24/02/2012 21:19
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Estamos ahora 298/460 con 17 bb's.

Si nos doblamos la liamos...hoy si q si!!!hoy....tooooca!

24/02/2012 21:45
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

254/280....hay q jugarsela ya.

24/02/2012 21:46
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Que putada, con 9 bb's, he pusheado AA y AK...y no me han pagado.

24/02/2012 21:49
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Me voy a cenar con la parienta, a ver si me das una alegria cuando vuelva 😄

24/02/2012 21:50
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Doooble up. 159/259.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG 00psiedaisy ([="#0000cc"]41,468[/])

UTG+1 Dagdar ([="#0000cc"]77,389[/])

MP1 P@rtyl0ver ([="#0000cc"]20,611[/])

MP2 A1234S ([="#0000cc"]54,893[/])

CO gioulh_g ([="#0000cc"]32,318[/])

BTN greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]15,255[/])

SB Kiko Basto ([="#0000cc"]67,562[/])

BB Komsa1706 ([="#0000cc"]34,439[/])

Blinds: 800/1,600 Ante 200

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]4,000[/], 8 players) greyman82 is BTN 10:club: 10:heart:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]A1234S raises to 6,400[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 15,055[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], A1234S calls 8,655

Flop: 4DIAMONd 10:spade: 4:heart: ([="#0000cc"]34,110[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]34,110[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 5:heart: ([="#0000cc"]34,110[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]34,110[/]

A1234S shows a pair of Fours


greyman82 shows a full house, Tens full of Fours

10:club: 10:heart:

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]34,110[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]18,855)[/]

A1234S lost [="#0000cc"]15,255[/]

24/02/2012 21:56
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Break, 151/227

No estamos como para tirar cohetes...pero teniendo en cuenta que a 10 puestos de ITM teniamos 3 bb's...no está mal.

24/02/2012 22:11
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Goooo fish powa

24/02/2012 22:21
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

144/167....12 bb's y nos vienen las ciegas...volvemos a estar en la cuerda floja...a buscar el spot!

24/02/2012 22:26
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Menudo run de cartas....desde aquel AK y AA hace una hora...q no me dan nada pusheable...

24/02/2012 22:29
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82


24/02/2012 22:34
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Doble up pegando pollazoooo. 99/139, tenemos 17 bb's.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ProMonkey ([="#0000cc"]49k[/])

UTG+1 mackle_666 ([="#0000cc"]59k[/])

MP1 wikput ([="#0000cc"]48k[/])

MP2 kamil443 ([="#0000cc"]54k[/])

MP3 xxbitchesxx ([="#0000cc"]119k[/])

CO oWALLACEo ([="#0000cc"]65k[/])

BTN Mcbee1963 ([="#0000cc"]27k[/])

SB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]19k[/])

BB jellizz ([="#0000cc"]92k[/])

Blinds: 1.4k/2.8k Ante 350

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]7.4k[/], 9 players) greyman82 is SB A:spade: 5:heart:

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], mackle_666 calls 2.8k, [="#777777"]3 folds[/], oWALLACEo calls 2.8k, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 19k[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]mackle_666 goes all-in 58k[/], [="#777777"]oWALLACEo folds[/]

Flop: 9:club: 2DIAMONd A:club: ([="#0000cc"]47k[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 3:club: ([="#0000cc"]47k[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 9:heart: ([="#0000cc"]47k[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]47k[/]

greyman82 shows two pair, Aces and Nines

A:spade: 5:heart:

mackle_666 shows two pair, Nines and Sixes

6DIAMONd 6:spade:

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]47k[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]27k)[/]

mackle_666 collects [="#0000cc"]39k[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]19k[/])

oWALLACEo lost [="#0000cc"]3.2k[/]

24/02/2012 22:39
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

El tema es doblarse ahora, pero las cartas no acompañan....

Acaban de subir las ciegas y tenemos 15 bb's. Si nos doblaramos nos pondriamos practicamente en la media.

