Duda con donk straight

1 respuesta
09/07/2007 01:27

** Game ID 1487305486 starting - 2007-07-08 21:12:09

** Borassus [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- JNCard sitting in seat 1 with $21.35 [Dealer]

- robsode sitting in seat 2 with $23.27

- banderarossa sitting in seat 3 with $14.33

- Birgit7986 sitting in seat 4 with $18.05

- lunfre sitting in seat 5 with $12.99

- Jarkko79 sitting in seat 6 with $12.99

- shaq1337 sitting in seat 7 with $21.09

- pleple2047 sitting in seat 8 with $20.72 [Sitting out]

- tamar0 sitting in seat 9 with $19.70

- TanteHelene sitting in seat 10 with $21.25

robsode posted the small blind - $0.10

banderarossa posted the big blind - $0.20

shaq1337 posted to play - $0.20

** Dealing card to banderarossa: QDIAMONd, 9:spade:

Birgit7986 folded

lunfre called - $0.20

Jarkko79 folded

shaq1337 checked

tamar0 folded

TanteHelene folded

JNCard folded

robsode called - $0.20

banderarossa checked

** Dealing the flop: 10:club:, JDIAMONd, K:heart:

robsode checked

banderarossa checked

lunfre bet - $0.40

shaq1337 folded

robsode folded

banderarossa raised - $1.20

lunfre raised - $5.20

banderarossa ????

¿De qué depende lo que hagamos aquí?

¿En general cuál es el movimiento correcto en esta situación?


09/07/2007 08:38
Re: Duda con donk straight

Con La Mierda De Stack Que Tienes... All-in.


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