El día del RIVER

2 respuestas
08/10/2006 18:43

Sesión catastrófica con -45BB en apenas 1 hora en WPEX,eso si con manos como estas no era dificil palmar pasta,paso de poner manos con AA,KK,QQ que perdía contra 55,33 y similares ligando ellos set en turn (a fin de cuentas es un post sobre el river)

Hand ID 63855591

$1/$2 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - 11:19:42 08/10/2006 ET

Table 'Clean Out', 10 seats max, Real money

Seat 8 is the button. Small Blind $0.50, Big Blind $1

Note: seat IDs range from 0 to 9

Seat 0 (playing) : Player 0, amount $194.88, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 1 (playing) : jay, amount $46.89, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 2 (playing) : Player 2, amount $61.12, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 3 (sitOut) : Player 3, amount $62.50, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 4 (playing) : Player 4, amount $54.61, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 5 (playing) : Player 5, amount $15.25, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 6 (playing) : Player 6, amount $74.12, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 7 (playing) : Player 7, amount $41.99, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 8 (playing) : Player 8, amount $76.74, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 9 (playing) : Player 9, amount $58.25, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Player 9: Small Blind ($0.50)

Player 0: Big Blind ($1)

** Dealing Down Cards **

Dealt to jay: [Qh, Kh]

jay: Call ($1)

Player 2: Fold

Player 4: Fold

Player 5: Fold

Player 6: Fold

Player 7: Fold

Player 8: Call ($1)

Player 9: Fold

Player 0: Check ($0)

** Dealing Flop **

Community cards: [8s, Qc, 8h] --- flop decente para mi mano,dificil que tenga el 8

Player 0: Check ($0)

jay: Bet ($1)

Player 8: Fold

Player 0: Call ($1)

** Dealing Turn **

Community cards: [6c]

Player 0: Check ($0)

jay: Bet ($2)

Player 0: Raise ($4) ---- nada mosqueante,lo venía haciendo todo el tiempo en otras jugadas sin tener nada en mano

jay: Call ($2) --- le pude reraisear,pero evidentemente no me fiaba

** Dealing River **

Community cards: [4c]

Player 0: Bet ($2) --- no me creo que tenga color sobre todo no lo iría a buscar con ese flop

jay: Call ($2)

** End Round **

** Evaluate **

Player 0: Show Cards ($0)

jay: Muck ($0)

** Showdown **

Main pot $16.75, Rake $0.75

Summary Player 0: bet $7, won $16.75, net $9.75, HoleCards [Ac, Kc],--oh,surprise,si lo tenía! HiHand [a flush, ace high] [Ac, Kc, Qc, 6c, 4c], won $16.75 from main pot

Summary jay: bet $8, won $0, net $-8, HoleCards [Qh, Kh]

Hand ID 63862170

$1/$2 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - 12:10:18 08/10/2006 ET

Table 'Clean Out', 10 seats max, Real money

Seat 5 is the button. Small Blind $0.50, Big Blind $1

Note: seat IDs range from 0 to 9

Seat 0 (playing) : Player 0, amount $18.75, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 1 (playing) : jay, amount $47.14, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 2 (playing) : Player 2, amount $58.12, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 3 (playing) : Player 3, amount $27, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 4 (playing) : Player 4, amount $50, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 5 (playing) : Player 5, amount $52.50, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 6 (playing) : Player 6, amount $93, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 7 (sitOut) : Player 7, amount $51.74, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 8 (playing) : Player 8, amount $87.24, amount bet $0, penalty (Big Blind)

Seat 9 (playing) : Player 9, amount $49.50, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Player 6: Small Blind ($0.50)

Player 8: Big Blind ($1)

Player 4: Big Blind ($1)

** Dealing Down Cards **

Dealt to jay: [9c, Qc]

Player 9: Fold

Player 0: Fold

jay: Call ($1)

Player 2: Fold

Player 3: Fold

Player 4: Check ($0)

Player 5: Fold

Player 6: Call ($0.50)

Player 8: Check ($0)

** Dealing Flop **

Community cards: [Jc, Qh, Th] --- Bien! Pareja y straight draw

Player 6: Bet ($1)

Player 8: Fold

jay: Call ($1)

Player 4: Fold

** Dealing Turn **

Community cards: [Js]

Player 6: Bet ($2) ---- puede que tenga la J pero tengo outs para la escalera,de todas formas este tipo faroleaba bastante

jay: Call ($2)

** Dealing River **

Community cards: [Kd] --- BIEN!!..escalera!!

