luego el maniaco soy yo xdd

7 respuestas
10/09/2006 01:47

Hand ID 56368855

0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - GMT Tue Sep 5 00:18:54 2006

Table 'Showdown', 10 seats max, not started, Real money, Money game

Seat 6 is the button. SmallBlind 0.25, BigBlind 0.50

Note: seat IDs range from 0 to 9

Seat 0 (playing): tXipiTi (178497), amount $67.75, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 1 (sit out): Resident (189772), amount $25.10, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 4 (sit out): Father_Phil (40655), amount $9.25, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 5 (playing): markall43 (177624), amount $16.15, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 6 (playing): Agus13 (189387), amount $23.35, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 7 (playing): laureman (184180), amount $26.35, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 8 (playing): ZZidane (176383), amount $15.10, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

Seat 9 (playing): ackland (97631), amount $76.80, amount bet $0.00, penalty (None)

laureman: Small Blind ($0.25)

ZZidane: Big Blind ($0.50)

** Dealing Down Cards **

Dealt to laureman: [ 7s Ac ]

ackland: Fold ($0.00)

tXipiTi: Fold ($0.00)

markall43: Fold ($0.00)

Agus13: Fold ($0.00)

laureman: Raise ($0.75)

ZZidane: Raise ($1.00)

Player removed from seat 1 (vacant)

laureman: Raise ($1.00)

ZZidane: Call ($0.50)

** Dealing Flop **

Community cards: [ 9c 6h 8d ]

laureman: Bet ($0.50)

ZZidane: Raise ($1.00)

laureman: Raise ($1.00)

ZZidane: Call ($0.50)

** Dealing Turn **

Community cards: [ 7d ]

laureman: Bet ($1.00)

ZZidane: Raise ($2.00)

Player Foldilocks (185299) joined table on seat 3 with an amount of $25.00

laureman: Call ($1.00)

** Dealing River **

Community cards: [ 7h ]

laureman: Bet ($1.00)

ZZidane: Call ($1.00)

** End Round **

** Evaluate **

laureman: Show Cards ($0.00)

ZZidane: Show Cards ($0.00)

** Showdown **

Main pot $12.40, Rake $0.60

Summary Father_Phil: bet $0.00, won $0.00, net $0.00, HoleCards [ ]

Summary laureman: bet $6.50, won $0.00, net -$6.50, HoleCards [ 7s Ac ], HiHand [three of a kind, sevens][ 7s 7h 7d Ac 9c ]

Summary ZZidane: bet $6.50, won $12.40, net +$5.90, HoleCards [ Th 5d ], HiHand [straight, ten to six][ Th 9c 8d 7h 6h ], won $12.40 from main pot

10/09/2006 06:06
Re: luego el maniaco soy yo xdd

En mi descargo, decir que me habias intentado robar previamente con 34o... :D

10/09/2006 06:58
Re: luego el maniaco soy yo xdd

¿Y por qué no le subes en el river? Estás contra un maniaco!!! 😁

10/09/2006 07:00
Re: luego el maniaco soy yo xdd


Seat 0 (playing): tXipiTi

Seat 1 (sit out): Resident

Seat 7 (playing): laureman

Seat 8 (playing): ZZidane

Y por cierto, ¿esto no es collusion' ¿Dónde jugáis esas mesas semiprivadas del foro? 😜

10/09/2006 09:26
Re: luego el maniaco soy yo xdd

Yo es que cuando se junta tanto maniaco prefiero ponerme sit out que si no me funden rapido (no me fio de gente que no raisea AA, 😫.

10/09/2006 10:03
Re: luego el maniaco soy yo xdd

nepundo;28343 escribió:
Y por cierto, ¿esto no es collusion' ¿Dónde jugáis esas mesas semiprivadas del foro? 😜

Jajajaja, yo me meto para que me saquen las pelas y se acuesten contentos... ME pongo en modo calling station... Ah no!! que ya no cuela es verdad... :D:D

Sois unos maniacs!!!

10/09/2006 11:53
Re: luego el maniaco soy yo xdd

Faltaba yo... xD

10/09/2006 12:18
Re: luego el maniaco soy yo xdd

no hay defensa posible ante esto jodido MANIACO XDD. Yo en aquella mano tenia pareja pero tu aqui.... tienes 1 ..... GUTSHOT! flipante xddd


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