Omaha high low

4 respuestas
16/09/2009 22:00

$0.01/$0.02 Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo

6 players

Converted at


UTG wbry ($5.40)

UTG+1 DJCARMA ($2.48)

CO Kangaderoo ($3.01)

BTN iamjeffrey ($2.41)

SB Geddy Lee ($1.61)

BB Hero ($7.45)

Pre-flop: ($0.03, 6 players) Hero is BB J:spade: K:spade: A:spade: 2DIAMONd

Geddy Lee says "Let me build this up then I'll play", 1 fold, DJCARMA calls $0.02, 1 fold, Geddy Lee says "Real hard", iamjeffrey says "i have 17k to burn lets play", iamjeffrey raises to $0.09, Geddy Lee calls $0.08, Hero calls $0.07, DJCARMA calls $0.07

Flop: 4:spade: T:club: 5:spade: ($0.36, 4 players)

Geddy Lee checks, Geddy Lee says "Why the hell are you playing the smallest possible game here?", Hero bets $0.20, 1 fold, iamjeffrey raises to $0.96, Geddy Lee folds, Hero raises to $3.24, iamjeffrey goes all-in $1.36

Turn: JDIAMONd ($5.92, 2 players)

River: A:club: ($5.92, 2 players)

Final Pot: $5

Hero shows: J:spade: K:spade: A:spade: 2DIAMONd

iamjeffrey shows: J:heart: 6:spade: 8:heart: T:spade:

Hero wins $3.30 ( lost -$0.03 )

iamjeffrey wins $2.37 ( lost -$0.04 )

Geddy Lee lost -$0.09

DJCARMA lost -$0.09

17/09/2009 23:37
Re: Omaha high low

Absolutely standard in my humble opinion.

Nos enseñas la mano o preguntas algo sobre ella? 😫DD

24/09/2009 19:47
Re: Omaha high low

Joder tener esa mano, que caiga ese flop, y no ganar ni high ni low tiene delito 😫 pero bueno bien jugao

25/09/2009 13:19
Re: Omaha high low
24/09/2009 19:47
Re: Omaha high low

Joder tener esa mano, que caiga ese flop, y no ganar ni high ni low tiene delito 😫 pero bueno bien jugao

neowackJoder tener esa mano, que caiga ese flop, y no ganar ni high ni low tiene delito 😫 pero bueno bien jugao

¡Gana el high y pierde el low!

28/09/2009 23:18
Re: Omaha high low

Esa mano se ataca con todo, tenés mucha ventaja así que en otra mano será


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