Que putada de bad beat

2 respuestas
26/08/2007 13:33

Quedan 80 jugadores en un torneo con buy-in 30+3 y viene esta mano. Joder entre los tres solo tenían 6 outs, y me ponía en el top5.

***** Hand History for Game 6268765463 *****

0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 35190862) - Sat Aug 25 19:13:14 EDT 2007

Table 232710 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button

Total number of players : 9

Seat 1: olinos (5110)

Seat 2: kojfernic (8220)

Seat 3: Naslund_MTL (12560)

Seat 4: Periq (6930)

Seat 5: apense (10540)

Seat 6: tario858 (2640)

Seat 7: Andycraig147 (5790)

Seat 8: astrangefish (5490)

Seat 9: Coulabdoul (4590)

Naslund_MTL posts small blind (150)

Periq posts big blind (300)

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to Periq [ 2s, 5s ]

apense folds.

tario858 folds.

Andycraig147 folds.

astrangefish calls (300)

Coulabdoul folds.

olinos calls (300)

kojfernic calls (300)

Naslund_MTL folds.

Periq checks.

** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 4h, Ah ]

Periq checks.

astrangefish checks.

olinos checks.

kojfernic checks.

** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]

Periq bets (700)

astrangefish raises (1400) to 1400

olinos raises (4810) to 4810

olinos is all-In.

kojfernic raises (7920) to 7920

kojfernic is all-In.

Periq calls (5930)

Periq is all-In.

astrangefish calls (3790)

astrangefish is all-In.

** Dealing River ** : [ 4c ]

Creating Main Pot with $20590 with olinos

Creating Side Pot 1 with $1140 with astrangefish

Creating Side Pot 2 with $2880 with Periq

** Summary **

Main Pot: 20590 | Side Pot 1: 1140 | Side Pot 2: 2880

Board: [ 8c 4h Ah 3c 4c ]

olinos balance 0, lost 5110 [ 3h 3d ] [ a full house, Threes full of Fours -- 4h,4c,3h,3d,3c ]

kojfernic balance 25900, bet 8220, collected 25900, net +17680 [ As 4d ] [ a full house, Fours full of Aces -- As,Ah,4d,4h,4c ]

Naslund_MTL balance 12410, lost 150 (folded)

Periq balance 0, lost 6930 [ 2s 5s ] [ a straight Ace to Five -- Ah,5s,4h,3c,2s ]

apense balance 10540, didn't bet (folded)

tario858 balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

Andycraig147 balance 5790, didn't bet (folded)

astrangefish balance 0, lost 5490 [ Ad 8d ] [ two pairs, Aces and Eights -- Ad,Ah,8d,8c,4h ]

Coulabdoul balance 4590, didn't bet (folded)

27/08/2007 08:35
Re: Que putada de bad beat

thats poker

30/08/2007 17:06
Re: Que putada de bad beat

y bue una lastima


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