dos manitas

Sin respuestas
17/10/2007 00:07

Ya que no se anima nadie, voy a poner dos manos en las que gano con sendos fullhouses. Las pongo para que opinéis/critiquéis.

En la primera, meto en el river sin las nuts (teóricamente incorrecto), mientras que en la segunda con set en flop hago sólo check, y luego me sale todo rodado.

Titan Poker 0.01/0.02, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

Button armando07 ($5.77)

SB CEastlouze ($1.68)

BB Dange1812 ($4.96)

UTG islamallor ($0.72)

UTG+1 nerzul96 ($2.88)

MP nielsbohr ($3)

CO-1 Luyendike ($3.35)

CO KRASVIK ($4.64)

Preflop: nielsbohr is in MP with 9 5 J K

islamallor calls 0.02, 1 fold, nielsbohr checks, Luyendike calls 0.02, KRASVIK calls 0.02, armando07 calls 0.02, CEastlouze calls 0.01, Dange1812 checks.

Flop (0.14) 4 K T

CEastlouze checks, Dange1812 checks, islamallor checks, nielsbohr checks, Luyendike checks, KRASVIK checks, armando07 checks.

Turn (0.14) 9

CEastlouze checks, Dange1812 checks, islamallor checks, nielsbohr bets 0.14, 2 folds, armando07 calls 0.14, 1 fold, Dange1812 calls 0.14, 1 fold.

River (0.56) K

Dange1812 checks, nielsbohr bets 0.50, 1 fold, Dange1812 calls 0.50

Dange1812 shows J 2 Q Q

nielsbohr shows 9 5 J K

nielsbohr wins 1.56 with A fullhouse, King's and Nine's




Titan Poker 0.01/0.02, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

Button yoyo67 ($0.43)

SB nerzul96 ($4.11)

BB fasthandskelly ($6.94)

UTG nielsbohr ($2.78)

UTG+1 kede ($2.14)

CO philippe340 ($3.75)

Preflop: nielsbohr is UTG with 9 Q 9 3

nielsbohr calls 0.02, kede raises to 0.09, 1 fold, yoyo67 calls 0.09, 2 folds, nielsbohr calls 0.07.

Flop (0.30) K 9 4

nielsbohr checks, kede bets 0.30, 1 fold, nielsbohr calls 0.30.

Turn (0.90) 4

nielsbohr bets 0.90, kede moves all-in for 1.75, nielsbohr calls 0.85.

River (4.40) 5

nielsbohr shows 9 Q 9 3

kede shows A 2 A K

nielsbohr wins 4.40 with A fullhouse, Nine's and Four's


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