Estadisticas de mis ultimas manos
Estas son las estadísticas de mis ultimas manos en Fixed Limit 2/4, no las puse todas porque varíe un poco mi estilo de juego ultimamente, creo que puse los datos mas importantes, intente pegar la imagen que te da el PT3 pero el foro no me deja porque llevo pocos posts CONFUSEd, me pueden comentar un poco como las ven?
Un saludo
Player Details
Total Hands: 2,648
Amount Won: $0.65
Won Per 100 Hands: $0.02
BB Won Per 100 Hands: 0.61
Vol. Put $ in Pot: 18.28 (484 out of 2,648)
Vol. Put $ in From SB: 32.62 (107 out of 328)
Raised Preflop: 1.93 (107 out of 2,648)
Saw Flop All Hands: 26.47 (701 out of 2,648)
Won $ When Saw Flop: 22.54 (158 out of 701)
Folded SB To Steal: 75.00 (3 out of 4)
Folded BB To Steal: 50.00 (2 out of 4)
Folded BB To Steal HU: 100.00 (1 out of 1)
Folded to Flop Bet: 65.88 (224 out of 340)
Folded to Flop Raise: 46.99 (39 out of 83)
Folded to Turn Bet: 64.82 (129 out of 199)
Folded to Turn Raise: 25.49 (13 out of 5l)
Folded to River Bet: 54.39 (62 out of 114)
Folded to River Raise: 11.43 (4 out of 35)
Went to Showdown: 26.11 (183 out of 701)
Won $ at Showdown: 57.92 (106 out of 183)
Player Act ------ Actions --Raise ---Bet ----Call -----Check -----Fold
Preflop:----------- 2,717 ---- 1.93 ---------- 18.51 ---- 8.02----- 71.59
Flop: -------------- 946 ---- 5.37 -- 23.17 -- 15.54 --- 42.07 ---- 36.80
Turn: -------------- 559 --- 10.98 - 36.84 -- 15.21 ---- 34.35 ---- 33.02
River: -------------- 353 ---- 22.29 - 50.00 -- 15.86 --- 27.76 ---- 24.44
Total: ------------ 4,575 ----- 5.37 - 32.42 -- 17.29 --- 19.80 ---- 52.70
When Folds Hand:
No Fold 8.95 %
Preflop 73.45 %
Flop 9.74 %
Turn 5.36 %
River 2.49 %