Collusion pokerstars

6 respuestas
29/05/2009 13:04

Hola, os ha llegado alguna vez este mail de pokerstars anunciando que ha habido una collusion y repartiendo parte del dinero?


PokerStars has become aware of two players who were working together in our Sit & Go tournaments to the detriment of other players. You were involved in at least one tournament with these players and as a result you may have been adversely affected.

The players' accounts were closed and their funds frozen pending a thorough investigation, which is now complete. Fortunately the problem was identified quickly and they had only played in a few tournaments before the accounts were closed.

In a case such as this it is our policy to confiscate the colluders' winnings or balances and to distribute them to the players affected by their actions in as fair a way as possible. To confirm your credit, log onto your PokerStars account, go to the 'Cashier' screen and click the 'History' button. Your share will be shown "ADMIN CREDIT", followed by the amount of the credit.

I regret that we will be unable to answer questions as to how your specific credit amount was calculated. Likewise, we are not at liberty to identify the specific games or players in question. Suffice to say that they have been barred from the site and you will not encounter them again.

The integrity of the games at PokerStars is of paramount importance to us and we will not abide cheating or collusion in our games. We work hard to police our games and prevent such instances. In the rare cases where collusion has actually occurred, we make sure that any players affected are compensated appropriately.

29/05/2009 13:12
Re: Collusion pokerstars

No pero ojalá que llegue alguna

29/05/2009 13:12
Re: Collusion pokerstars

Haha espero que Gecko no nos delatase ! xD

29/05/2009 13:17
Re: Collusion pokerstars

Ya publicaron en otra oportunidad, sobre una actutud similar por parte de P.S.

Saludos Ricardo

29/05/2009 13:37
Re: Collusion pokerstars

Si, a mi varias veces, un dinerillo que siempre viene bien. Se nota que son serios los de pokerstars

29/05/2009 15:40
Re: Collusion pokerstars

A mi me llego uno precisamente anoche.Me llego ese mensaje,Me devolvian 1.16 dolares.Bienvenidos, jejeje

29/05/2009 15:50
Re: Collusion pokerstars

Buenisimo... que buena onda que hagan eso!


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