revisando dinero perdido en la BB

3 respuestas
11/09/2006 03:55

Tengo un agujero grande en la BB, y, revisando manos, me encuentro esta joya 😫.

Hand ID 56304718

0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - GMT Mon Sep 4 19:31:50 2006

Table 'Showdown', 10 seats max, not started, Real money, Money game

Seat 2 is the button. SmallBlind 0.25, BigBlind 0.50

Note: seat IDs range from 0 to 9

Seat 0 (playing): monotic (186517), amount $24.40, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 2 (playing): otik (97864), amount $34.30, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 3 (joined): bigape (180686), amount $25.00, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 4 (playing): goocher (93840), amount $61.20, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 5 (playing): laureman (184180), amount $21.53, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 6 (playing): yoss974 (168502), amount $23.15, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 7 (playing): Lou_Dawg (175707), amount $32.20, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 8 (playing): cubbies (94618), amount $61.99, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 9 (playing): deepee (186124), amount $58.45, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

goocher: Small Blind ($0.25)

laureman: Big Blind ($0.50)

** Dealing Down Cards **

Dealt to laureman: [ Ac Ad ]

yoss974: Fold ($0.00)

Lou_Dawg: Fold ($0.00)

cubbies: Fold ($0.00)

deepee: Fold ($0.00)

monotic: Fold ($0.00)

otik: Fold ($0.00)

goocher: Call ($0.25)

laureman: Raise ($0.50)

goocher: Call ($0.50)

** Dealing Flop **

Community cards: [ 7c 7d Jc ]

goocher: Check ($0.00)

laureman: Bet ($0.50)

goocher: Raise ($1.00)

laureman: Raise ($1.00)

goocher: Raise ($1.00)

laureman: Call ($0.50)

** Dealing Turn **

Community cards: [ Tc ]

goocher: Check ($0.00)

laureman: Bet ($1.00)

goocher: Call ($1.00)

** Dealing River **

Community cards: [ 2s ]

goocher: Check ($0.00)

laureman: Bet ($1.00)

goocher: Raise ($2.00)

laureman: Call ($1.00)

** End Round **

** Evaluate **

goocher: Show Cards ($0.00)

laureman: Muck ($0.00)

** Showdown **

Main pot $11.40, Rake $0.60

Summary goocher: bet $6.00, won $11.40, net +$5.40, HoleCards [ 7s 4d ], HiHand [three of a kind, sevens][ 7s 7d 7c Jc Tc ], won $11.40 from main pot

Summary laureman: bet $6.00, won $0.00, net -$6.00, HoleCards [ Ac Ad ], HiHand [two pairs, aces and sevens][ Ad Ac 7d 7c Jc ]

y esta muy molona tb xdd

Hand ID 56263896

0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - GMT Mon Sep 4 16:35:19 2006

Table 'Redskin', 10 seats max, not started, Real money, Money game

Seat 2 is the button. SmallBlind 0.25, BigBlind 0.50

Note: seat IDs range from 0 to 9

Seat 0 (playing): SanFran (131871), amount $11.38, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 2 (playing): trips_left (94438), amount $53.21, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 3 (playing): mativen (190638), amount $34.55, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 4 (playing): laureman (184180), amount $12.30, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 5 (sit out): marksnyr (151670), amount $25.87, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 6 (playing): Warrior1 (187761), amount $15.95, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 7 (playing): marzp (150289), amount $13.00, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 9 (playing): bx5r1n2 (182424), amount $37.57, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

mativen: Small Blind ($0.25)

laureman: Big Blind ($0.50)

** Dealing Down Cards **

Dealt to laureman: [ As Ac ]

Warrior1: Fold ($0.00)

marzp: Fold ($0.00)

bx5r1n2: Call ($0.50)

SanFran: Call ($0.50)

trips_left: Fold ($0.00)

mativen: Call ($0.25)

laureman: Raise ($0.50)

bx5r1n2: Call ($0.50)

SanFran: Call ($0.50)

mativen: Call ($0.50)

** Dealing Flop **

Community cards: [ Js Ad 9c ]

mativen: Check ($0.00)

laureman: Bet ($0.50)

bx5r1n2: Call ($0.50)

SanFran: Call ($0.50)

mativen: Call ($0.50)

** Dealing Turn **

Community cards: [ Tc ]

mativen: Check ($0.00)

laureman: Bet ($1.00)

Player Foldilocks (185299) joined table on seat 1 with an amount of $25.00

bx5r1n2: Call ($1.00)

SanFran: Fold ($0.00)

mativen: Raise ($2.00)

laureman: Raise ($2.00)

bx5r1n2: Call ($2.00)

mativen: Call ($1.00)

** Dealing River **

Community cards: [ Kc ]

mativen: Check ($0.00)

laureman: Check ($0.00)

bx5r1n2: Bet ($1.00)

mativen: Call ($1.00)

laureman: Fold ($0.00)

** End Round **

** Evaluate **

bx5r1n2: Show Cards ($0.00)

mativen: Muck ($0.00)

** Showdown **

Main pot $16.20, Rake $0.80

Summary mativen: bet $5.50, won $0.00, net -$5.50, HoleCards [ Ks Ah ], HiHand [two pairs, aces and kings][ Ah Ad Ks Kc Js ]

Summary laureman: bet $4.50, won $0.00, net -$4.50, HoleCards [ As Ac ]

Summary marksnyr: bet $0.00, won $0.00, net $0.00, HoleCards [ ]

Summary bx5r1n2: bet $5.50, won $16.20, net +$10.70, HoleCards [ 6c 5c ], HiHand [flush, king high][ Kc Tc 9c 6c 5c ], won $16.20 from main pot

11/09/2006 06:45
Re: revisando dinero perdido en la BB

Wpex powah!! :D

11/09/2006 07:20
Re: revisando dinero perdido en la BB

Joder,en la segunda,vaya con el de 65......ahora me doy cuenta porque no juego limit......dios,va por un back door flush draw 6 high......

En la prmiera,raise preflop,el call,ese flop,no está mal,para los ases,pero un 7 te los rompe.

En el flop:

Tú bet,el raise y para mi en tu reraise ahí me planteo dos cosas:

Si no lleva el 7,es posible que consigas con ese reraise un fold y no aproveches tus ases(supón que lleva la jota o 10 10,por poner un ejemplo),con esas manos podrías sacarle dinero.

Si lo lleva lo unico que consigues es un rereraise y si no vas a foldear,para que beteas el turn?.Y en el river?

Si vas por delante,con todo ese movimiento,casi no hay mano en la que vayas por delante que el tipo no hubiese foldeado(jotas,88,etc,etc).Y si vas por detrás,tu mismo le estás haciendo el trabajo sucio.No crees?

Lo de way ahead/way behind,vamos.

11/09/2006 07:22
Re: revisando dinero perdido en la BB

Con ese gañan haciendote call al raise con 74o,esa mano no la ibas a ganar de ninguna forma,hablo de ahorro,claro. :D

un saludo.


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