24/02/2012 22:47
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82


24/02/2012 22:50
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Se acabó el sueño. Perdemos el flip q debiamos ganar para ponernos en la media. Pero bueno, que para como pintaba la sesión de hoy... al final, 113,03$ de ITM. Hubiera estado bien ganar el flip...pero no me puedo quejar de como he runeado en este big.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ariovaldo200 ([="#0000cc"]266k[/])

UTG+1 xxbitchesxx ([="#0000cc"]125k[/])

MP1 oWALLACEo ([="#0000cc"]78k[/])

MP2 Mcbee1963 ([="#0000cc"]62k[/])

MP3 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]46k[/])

CO jellizz ([="#0000cc"]79k[/])

BTN hessi89 ([="#0000cc"]116k[/])

SB blinde88vink ([="#0000cc"]43k[/])

BB Pokereveneme ([="#0000cc"]330k[/])

Blinds: 1.6k/3.2k Ante 400

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]8.4k[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP3 6:heart: 6DIAMONd

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]oWALLACEo raises to 6.5k[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 45k[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], oWALLACEo calls 39k

Flop: A:spade: 10:heart: J:club: ([="#0000cc"]99k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 3:club: ([="#0000cc"]99k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 2:heart: ([="#0000cc"]99k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]99k[/]

oWALLACEo shows a pair of Aces

K:heart: ADIAMONd

greyman82 shows a pair of Sixes

6:heart: 6DIAMONd

oWALLACEo wins [="#0000cc"]99k[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]53k)[/]

greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]46k[/]

24/02/2012 22:54
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Resumen sesión de hoy:

BI Consumido: 116,80$

ITM's: 113,03$


Resumen tres sesiones:

BI Consumido: 112,70$ + 126,80$ + 116,80$ = 356,30$/1000$

ITM's: 45,95$ + 196,96$ + 113,03$ = 355,94$

24/02/2012 22:57
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Bueno, mañana os pondré el recibo de la donación del MUS, tengo ganas de ir...espero que sea la primera de muchas!

Hasta mañanaaaa!!!

25/02/2012 22:03
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Hoy lo siguiente:

21:30 - 11$ NLH

21:45 - 5,50$ 1k Cap

22:00 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)

22:15 - 11$ NLH

22:30 - 8,80$ NLH

22:45 - 10,50$ Knockout

22:45 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)

TOTAL: 87,80$

25/02/2012 22:23
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Doblado ya en los dos 11$ NLH

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Bad2cme ([="#0000cc"]3,160[/])

UTG+1 Fizhh ([="#0000cc"]3,320[/])

MP1 Harinejumi ([="#0000cc"]2,820[/])

MP2 frankwhite42 ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

MP3 BL1ZZARD1 ([="#0000cc"]2,920[/])

CO mkilar9 ([="#0000cc"]2,840[/])

BTN Cursley11 ([="#0000cc"]3,290[/])

SB AJITbIH ([="#0000cc"]2,900[/])

BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]2,750[/])

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]30[/], 9 players) greyman82 is BB A:heart: QDIAMONd

[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]BL1ZZARD1 raises to 60[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], Cursley11 calls 60, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 260[/], [="#777777"]BL1ZZARD1 folds[/], Cursley11 calls 200

Flop: 5:club: 5DIAMONd A:spade: ([="#0000cc"]590[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 295[/], Cursley11 calls 295

Turn: 4:heart: ([="#0000cc"]1,180[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 885[/], Cursley11 calls 885

River: 6:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,950[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,310[/], Cursley11 calls 1,310

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]5,570[/]

Cursley11 shows two pair, Aces and Fives - lower kicker


greyman82 shows two pair, Aces and Fives

A:heart: QDIAMONd

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]5,570[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,820)[/]

Cursley11 lost [="#0000cc"]2,750[/]

BL1ZZARD1 lost [="#0000cc"]60[/]

25/02/2012 22:25
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG walkingboy19 ([="#0000cc"]2,190[/])

UTG+1 TightNuggets ([="#0000cc"]2,700[/])

MP1 lubov spaset ([="#0000cc"]2,375[/])

MP2 Dr. Pawlow ([="#0000cc"]3,645[/])

MP3 bigjbecker ([="#0000cc"]2,770[/])

CO gangbangbob ([="#0000cc"]4,640[/])

BTN greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]2,415[/])

SB Srbetjenshk ([="#0000cc"]3,030[/])

BB x Geada x ([="#0000cc"]5,850[/])

Blinds: 25/50

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]75[/], 9 players) greyman82 is BTN J:heart: J:club:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], lubov spaset calls 50, [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 400[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], lubov spaset calls 350

Flop: JDIAMONd 8:heart: 5:spade: ([="#0000cc"]875[/], 2 players)

lubov spaset checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 350[/], lubov spaset calls 350

Turn: 9DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]1,575[/], 2 players)

lubov spaset checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 1,000[/], lubov spaset calls 1,000

