1/2 SH AA turnplay
Known players: (for a description of vp$ip, pfr, ats, folded bb, af, wts, wsd or hands click here)
Position: BBvsSteal WTS W$SD ORL RaisePreflop hands AF vp$ipMP2:
0 39 24 0
0 69 0.4 54SB:
75 23 60 22
12 69 1.5 29MP3:
- 39 43 50
35 34 3.6 53CO:
67 19 20 17
5 77 0.9 36BU:
0 36 38 12
12 83 0.7 47
1/2 Fixed-Limit Hold'em [color:blue](6 handed)[/color]
Hand recorder used for this poker hand: PokerStrategy Elephant 0.55 by www.pokerstrategy.com.
Preflop: Hero is BB with A:heart:, A:club:
MP2 calls, MP3 calls, [color:grey]3 folds[/color], [color:red]Hero raises[/color], MP2 calls, MP3 calls.
Flop: (6.50 SB) ADIAMONd, 8:heart:, K:club: [color:blue](3 players)[/color]
[color:red]Hero bets[/color], [color:red]MP2 raises[/color], [color:grey]MP3 folds[/color], [color:red]Hero 3-bets[/color], [color:red]MP2 caps[/color], Hero calls.
Turn: (7.25 BB) 6:heart: [color:blue](2 players)[/color]
[color:red]Hero bets[/color]
bet turn?
check/raise turn?
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