06/03/2012 20:36
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Ha caido el primero....muy mal run de cartas y cuando tuvimos algo, no salieron flops favorables.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG GM_VALTER ([="#0000cc"]2,985[/])

UTG+1 PokerDullard ([="#0000cc"]1,987[/])

MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,520[/])

MP2 Causca ([="#0000cc"]4,270[/])

MP3 krzysiek1928 ([="#0000cc"]5,528[/])

CO slide11 ([="#0000cc"]2,013[/])

BTN TCGosling ([="#0000cc"]2,797[/])

SB Ialogen ([="#0000cc"]2,865[/])

BB Bysogol ([="#0000cc"]3,540[/])

Blinds: 60/120 Ante 15

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]315[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 A:club: Q:club:

[="#cc0000"]GM_VALTER raises to 300[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,505[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Ialogen goes all-in 2,850[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#777777"]GM_VALTER folds[/]

Flop: 7:club: 8:heart: 2:spade: ([="#0000cc"]3,565[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]3,565[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 9:club: ([="#0000cc"]3,565[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,565[/]

Ialogen shows a pair of Queens

QDIAMONd Q:spade:

greyman82 shows high card Ace

A:club: Q:club:

Ialogen wins [="#0000cc"]4,910[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,045)[/]

GM_VALTER lost [="#0000cc"]315[/]

greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]1,520[/]

06/03/2012 20:42
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Set up en un 180

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Adi Nor Osp ([="#0000cc"]1,210[/])

UTG+1 Garlinsky ([="#0000cc"]1,981[/])

MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,188[/])

MP2 James9021 ([="#0000cc"]2,405[/])

MP3 charliebunti ([="#0000cc"]1,783[/])

CO popica80 ([="#0000cc"]3,414[/])

BTN sidgabri ([="#0000cc"]5,725[/])

SB nql aa ([="#0000cc"]1,625[/])

BB CFAlmeida ([="#0000cc"]6,113[/])

Blinds: 75/150

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]225[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 JDIAMONd J:club:

[="#cc0000"]Adi Nor Osp goes all-in 1,210[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 3,188[/], [="#cc0000"]James9021 goes all-in 2,405[/], [="#777777"]5 folds[/]

Flop: 3:heart: 8:spade: 7:heart: ([="#0000cc"]6,245[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Turn: K:spade: ([="#0000cc"]6,245[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

River: J:spade: ([="#0000cc"]6,245[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,245[/]

Adi Nor Osp shows high card Ace

QDIAMONd A:spade:

greyman82 shows three of a kind, Jacks

JDIAMONd J:club:

James9021 shows a pair of Kings

A:club: K:club:

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]7,028[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]3,840)[/]

Adi Nor Osp lost [="#0000cc"]1,210[/]

James9021 lost [="#0000cc"]2,405[/]

06/03/2012 20:44
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Muero en el 22$ NLH, más o menos parecido al 11$ NLH, card dead durante todo el donka, en BU pusheo Q7o con 7 bb's, y la BB tiene QQ.

06/03/2012 20:56
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Ouch, me pegan un buen bocado en el 5,50$ NLH, que me dejan con 6 bb's, pago OR de BU short, en BB con J9o para pushear todas sus cbet, y aprovechar mi stack, pero ha ligado TP y agota time bank para pagarme. Lástima.

06/03/2012 20:57
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

En los tres sits vamos así:




06/03/2012 21:06
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Subimos un poco más en el que mejor ibamos

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Betexx157 ([="#0000cc"]2,574[/])

UTG+1 Garlinsky ([="#0000cc"]3,480[/])

MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]7,178[/])

MP2 TexasPess ([="#0000cc"]5,591[/])

CO uniquenoob91 ([="#0000cc"]3,740[/])

BTN popica80 ([="#0000cc"]13,452[/])

SB sidgabri ([="#0000cc"]5,754[/])

BB nql aa ([="#0000cc"]1,375[/])

Blinds: 100/200

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]300[/], 8 players) greyman82 is MP1 K:club: K:spade:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 420[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], uniquenoob91 calls 420, [="#777777"]3 folds[/]

Flop: J:heart: 5:club: 6:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,140[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 855[/], [="#cc0000"]uniquenoob91 raises to 1,800[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 6,540[/], [="#cc0000"]uniquenoob91 goes all-in 1,520[/]

Turn: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]7,780[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 8:heart: ([="#0000cc"]7,780[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]7,780[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Kings

K:club: K:spade:

uniquenoob91 shows a pair of Jacks


greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]11,000[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]4,040)[/]

uniquenoob91 lost [="#0000cc"]3,740[/]

06/03/2012 21:21
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Me pongo bien en otro de los sits

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Cashewouten ([="#0000cc"]3,882[/])

UTG+1 [OhotniK]ent ([="#0000cc"]2,737[/])

MP1 agrinhoo ([="#0000cc"]5,989[/])

MP2 FlowerGirl7 ([="#0000cc"]3,712[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]5,996[/])

BTN Dustin703 ([="#0000cc"]2,674[/])

SB poliandrs ([="#0000cc"]1,861[/])

BB meteorych ([="#0000cc"]3,406[/])

Blinds: 125/250 Ante 25

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]575[/], 8 players) greyman82 is CO ADIAMONd A:heart:

[="#cc0000"]Cashewouten goes all-in 3,857[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 5,971[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/]

Flop: K:heart: 3:spade: A:club: ([="#0000cc"]8,289[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 2DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]8,289[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 6DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]8,289[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]8,289[/]