River: 4:spade: ([="#0000cc"]3,575[/], 2 players)

lubov spaset checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 665[/], [="#cc0000"]lubov spaset goes all-in 625[/]

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,825[/]

greyman82 shows three of a kind, Jacks

J:heart: J:club:

lubov spaset shows a pair of Nines

10:heart: 9:club:

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]4,865[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,450)[/]

lubov spaset lost [="#0000cc"]2,375[/]

25/02/2012 22:33
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Doblado practicamente tb en el 5,50$ 1k Cap

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG vipulkabra ([="#0000cc"]8,860[/])

UTG+1 rici4321 ([="#0000cc"]1,343[/])

MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,270[/])

MP2 whorvatte ([="#0000cc"]1,493[/])

MP3 PARDEÃ?O ([="#0000cc"]4,522[/])

CO Kanye Ost ([="#0000cc"]11,996[/])

BTN jimmyman22 ([="#0000cc"]2,732[/])

SB aldito89 ([="#0000cc"]6,125[/])

BB panareto ([="#0000cc"]799[/])

Blinds: 30/60

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]90[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 ADIAMONd A:spade:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 240[/], whorvatte calls 240, [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]panareto goes all-in 799[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 3,270[/], [="#cc0000"]whorvatte goes all-in 1,253[/]

Flop: 3:heart: 5:heart: 4DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]3,815[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Turn: 10:spade: ([="#0000cc"]3,815[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

River: 9DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]3,815[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,815[/]

panareto shows a pair of Kings

KDIAMONd K:spade:

greyman82 shows a pair of Aces

ADIAMONd A:spade:

whorvatte shows a pair of Sixes

6:spade: 6:club:

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]5,592[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,322)[/]

panareto lost [="#0000cc"]799[/]

whorvatte lost [="#0000cc"]1,493[/]

25/02/2012 22:35
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Y le doy un dejo pelao a un pescado en el 5,50$ 2R1A, tenia el resto de la mesa super nit, y esta ballena jugando 100% de las manos, regando el stack, asiq abrí esta para buscar mi trozo del pastel.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Deiv0rz (6,195)

UTG+1 two_aces_msk (8,765)

MP1 greyman82 (8,243)

MP2 serpilcik (2,925)

MP3 Estergent (3,000)

CO TunaBling (5,235)

BTN mortensvelle (4,062)

SB (1,638)

BB AlexGelinski (11,932)

Blinds: 25/50

Pre-Flop: (75, 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 10:heart: 8:heart:

2 folds, greyman82 raises to 125, 3 folds, mortensvelle calls 125, 2 folds

Flop: 9:club: JDIAMONd 7DIAMONd (325, 2 players)

greyman82 bets 243, mortensvelle calls 243

Turn: Q:heart: (811, 2 players)

greyman82 bets 811, mortensvelle calls 811

River: 3:club: (2,433, 2 players)

greyman82 bets 2,433, mortensvelle calls 2,433

Final Pot: 7,299

mortensvelle shows

K:spade: J:spade:

greyman82 shows a straight, Eight to Queen

10:heart: 8:heart:

greyman82 wins 7,299 (net +3,687)

mortensvelle lost 3,612

25/02/2012 23:58
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Solo un busto, en el 10,50$ Knockout.

En el resto vamos así:

11$ NLH: 193/549

5,50$ 1k Cap: 153/224

5,50$ 2R1A: 254/657

8,80$ NLH: 140/895

5,50$ 2R1A: 335/1830

11$ NLH: 204/305

26/02/2012 00:57
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Break, tres balas:

11$ NLH: 118/223

5,50$ 2R1A: 31/340

5,50$ 2R1A: 302/1057

26/02/2012 02:24
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Busto del 11$ NLH en mano de top 15 a falta de 70 players.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG txipistan ([="#0000cc"]81k[/])

UTG+1 ZedBranigan ([="#0000cc"]139k[/])

MP1 mac8591 ([="#0000cc"]30k[/])

MP2 Labuat Sens ([="#0000cc"]138k[/])

MP3 lokomen69 ([="#0000cc"]99k[/])

CO mikey30303 ([="#0000cc"]124k[/])

BTN Chris"otR" ([="#0000cc"]65k[/])

SB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]63k[/])

BB nPOCTOYES ([="#0000cc"]196k[/])

Blinds: 1.6k/3.2k Ante 400

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]8.4k[/], 9 players) greyman82 is SB KDIAMONd K:heart:

