
1 respuesta
17/10/2009 06:38

sima99 es un maníaco de tuerca y tornillo 70/27/7, jamás pensé en tirarme con esas stats. Y les dejo el nombre para que si lo ven en Ongame le saquen hasta las tripas.

***** History for hand R5-6854150-947 *****

Start hand: Fri Oct 16 23:15:58 GMT-0500 2009

Table: xxxxx [6854xxx] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $0.50/$1, Real money)

User: xxx

Button: seat 10

Players in round: 8

Seat 1: Ruudiger ($69.80)

Seat 2: Sir Deruster ($124.95)

Seat 4: SIMO100_x ($52.10)

Seat 5: Holtzpoker ($67.65)

Seat 7: -LazZzaR- ($98.50)

Seat 8: sima99 ($472.95)

Seat 9: kingbubu 1 ($98)

Seat 10: xxx ($356.60)

Ruudiger posts small blind ($0.50)

Sir Deruster posts big blind ($1)


Dealing pocket cards

Dealing to xxx: [As, Ac]

SIMO100_x raises $4 to $4

Holtzpoker folds

-LazZzaR- folds

sima99 calls $4

kingbubu 1 folds

xxx raises $16 to $16

Ruudiger folds

Sir Deruster folds

SIMO100_x calls $12

sima99 calls $12

--- Dealing flop [6s, Kd, 6h]

SIMO100_x checks

sima99 bets $20

xxx calls $20

SIMO100_x folds

--- Dealing turn [Qc]

sima99 bets $100

xxx raises $320.60 to $320.60 [all in]

sima99 calls $220.60

--- Dealing turn [Qc]

--- Dealing river [2d]



Main pot: $730.70 won by sima99 ($727.70)

Seat 1: Ruudiger ($69.30), net: -$0.50

Seat 2: Sir Deruster ($123.95), net: -$1

Seat 4: SIMO100_x ($36.10), net: -$16

Seat 5: Holtzpoker ($67.65)

Seat 7: -LazZzaR- ($98.50)

Seat 8: sima99 ($844.05), net: +$371.10, [3d, 6d] (THREE_OF_A_KIND SIX)

Seat 9: kingbubu 1 ($98)

Seat 10: xxx ($0), net: -$356.60, [As, Ac] (TWO_PAIR ACE, SIX)

***** End of hand R5-6854150-947 *****

17/10/2009 07:01
Re: dolor

Te la convierto para facilitar su lectura 😉

$0.50/$1 No Limit Holdem

8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by


UTG SIMO100_x ([="#0000cc"]$52.10[/])

UTG+1 Holtzpoker ([="#0000cc"]$67.65[/])

MP1 -LazZzaR- ([="#0000cc"]$98.50[/])

MP2 sima99 ([="#0000cc"]$472.95[/])

CO kingbubu 1 ([="#0000cc"]$98[/])

BTN Hero ([="#0000cc"]$356.60[/])

SB Ruudiger ([="#0000cc"]$69.80[/])

BB Sir Deruster ([="#0000cc"]$124.95[/])

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]$1.50[/], 8 players) Hero is BTN A:spade: A:club:

[="#cc0000"]SIMO100_x raises to $4[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], sima99 calls $4, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Hero raises to $16[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], SIMO100_x calls $12, sima99 calls $12

Flop: 6:spade: KDIAMONd 6:heart: ([="#0000cc"]$49.50[/], 3 players)

SIMO100_x checks, [="#cc0000"]sima99 bets $20[/], Hero calls $20, [="#777777"]SIMO100_x folds[/]

Turn: Q:club: ([="#0000cc"]$89.50[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]sima99 bets $100[/], [="#cc0000"]Hero goes all-in $320.60[/], sima99 calls $220.60

River: 2DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]$730.70[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]$730.70[/]

sima99 shows THREE_OF_A_KIND SIX



A:spade: A:club:

sima99 wins $727.70 ( won +$371.10 )

SIMO100_x lost -$16

Hero lost -$356.60


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