Cashewouten shows a pair of Sevens

7:club: 7DIAMONd

greyman82 shows three of a kind, Aces

ADIAMONd A:heart:

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]10,403[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]4,407)[/]

Cashewouten lost [="#0000cc"]3,882[/]

06/03/2012 21:22
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Y en el que iba gordo bajo un poco tras esta mano, en la que el tipo es un poco mono, pero postflop no me estaba dando problemas hasta ahora.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Garlinsky ([="#0000cc"]4,305[/])

UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]10,693[/])

MP1 Jonesy1066 ([="#0000cc"]8,712[/])

MP2 Tricolor69 ([="#0000cc"]2,545[/])

MP3 popica80 ([="#0000cc"]10,303[/])

CO sidgabri ([="#0000cc"]7,570[/])

BTN nql aa ([="#0000cc"]1,825[/])

SB Quila288 ([="#0000cc"]5,930[/])

BB Shah608 ([="#0000cc"]19,745[/])

Blinds: 125/250 Ante 25

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]600[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 Q:heart: K:spade:

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 525[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], sidgabri calls 525, [="#777777"]2 folds[/], Shah608 calls 275

Flop: JDIAMONd 6:spade: K:heart: ([="#0000cc"]1,925[/], 3 players)

Shah608 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 962[/], [="#cc0000"]sidgabri goes all-in 7,020[/], [="#777777"]Shah608 folds[/], [="#777777"]greyman82 folds[/]

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,849[/]

sidgabri wins [="#0000cc"]9,907[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,337)[/]

Shah608 lost [="#0000cc"]550[/]

greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]1,512[/]

06/03/2012 21:23
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Se acabaron los MTT, me tiran en el 5,50$ NLH AJ TT

06/03/2012 21:55
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Break, seguimos vivos en los 3 sits, pero una burbuja eterna, unos deeps en mi mesa y un mal run de cartas me están dejando tocado en todos.




06/03/2012 22:11
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

LOL, y después de una burbuja de casi 1 hora...bubbleo así... O_o

No Limit Holdem Tournament


6 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Mallaiana (15,544)

UTG+1 Shah608 (11,950)

CO greyman82 (4,656)

BTN Jonesy1066 (40,449)

SB Kind Cat (5,968)

BB Holzwurm1811 (38,863)

Blinds: 300/600 Ante 50

Pre-Flop: (1,200, 6 players) greyman82 is CO A:spade: 7:spade:

2 folds, greyman82 goes all-in 4,606, 2 folds, Holzwurm1811 calls 4,006

Flop: 5DIAMONd 5:spade: 10:club: (9,812, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 5:club: (9,812, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: J:spade: (9,812, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 9,812

greyman82 shows three of a kind, Fives

A:spade: 7:spade:

Holzwurm1811 shows a full house, Fives full of Jacks

7:club: J:heart:

Holzwurm1811 wins 9,812 (net +5,156)

greyman82 lost 4,656

06/03/2012 22:13
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Ostia, como odio ratear las burbujas de estos sits, xq son super explotables...pero lo q no voy a hacer es liarme a jugar random con 84o, 35o, 74s...

06/03/2012 22:15
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Busto de otro, un tio que abre 23s en MP, y estaba abriendo 60% en las ultimas vueltas, abre BU, pusheo yo K5, tiene AQ y no sale nada. Este en ITM al menos.

06/03/2012 22:16
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

En el otro he puesto el modo cabrón ON, para intentar acumular fichas ahora que quedan 3 para ITM y así poder explotar la burbuja. O llego bien para la burbuja, o caigo antes.

06/03/2012 22:18
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

La primera buena que me dan, el primer OR/call que hago, y pierdo flip donde me dejo mas de lo que habia ganado robando. Ahora me quedo con 7 bb's, puteado otra vez para la burbuja...for the glory señores. 8,85$ a este pack no le arreglan nada, buscamos los 200$.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


6 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG DeathBrain09 ([="#0000cc"]34,089[/])

UTG+1 szymszymor ([="#0000cc"]17,382[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]10,378[/])

BTN xxxGOTHICxxx ([="#0000cc"]6,292[/])

SB kongking_kk ([="#0000cc"]9,550[/])

BB RusBay ([="#0000cc"]9,153[/])

Blinds: 300/600 Ante 50

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,200[/], 6 players) greyman82 is CO K:heart: ADIAMONd

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,260[/], [="#cc0000"]xxxGOTHICxxx raises to 5,700[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 10,140[/], [="#cc0000"]xxxGOTHICxxx goes all-in 542[/]

Flop: 7:spade: 7:club: 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]13,684[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 7:heart: ([="#0000cc"]13,684[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 5:club: ([="#0000cc"]13,684[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]13,684[/]

greyman82 shows three of a kind, Sevens

K:heart: ADIAMONd

xxxGOTHICxxx shows a full house, Sevens full of Tens

10:spade: 10DIAMONd

xxxGOTHICxxx wins [="#0000cc"]13,684[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]7,392)[/]

greyman82 collects [="#0000cc"]3,898[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]6,292[/])

06/03/2012 22:20
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Nada, out. Pusheo Q7o, me paga AQ...y a mi no me salva ningún river. Se intentó....pero un riverazo, un flip, y un 40-60 nos impidieron hacer algo...estando tan cerca en los tres y no colarnos en ninguna FT. Eso si, 1 hora y media de sit hasta la burbuja, y 1 hora de reloj mas cuando queda 1 para ITM...por 8,85$...y luego me tiran a mi A7 vs J7...nice.


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