Foldeando ante donkbet

3 respuestas
10/09/2006 17:34

El tio era pasivo... Esta bien hecho??

Hand ID 57553209

$0.50/$1 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - 10:56:20 10/09/2006 ET

Table 'Dead Cards', 10 seats max, Real money

Seat 1 is the button. Small Blind $0.25, Big Blind $0.50

Note: seat IDs range from 0 to 9

Seat 0 (playing) : Player 0 (179169), amount $8.11, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 1 (playing) : ZZidane (176383), amount $21.37, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 3 (playing) : Player 3 (192391), amount $39.50, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 4 (playing) : Player 4 (94606), amount $123.95, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 5 (playing) : Player 5 (191556), amount $13.65, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 6 (playing) : Player 6 (94419), amount $13.52, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 7 (playing) : Player 7 (184180), amount $30.90, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 8 (playing) : Player 8 (169142), amount $25.30, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 9 (playing) : Player 9 (167409), amount $11.20, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Player 3: Small Blind ($0.25)

Player 4: Big Blind ($0.50)

** Dealing Down Cards **

Dealt to ZZidane: [Qh, Ad]

Player 5: Call ($0.50)

Player 6: Fold

Player 7: Fold

Player 8: Fold

Player 9: Fold

Player 0: Call ($0.50)

ZZidane: Raise ($1)

Player 3: Fold

Player 4: Call ($0.50)

Player 5: Call ($0.50)

Player 0: Call ($0.50)

** Dealing Flop **

Community cards: [Kh, Ac, Qc]

Player 4: Check ($0)

Player 5: Bet ($0.50)

Player 0: Fold

ZZidane: Raise ($1)

Player 4: Fold

Player 5: Call ($0.50)

** Dealing Turn **

Community cards: [Kc]

Player 5: Bet ($1)

ZZidane: Fold

** End Round **

** Evaluate **

Player 5: Muck ($0)

** Showdown **

Main pot $5.95, Rake $0.30

Summary Player 5: bet $3, won $5.95, net $2.95, won $5.95 from main pot

10/09/2006 17:58
Re: Foldeando ante donkbet

Escalera... color... una K... buff. Yo creo que si es un fold, pero luego cuando juego acabo haciendo call down demasiadas de estas.

11/09/2006 13:07
Re: Foldeando ante donkbet

Si encima era pasivo, casi que fold y a pensar en otra cosa, mariposa. Y a mí también me cuesta. Mierda de curiosidad...

11/09/2006 13:41
Re: Foldeando ante donkbet

Yo también me uno al Fold Club, además escupiría y le pondría cara de malo. De hechon suelo entrenar esa mirada asesina en el reflejo de mi monitor.


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