)[/]
greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]13,974[/]

14 años 2 meses
Break, 5 balas 5!!!
5,50$ 2R1A: 103/122 (ITM: 90)
5,50$ 1k Cap: 28/79
11$ NLH: 15/345
22$ NLH: 146/435
5,50$ NLH: 591/810

14 años 2 meses
Busto del 5,50$ NLH a 100 puestos de ITM
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG Alvydas77 ([="#0000cc"]11,721[/])
UTG+1 1rybana1 ([="#0000cc"]14,952[/])
MP1 senya_gorbun ([="#0000cc"]13,349[/])
MP2 Pokerjeses88 ([="#0000cc"]14,468[/])
MP3 JFS1986 ([="#0000cc"]14,049[/])
CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]7,480[/])
BTN t(R)omf29 ([="#0000cc"]37,215[/])
SB beguuun ([="#0000cc"]13,850[/])
BB Afro 666 ([="#0000cc"]15,233[/])
Blinds: 300/600 Ante 50
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,350[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO 7:club: 7:spade:
[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]JFS1986 raises to 1,800[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 7,430[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], JFS1986 calls 5,630
Flop: 2:heart: QDIAMONd J:spade: ([="#0000cc"]16,210[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: Q:club: ([="#0000cc"]16,210[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: ADIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]16,210[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]16,210[/]
JFS1986 shows two pair, Aces and Queens
A:spade: K:club:
greyman82 shows two pair, Queens and Sevens
7:club: 7:spade:
JFS1986 wins [="#0000cc"]16,210[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]8,730)[/]
greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]7,480[/]

14 años 2 meses
Otra vez mala suerte al final....menuda forrada de move...el OR un 43/32 y el CC un 32/9....y el retard se juega el torneo con KQo....y encima le sale bien.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG BeowulfasLT ([="#0000cc"]31,009[/])
UTG+1 Mandr1990 ([="#0000cc"]8,303[/])
MP1 The convex ([="#0000cc"]24,062[/])
MP2 Kaloryfer147 ([="#0000cc"]15,603[/])
MP3 McJoggers ([="#0000cc"]21,290[/])
CO PocketAcesA5 ([="#0000cc"]8,952[/])
BTN ilcapitano3 ([="#0000cc"]10,173[/])
SB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]10,849[/])
BB swanseaj ([="#0000cc"]13,864[/])
Blinds: 250/500 Ante 60
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,290[/], 9 players) greyman82 is SB 10:heart: 9DIAMONd
[="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]PocketAcesA5 raises to 1,125[/], ilcapitano3 calls 1,125, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 10,789[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#777777"]PocketAcesA5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]ilcapitano3 goes all-in 8,988[/]
Flop: 5:spade: 4DIAMONd 10:spade: ([="#0000cc"]22,391[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
Turn: J:spade: ([="#0000cc"]22,391[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
River: A:spade: ([="#0000cc"]22,391[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]22,391[/]
ilcapitano3 shows a straight, Ten to Ace
Q:club: KDIAMONd
greyman82 shows a pair of Tens
10:heart: 9DIAMONd
ilcapitano3 wins [="#0000cc"]22,391[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]12,218)[/]
greyman82 collects [="#0000cc"]676[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]10,173[/])
PocketAcesA5 lost [="#0000cc"]1,185[/]

14 años 2 meses
Menudo run de cartas...a ver si llega una para doblarse, en la única bala q queda, que me da el sentindinho que si nos doblamos podemos hacer algo bueno...

14 años 2 meses
Doble up!!! 50/93...a respirar un poco y a disfrutar.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG gregt18 ([="#0000cc"]26,083[/])
UTG+1 EmreBel ([="#0000cc"]40,953[/])
MP1 Dimancho ([="#0000cc"]31,663[/])
MP2 jeremaroto ([="#0000cc"]47,859[/])
CO Fisk 2500 ([="#0000cc"]36,250[/])
BTN greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]13,481[/])
SB 666qwert666 ([="#0000cc"]14,648[/])
BB volvoc701999 ([="#0000cc"]16,847[/])
Blinds: 600/1,200 Ante 150
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/], 8 players) greyman82 is BTN 7:heart: A:club:
[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]jeremaroto raises to 2,400[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 13,331[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], jeremaroto calls 10,931
Flop: J:club: A:spade: K:club: ([="#0000cc"]29,662[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: 5DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]29,662[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: 6DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]29,662[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]29,662[/]
jeremaroto shows a pair of Jacks
10DIAMONd J:heart:
greyman82 shows a pair of Aces
7:heart: A:club:
greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]29,662[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]16,181)[/]
jeremaroto lost [="#0000cc"]13,481[/]

14 años 2 meses
Estamos 38/60
22 bb's y la media en 27 bb's...relativamente comodos. Pero no podemos despistarnos.

14 años 2 meses
Buen bote y nos ponemos 15/57
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG IvanNejas74 ([="#0000cc"]42k[/])
UTG+1 klauniq ([="#0000cc"]100k[/])
MP1 lora2030 ([="#0000cc"]59k[/])
MP2 EmreBel ([="#0000cc"]46k[/])
CO Katjaaa96 ([="#0000cc"]83k[/])
BTN jeremaroto ([="#0000cc"]20k[/])
SB Fisk 2500 ([="#0000cc"]30k[/])
BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]43k[/])
Blinds: 1k/2k Ante 250
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]5k[/], 8 players) greyman82 is BB KDIAMONd K:club:
[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Katjaaa96 raises to 4k[/], [="#cc0000"]jeremaroto goes all-in 20k[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], greyman82 calls 18k, [="#777777"]Katjaaa96 folds[/]
Flop: 10:club: Q:club: 3:club: ([="#0000cc"]47k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: 10:spade: ([="#0000cc"]47k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]47k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]47k[/]
jeremaroto shows two pair, Tens and Threes
A:spade: 3DIAMONd
greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Tens
KDIAMONd K:club:
greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]47k[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]27k)[/]
Katjaaa96 lost [="#0000cc"]4.3k[/]
jeremaroto lost [="#0000cc"]20k[/]

14 años 7 meses
Porque no me contestás el chat fish..?

14 años 2 meses

14 años 7 meses
Porque no me contestás el chat fish..?
Porque no me contestás el chat fish..?
Lo tengo siempre en info! Y no veo el chat
Lástima que en la mano de flop K8K, el agro de mi izq no se calentara, tenia yo KQ. Y la mano que abro después de pagar push con AQo era JJ.
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