Player 6: Bet ($2)

jay: Raise ($4) --- no creo que tenga el A

Player 6: Raise ($4) ---- A que tiene el full.....

jay: Call ($2)

** End Round **

** Evaluate **

Player 6: Show Cards ($0)

jay: Muck ($0)

** Showdown **

Main pot $21, Rake $1

Summary jay: bet $10, won $0, net $-10, HoleCards [9c, Qc]

Summary Player 6: bet $7.50, won $21, net $13.50, HoleCards [Jd, Ks],---efectiviwonder,turn y river perfectos para el muchacho HiHand [a full house, jacks full of kings] [Js, Jd, Jc, Ks, Kd], won $21 from main pot

Hand ID 63861936

$1/$2 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - 12:08:18 08/10/2006 ET

Table 'Come Off', 10 seats max, Real money

Seat 7 is the button. Small Blind $0.50, Big Blind $1

Note: seat IDs range from 0 to 9

Seat 0 (playing) : Player 0, amount $51.25, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 1 (playing) : Player 1, amount $54, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 2 (playing) : Player 2, amount $76.75, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 3 (playing) : Player 3, amount $77, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 4 (playing) : Player 4, amount $134.38, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 5 (playing) : jay, amount $48.50, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 6 (playing) : Player 6, amount $93.25, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 7 (playing) : Player 7, amount $30.50, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 8 (playing) : Player 8, amount $81.51, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Seat 9 (playing) : Player 9, amount $61, amount bet $0, penalty (None)

Player 8: Small Blind ($0.50)

Player 9: Big Blind ($1)

** Dealing Down Cards **

Dealt to jay: [Jc, Ks]

Player 0: Fold

Player 1: Fold

Player 2: Fold

Player 3: Fold

Player 4: Fold

jay: Raise ($2)

Player 6: Fold

Player 7: Fold

Player 8: Call ($1.50)

Player 9: Fold

** Dealing Flop **

Community cards: [Td, Kc, 3d] --- Flop bueno,la cosa pinta bien

Player 8: Check ($0)

jay: Bet ($1)

Player 8: Call ($1)

** Dealing Turn **

Community cards: [Js] --- Genial,doble pareja,te tengo cogido por los webs

Player 8: Check ($0)

jay: Bet ($2)

Player 8: Call ($2)

** Dealing River **

Community cards: [Qs] --- No me jodas!!,no puedes tener el A!!

Player 8: Check ($0)

jay: Check ($0) ---no me fio un pelo,ya eran demasiados bad beats,y este no iba a ser menos

** End Round **

** Evaluate **

Player 8: Show Cards ($0)

jay: Muck ($0)

** Showdown **

Main pot $10.50, Rake $0.50

Summary jay: bet $5, won $0, net $-5, HoleCards [Jc, Ks]

Summary Player 8: bet $4.50, won $10.50, net $6, HoleCards [9s, 9c],--- Tenia el 9...YUHUUU HiHand [a straight, nine to king] [Kc, Qs, Js, Td, 9s], won $10.50 from main pot

08/10/2006 19:54
Re: El día del RIVER

No me gusta como has jugado preflop las 2 primeras. La primera mano es raise, y la segunda fold, en mi opinion. Por otro lado en la 2º mano yo no contaria muchos outs para escalera, ya que aunque ligues muchas veces te ganaran con 1 escalera mayor.

09/10/2006 17:11
Re: El día del RIVER

Esta demas decir que en limit es complicado sacar alguien en la mano , sea la posicion que sea , ver despues las cartas y como haber jugado esa mano no creo que se deba a tu juego , en esos limites la gente va hasta el final ,asi que solo no hubo la oportunidad ese dia , si te vuelven a dar las mismas cartas las jugarias igual y como dices todo es esa carta final , y uno no sabe que va salir ni que estaria esperando.

Como te pudiste dar cuenta al final estabas con el porcentaje menor de ganar la mano ,luego se cambio para el final perder la mano .

Only Luck ?


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