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]ZedBranigan raises to 6.6k[/], [="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 13k[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], ZedBranigan calls 6.2k

Flop: 5:club: Q:spade: 7:heart: ([="#0000cc"]32k[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 16k[/], [="#cc0000"]ZedBranigan goes all-in 126k[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 34k[/]

Turn: Q:heart: ([="#0000cc"]133k[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 6DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]133k[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]133k[/]

ZedBranigan shows three of a kind, Queens

10:club: Q:club:

greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Queens

KDIAMONd K:heart:

ZedBranigan wins [="#0000cc"]208k[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]69k)[/]

greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]63k[/]

26/02/2012 02:27
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Y en esta mano nos ponemos CL

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Ã?rebos ([="#0000cc"]30,412[/])

UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]104,575[/])

MP1 besi_81 ([="#0000cc"]12,353[/])

MP2 o_alienigena ([="#0000cc"]39,215[/])

MP3 kep_98 ([="#0000cc"]57,968[/])

CO koningdes ([="#0000cc"]38,046[/])

BTN RIELI2008 ([="#0000cc"]84,622[/])

SB Sokygi ([="#0000cc"]65,714[/])

BB OMG CASH ([="#0000cc"]108,582[/])

Blinds: 625/1,250 Ante 150

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]3,225[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 Q:club: QDIAMONd

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 2,625[/], [="#cc0000"]besi_81 goes all-in 12,203[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], Sokygi calls 11,578, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 104,425[/], [="#cc0000"]Sokygi goes all-in 53,361[/]

Flop: 10:club: ADIAMONd 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]145,931[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Turn: A:club: ([="#0000cc"]145,931[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

River: K:club: ([="#0000cc"]145,931[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]145,931[/]

Sokygi shows two pair, Aces and Fives

5:spade: 5:club:

greyman82 shows two pair, Aces and Queens

Q:club: QDIAMONd

besi_81 shows two pair, Aces and Fours

4:club: 4:spade:

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]184,792[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]80,217)[/]

Sokygi lost [="#0000cc"]65,714[/]

besi_81 lost [="#0000cc"]12,353[/]

26/02/2012 03:54
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

BI Consumido hoy: 87,80$

ITM's: 40,13$ + 46,54$ + 49,95$ = 136,62$


Resumen tres sesiones:

BI Consumido: 112,70$ + 126,80$ + 116,80$ +87,80$ = 444,10$/1000$

ITM's: 45,95$ + 196,96$ + 113,03$ + 136,62$ = 492,56$

01/03/2012 08:24
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

No se me ha olvidado este pack eh??? Esq por motivos laborales esta semana voy muy muy liado y durmiendo muy poco, además de una carga psicológica importante. Espero hoy poder volver a hacer una sesión.

01/03/2012 12:04
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82


01/03/2012 17:10
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Empezamos "jugando" lo siguiente, y lo pongo entre comillas, xq mientras abria el hilo, he perdido AA y KK, en dos MTT distintos. Esto promete.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG riskysoldier ([="#0000cc"]3,202[/])

UTG+1 VJaguarV ([="#0000cc"]3,616[/])

MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

MP2 glennerz ([="#0000cc"]6,100[/])

MP3 [Esmone_PT] ([="#0000cc"]2,940[/])

CO angru123 ([="#0000cc"]2,750[/])

BTN Arty_the_Cat ([="#0000cc"]5,745[/])

SB BrightDon ([="#0000cc"]3,845[/])

BB taboo7997 ([="#0000cc"]2,272[/])

Blinds: 20/40

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]60[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 A:spade: A:club:

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], VJaguarV calls 40, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 200[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], Arty_the_Cat calls 200, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], taboo7997 calls 160, VJaguarV calls 160

Flop: 8:spade: JDIAMONd 5:heart: ([="#0000cc"]820[/], 4 players)

[="#cc0000"]taboo7997 goes all-in 2,072[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 2,800[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/]

Turn: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]4,964[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 9DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]4,964[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,964[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Aces

A:spade: A:club:

taboo7997 shows a straight, Seven to Jack

10DIAMONd 9:club:

taboo7997 wins [="#0000cc"]4,964[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,692)[/]

greyman82 collects [="#0000cc"]728[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]2,272[/])

Arty_the_Cat lost [="#0000cc"]200[/]

VJaguarV lost [="#0000cc"]200[/]


No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Murcy ([="#0000cc"]2,430[/])

UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

MP1 narf327 ([="#0000cc"]3,390[/])

MP2 setarcos1234 ([="#0000cc"]3,420[/])

MP3 ton_elousen ([="#0000cc"]3,100[/])

CO merfy007 ([="#0000cc"]5,595[/])

BTN monarte ([="#0000cc"]2,044[/])

SB cole06 ([="#0000cc"]2,960[/])

BB thao_ap ([="#0000cc"]2,865[/])

Blinds: 20/40

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]60[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 KDIAMONd K:club:

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 200[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], monarte calls 200, cole06 calls 180, [="#777777"]1 fold[/]

Flop: 10DIAMONd 10:spade: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]640[/], 3 players)

cole06 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 480[/], monarte calls 480, [="#cc0000"]cole06 raises to 1,320[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 2,800[/], [="#777777"]monarte folds[/], [="#cc0000"]cole06 goes all-in 1,440[/]

Turn: 7:spade: ([="#0000cc"]6,640[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 2DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]6,640[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,640[/]

cole06 shows a full house, Tens full of Sevens

K:spade: 10:heart:

greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Tens

KDIAMONd K:club:

cole06 wins [="#0000cc"]6,640[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]3,680)[/]

greyman82 collects [="#0000cc"]40[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]2,960[/])

monarte lost [="#0000cc"]680[/]

01/03/2012 17:12
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Bueno, pues lo siguiente era:

- 16:30 - Big 8,80$ : Busto KK vs KT

- 16:45 - 21$ Knockout: Busto AA vs 9T

- 16:45 - 4,40$ 8max

- 17:00 - 11$ NLH

- 17:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A

- 17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout

01/03/2012 17:22
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Me apunto al 2,20$+R, y empiezo con recompra.

01/03/2012 17:24
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Tantos dias sin jugar...para que me reciban así...hoy es el donkey day?

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Astrum777 ([="#0000cc"]9,000[/])

UTG+1 Kelyus ([="#0000cc"]6,060[/])

MP1 jeremaroto ([="#0000cc"]2,990[/])

MP2 Mr.Bittar ([="#0000cc"]10,955[/])

MP3 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]9,430[/])

CO KingXStas ([="#0000cc"]2,970[/])

BTN cazanova.pt ([="#0000cc"]6,930[/])

SB bkmzee ([="#0000cc"]8,765[/])

BB wizowizo ([="#0000cc"]5,900[/])

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]30[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP3 Q:club: ADIAMONd

[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 60[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], cazanova.pt calls 60, [="#777777"]2 folds[/]

Flop: 2:heart: K:club: 2:club: ([="#0000cc"]150[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 75[/], cazanova.pt calls 75

Turn: A:heart: ([="#0000cc"]300[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 150[/], cazanova.pt calls 150

River: 4:spade: ([="#0000cc"]600[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 450[/], [="#cc0000"]cazanova.pt raises to 900[/], greyman82 calls 450

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]2,400[/]

greyman82 shows

Q:club: ADIAMONd

cazanova.pt shows a straight, Ace to Five

5:spade: 3:spade:

cazanova.pt wins [="#0000cc"]2,400[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]1,215)[/]

greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]1,185[/]

01/03/2012 17:26
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

En esta le recupero al mono de antes, no todos los dias son fiesta.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Kelyus ([="#0000cc"]6,060[/])

UTG+1 jeremaroto ([="#0000cc"]2,990[/])

MP1 Mr.Bittar ([="#0000cc"]10,955[/])

MP2 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]8,245[/])

MP3 KingXStas ([="#0000cc"]2,970[/])

CO cazanova.pt ([="#0000cc"]8,145[/])

BTN bkmzee ([="#0000cc"]8,755[/])

SB wizowizo ([="#0000cc"]5,880[/])

BB Astrum777 ([="#0000cc"]9,000[/])

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]30[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP2 ADIAMONd 2DIAMONd

[="#cc0000"]Kelyus raises to 60[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 140[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], cazanova.pt calls 140, [="#777777"]3 folds[/], Kelyus calls 80

Flop: 9:heart: 4:heart: 4DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]450[/], 3 players)

Kelyus checks, greyman82 checks, cazanova.pt checks

Turn: 6:spade: ([="#0000cc"]450[/], 3 players)

Kelyus checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 120[/], [="#cc0000"]cazanova.pt raises to 240[/], [="#777777"]Kelyus folds[/], greyman82 calls 120

