Sick hand en bubble 180 man

4 respuestas
13/05/2012 23:01

No Limit Holdem Tournament


5 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by



UTG tinytux ([="#0000cc"]49k[/])

CO joebrauser ([="#0000cc"]22k[/])

BTN saabou ([="#0000cc"]19k[/])

SB TheWesss ([="#0000cc"]26k[/])

BB gilatovic ([="#0000cc"]17k[/])

Blinds: 1k/2k Ante 200

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]4k[/], 5 players) gilatovic is BB Q:spade: QDIAMONd

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]saabou goes all-in 19k[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]gilatovic goes all-in 14k[/]

Flop: ADIAMONd 8:club: Q:heart: ([="#0000cc"]35k[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: A:spade: ([="#0000cc"]35k[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: A:club: ([="#0000cc"]35k[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]35k[/]

saabou shows four of a kind, Aces

A:heart: 9:heart:

gilatovic shows a full house, Aces full of Queens

Q:spade: QDIAMONd

saabou wins [="#0000cc"]37k[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]18k)[/]

gilatovic lost [="#0000cc"]17k[/]

14/05/2012 00:19
Re: Sick hand en bubble 180 man


14/05/2012 00:37
Re: Sick hand en bubble 180 man
14/05/2012 00:19
Re: Sick hand en bubble 180 man



Pfff... lo vi yo en directo... loquitos nos quedamos...

14/05/2012 03:54
Re: Sick hand en bubble 180 man

pufff que horror!

16/05/2012 05:54
Re: Sick hand en bubble 180 man

Eso es trollear y lo demás es tonteria, pokerstars me refiero claro.

Bueno piensa que al fin y al cabo era un 70/30


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