A este le vas a tirar
Torneo de Omaha High Low (aunque no hay Low) un frances que va bien de fichas, y el tio se marca este espectacularcall :P
A mi no me atañe la mano pero no me resisto a postearla.
Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament
9 players
Converted at weaktight.com
UTG Hero ([="#0000cc"]2470[/])
UTG+1 tgn1 ([="#0000cc"]4190[/])
MP1 RWoz ([="#0000cc"]2970[/])
MP2 sjvan ([="#0000cc"]4510[/])
MP3 mrkieler ([="#0000cc"]3835[/])
CO Big_tee19 ([="#0000cc"]3920[/])
BTN BrindleREO ([="#0000cc"]2370[/])
SB poja35 ([="#0000cc"]2450[/])
BB nico290477 ([="#0000cc"]4110[/])
Blinds: 25/50
Pre-flop: (75, 9 players) Hero is UTG 4DIAMONd J:spade: 3:spade: 2:club:
Hero calls 50, [="#777777"]2 folds[/], sjvan calls 50, [="#cc0000"]mrkieler raises to 275[/], Big_tee19 calls 275, [="#777777"]2 folds[/], nico290477 calls 225, Hero calls 225, [="#777777"]sjvan folds[/]
Flop: Q:heart: 8:spade: 7:heart: (1175, 4 players)
[="#cc0000"]nico290477 bets 100[/], Hero calls 100, mrkieler calls 100, [="#cc0000"]Big_tee19 raises to 500[/], nico290477 calls 400, [="#777777"]Hero folds[/], mrkieler calls 400
Turn: KDIAMONd (2775, 3 players)
nico290477 checks, mrkieler checks, [="#cc0000"]Big_tee19 bets 1050[/], nico290477 calls 1050, [="#777777"]mrkieler folds[/]
River: 7:spade: (4875, 2 players)
nico290477 checks, [="#cc0000"]Big_tee19 goes all-in 2095[/], nico290477 calls 2095
Final Pot: 9065
Big_tee19 shows: 2:heart: 5:heart: 4:spade: A:spade:
nico290477 shows: 5DIAMONd T:spade: 6:heart: 4:heart:
Big_tee19 wins 9065 ( won +5145 )
sjvan lost -50
mrkieler lost -775
nico290477 lost -3920
Hero lost -375