River: 5:spade: ([="#0000cc"]930[/], 2 players)

greyman82 checks, [="#cc0000"]cazanova.pt bets 340[/], greyman82 calls 340

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]1,610[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Fours - Ace kicker


cazanova.pt shows a pair of Fours

K:spade: JDIAMONd

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]1,610[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]890)[/]

Kelyus lost [="#0000cc"]140[/]

cazanova.pt lost [="#0000cc"]720[/]

01/03/2012 17:34
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Por ahora vamos bien, 3/3 premium crackeadas.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Lusta9 ([="#0000cc"]6,050[/])

UTG+1 roxana1972 ([="#0000cc"]3,665[/])

MP1 VelhaRaposa1 ([="#0000cc"]1,955[/])

MP2 explor432 ([="#0000cc"]5,560[/])

MP3 IHopeIDing ([="#0000cc"]1,664[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,905[/])

BTN Patriesie ([="#0000cc"]2,860[/])

SB wilobi 07 ([="#0000cc"]1,266[/])

BB maxem88 ([="#0000cc"]1,135[/])

Blinds: 20/40

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]60[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO KDIAMONd K:club:

[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]IHopeIDing goes all-in 1,664[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 3,288[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]wilobi 07 goes all-in 1,246[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/]

Flop: 8:club: Q:club: 6:heart: ([="#0000cc"]4,634[/], 3 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: A:club: ([="#0000cc"]4,634[/], 3 players, 2 all-in)

River: 10:heart: ([="#0000cc"]4,634[/], 3 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,634[/]

wilobi 07 shows two pair, Aces and Queens

ADIAMONd Q:spade:

IHopeIDing shows a pair of Aces

A:spade: K:heart:

greyman82 shows a pair of Kings

KDIAMONd K:club:

wilobi 07 wins [="#0000cc"]3,838[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,572)[/]

greyman82 collects [="#0000cc"]1,624[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]1,664[/])

IHopeIDing collects [="#0000cc"]796[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]868[/])

01/03/2012 17:39
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Me apunto a 3 mas, y creo que con eso acabaré por hoy.

17:45 - 5,50$ 1k Cap

18:00 - 3,30$ NLH

18:00 - Big 22$

01/03/2012 17:59
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Como cuesta empezar las sesiones así...voy a calmarme un poco...mente fria!!!

01/03/2012 18:57
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82


5,50$ 2R1A: 354/541

4,40$ 8max: 114/247

11$ NLH: 105/197

3,30$ NLH: 758/2242

Big 22$: 24/2049

5,50$ 1k Cap: 18/551

01/03/2012 19:12
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Y con esta me pongo CL del Big 22$.


No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG alonesad ([="#0000cc"]2,960[/])

UTG+1 Davidcopariu ([="#0000cc"]7,435[/])

MP1 Spopaul ([="#0000cc"]2,680[/])

MP2 jekill_x ([="#0000cc"]3,574[/])

MP3 kikabidze ([="#0000cc"]2,990[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]16,313[/])

BTN blend30 ([="#0000cc"]2,345[/])

SB bartman499 ([="#0000cc"]2,650[/])

BB Wicky2010 ([="#0000cc"]2,882[/])

Blinds: 50/100 Ante 10

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]240[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO K:club: K:heart:

[="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 300[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], Wicky2010 calls 200

Flop: 3:spade: K:spade: 9:spade: ([="#0000cc"]740[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]Wicky2010 bets 300[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 900[/], Wicky2010 calls 600

Turn: 2:heart: ([="#0000cc"]2,540[/], 2 players)

Wicky2010 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 2,540[/], [="#cc0000"]Wicky2010 goes all-in 1,672[/]

River: 6:heart: ([="#0000cc"]5,884[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]5,884[/]

greyman82 shows three of a kind, Kings

K:club: K:heart:

Wicky2010 shows high card Ace

A:spade: QDIAMONd

greyman82 wins [="#0000cc"]6,752[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]3,002)[/]

Wicky2010 lost [="#0000cc"]2,882[/]

01/03/2012 19:46
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Por manos contra esta, contra un pedazo de mono acojonante...son las q me da asco el poker.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG DKinSweden ([="#0000cc"]7,145[/])

UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]15,857[/])

MP1 kinglune ([="#0000cc"]4,647[/])

MP2 Pellice ([="#0000cc"]14,315[/])

MP3 binhoeiji ([="#0000cc"]6,346[/])

CO Xen1a ([="#0000cc"]7,081[/])

BTN DrivingDog ([="#0000cc"]14,148[/])

SB vikulinka ([="#0000cc"]8,280[/])

BB Tenzor333 ([="#0000cc"]5,298[/])

Blinds: 150/300 Ante 40

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]810[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 10:heart: 10DIAMONd

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 630[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], Pellice calls 630, [="#777777"]5 folds[/]

Flop: 7DIAMONd 6:heart: 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]2,070[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 1,552[/], Pellice calls 1,552

Turn: 5DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]5,174[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 5,174[/], Pellice calls 5,174

River: 2:spade: ([="#0000cc"]15,522[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 8,461[/], [="#cc0000"]Pellice goes all-in 6,919[/]

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]29,360[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Tens

10:heart: 10DIAMONd

Pellice shows a straight, Three to Seven

5:spade: 4:spade:

Pellice wins [="#0000cc"]29,360[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]15,045)[/]

greyman82 collects [="#0000cc"]1,542[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]14,315[/])

01/03/2012 19:49
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Y esta, la mano para "recuperarme" algo del palo este...pero...otro busto con premium, el enésimo de hoy.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Xen1a ([="#0000cc"]6,881[/])

UTG+1 DrivingDog ([="#0000cc"]13,948[/])

MP1 vikulinka ([="#0000cc"]7,930[/])

MP2 Tenzor333 ([="#0000cc"]6,268[/])

MP3 DKinSweden ([="#0000cc"]6,495[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,742[/])

BTN kinglune ([="#0000cc"]4,807[/])

SB Pellice ([="#0000cc"]28,900[/])

BB binhoeiji ([="#0000cc"]6,146[/])

Blinds: 150/300 Ante 40

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]810[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO KDIAMONd K:heart:

[="#cc0000"]Xen1a raises to 600[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,702[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], Xen1a calls 1,102

Flop: 9:spade: A:club: 7:club: ([="#0000cc"]4,214[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 8:spade: ([="#0000cc"]4,214[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]4,214[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,214[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Kings

KDIAMONd K:heart:

Xen1a shows a pair of Aces

JDIAMONd A:spade:

Xen1a wins [="#0000cc"]4,214[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,472)[/]

greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]1,742[/]

01/03/2012 19:54
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Busto del 5,50$ 2R1A, AK vs JJ. Lógico, si pierdo KK y AA, como no voy a perder flips.

Queda el Big 22$, que vamos bastante bien, pero ya se sabe...

01/03/2012 19:55
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

89/1472 en el Big 22$ en el "pollazos day"

01/03/2012 19:57
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

- 16:30 - Big 8,80$ : Busto KK vs KT

- 16:45 - 21$ Knockout: Busto AA vs 9T

- 16:45 - 4,40$ 8max

- 17:00 - 11$ NLH

- 17:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)

- 17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout

- 17:30 - 2,20$+R (10,20$)

- 17:45 - 5,50$ 1k Cap

- 18:00 - 3,30$ NLH

- 18:00 - Big 22$

TOTAL: 120,20$

01/03/2012 19:58
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Lo de hoy, solo hay una forma de compensarlo, runear como un cabron en el big 22$

01/03/2012 20:02
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Me siento con animos, a pesar del dia tan negro q ha salido, asiq desafiamos al "pollazos day" y me abro:

20:00 - Big 11$

20:15 - 4,40$ 8max

20:30 - 13,50$ Knockout

20:30 - 5,50$ 1R1A (15,50$)

Total 2ª Parte: 44,40$

01/03/2012 21:15
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Bueno, hacemos ITM en el Big 22$ con 3 bb's... ahora a por el milagro, que me da q no va a salir (mientras escribo esto...no, no salió, perdemos flip y fuera), tal y como ha salido el dia. 39,11$

En el big 11$ es el único que nos queda vivo.

Hice dos Knockout de 2,50$ y un Add on que no he gastado en el 5,50$ 1R1A, xq me echaron en AK vs AA.

Total de momento: 39,11$ + 10$ = 49,11$

BI consumido: 164,40$.

Bad day

Realmente no siento que haya jugado nada bien, los pollazos me han hecho randomizar algo y tener menos paciencia. Espero el próximo día estar más centrado.

01/03/2012 22:15
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Hoy...exagerado...llevo una puta hora con un solo torneo...aguantando, foldeando...en la mano de antes foldeo AQo a un openpush xq me acaban de cambiar de mesa...

En esta no me tiro, xq le pongo en overcards con esa donk...y nice river, para el obv...otra mas para hoy.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Kid Duck85 ([="#0000cc"]26,068[/])

UTG+1 Hundsgribe ([="#0000cc"]6,555[/])

MP1 kaptansingh ([="#0000cc"]9,138[/])

MP2 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]5,030[/])

MP3 bethrea ([="#0000cc"]7,630[/])

CO Aprilz1stson ([="#0000cc"]3,775[/])

BTN MarMars13 ([="#0000cc"]4,840[/])

SB mbigdog23 ([="#0000cc"]4,023[/])

BB chicaritopat ([="#0000cc"]7,690[/])

Blinds: 150/300 Ante 40

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]810[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP2 3:spade: 3:heart:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 630[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], mbigdog23 calls 480, [="#777777"]1 fold[/]

Flop: 8:club: 4DIAMONd 8:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,920[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]mbigdog23 bets 600[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,800[/], mbigdog23 calls 1,200

Turn: 10:spade: ([="#0000cc"]5,520[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]mbigdog23 goes all-in 1,553[/], greyman82 calls 1,553

River: 4:heart: ([="#0000cc"]8,626[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]8,626[/]

greyman82 shows two pair, Eights and Fours - lower kicker

3:spade: 3:heart:

mbigdog23 shows two pair, Eights and Fours


mbigdog23 wins [="#0000cc"]8,626[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]4,603)[/]

greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]4,023[/]

02/03/2012 17:27
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Me apunto a:

16:30 - Big 8,80$

16:45 - 4,40$ 8max

16:45 - 21$ Knockout

16:45 - 11$ NLH

17:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A

17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout

02/03/2012 17:27
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

Primeros botes gordos jugados, y por tanto perdidos:

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Tommy-Wagner ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

UTG+1 chipitwinit ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

MP1 MVPOWER ([="#0000cc"]9,615[/])

MP2 nuaminister ([="#0000cc"]8,940[/])

CO INDERSTRIAL ([="#0000cc"]8,770[/])

BTN orb1at ([="#0000cc"]2,910[/])

SB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]9,486[/])

BB ELREYTHOR ([="#0000cc"]2,399[/])

Blinds: 15/30

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]45[/], 8 players) greyman82 is SB A:spade: K:club:

Tommy-Wagner calls 30, [="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 150[/], [="#cc0000"]ELREYTHOR goes all-in 2,399[/], [="#777777"]Tommy-Wagner folds[/], greyman82 calls 2,249

Flop: J:spade: 8:spade: JDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]4,828[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 6:heart: ([="#0000cc"]4,828[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]4,828[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,828[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Jacks

A:spade: K:club:

ELREYTHOR shows three of a kind, Jacks

ADIAMONd J:club:

ELREYTHOR wins [="#0000cc"]4,828[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,429)[/]

greyman82 lost [="#0000cc"]2,399[/]

Tommy-Wagner lost [="#0000cc"]30[/]

02/03/2012 17:28
Re: Rail pack 1k$ en MTT's - Greyman82

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG cash4dakids ([="#0000cc"]1,945[/])

UTG+1 Bart35Rus ([="#0000cc"]3,120[/])

MP1 sandu731 ([="#0000cc"]1,203[/])

MP2 Sergeich84 ([="#0000cc"]3,520[/])

CO Elkin_P ([="#0000cc"]1,180[/])

BTN greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]3,450[/])

SB arsen88RAUL ([="#0000cc"]3,260[/])

BB zemancool ([="#0000cc"]2,941[/])

Blinds: 25/50

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]75[/], 8 players) greyman82 is BTN Q:heart: QDIAMONd

cash4dakids calls 50, [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 350[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], cash4dakids calls 300

Flop: 5:spade: 7:spade: J:heart: ([="#0000cc"]775[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]cash4dakids bets 50[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 450[/], [="#cc0000"]cash4dakids raises to 850[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 3,100[/], [="#cc0000"]cash4dakids goes all-in 745[/]

Turn: 8:heart: ([="#0000cc"]3,965[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 10:club: ([="#0000cc"]3,965[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,965[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Queens

Q:heart: QDIAMONd

cash4dakids shows a pair of Kings

KDIAMONd K:heart:

cash4dakids wins [="#0000cc"]3,965[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,020)[/]

greyman82 collects [="#0000cc"]1,505[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]1,945[/])


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