Dame ases y llamame tonto

3 respuestas
25/06/2007 23:17

No se si os ha pasado de tener una malisima racha con ases. No es que te pillen trucha y te saquen la caja, eso lo veo normal, es que te roban que da gusto xD. Llevo 16 manos con ases en la base de datos del PO y estoy en negativo -35$. Os habia pasado alguna vez una racha asi tan mala?

#Game No : 6086534153

***** Hand History for Game 6086534153 *****

$50 USD NL Texas Holdem - Friday, June 22, 17:45:57 ET 2007

Table Table 126360 (Real Money)

Seat 3 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 2: twoinarow66 ( $50.41 USD )

Seat 3: diek888 ( $135.50 USD )

Seat 4: Bluffonn ( $128.95 USD )

Seat 6: Urtiroler123 ( $140.20 USD )

Seat 1: Raziel74 ( $75.82 USD )

Seat 5: wouterpoker ( $50 USD )

Bluffonn posts small blind [$0.25 USD].

wouterpoker posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to diek888 [ Ad As ]

Urtiroler123 raises [$2 USD]

Raziel74 calls [$2 USD]

>You have options at Table 127513 Table!.

twoinarow66 raises [$3.50 USD]

>You have options at Table 127513 Table!.

diek888 raises [$12 USD]

Bluffonn folds

wouterpoker folds

Urtiroler123 folds

Raziel74 folds

twoinarow66 calls [$8.50 USD]

** Dealing Flop ** [ 9h, 8d, 9s ]

twoinarow66 bets [$15 USD]

diek888 raises [$30 USD]

>You have options at Table 127513 Table!.

twoinarow66 is all-In [$23.41 USD]

diek888 calls [$8.41 USD]

** Dealing Turn ** [ Kd ]

** Dealing River ** [ 7d ]

diek888 shows [ Ad, As ]two pairs, Aces and Nines.

twoinarow66 shows [ 9c, Ah ]three of a kind, Nines.

twoinarow66 wins $102.57 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Nines.

Game 6086538088 starts.

Y esta es mejor aun:

#Game No : 6095280031

***** Hand History for Game 6095280031 *****

$50 USD NL Texas Holdem - Monday, June 25, 16:17:29 ET 2007

Table Table 126748 (Real Money)

Seat 3 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 1: emeler ( $143.30 USD )

Seat 3: ElPaso500 ( $50.35 USD )

Seat 6: omnislash83 ( $58.35 USD )

Seat 4: diek888 ( $74.55 USD )

Seat 2: loek80 ( $35.20 USD )

Seat 5: n00bmare ( $50 USD )

diek888 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].

n00bmare posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to diek888 [ As Ac ]

omnislash83 raises [$2 USD]

emeler folds

loek80 folds

ElPaso500 calls [$2 USD]

diek888 raises [$6.75 USD]

n00bmare folds

>You have options at Table 128322 Table!.

omnislash83 folds

ElPaso500 calls [$5 USD]

** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, 2d, Jh ]

diek888 bets [$8.50 USD]

ElPaso500 calls [$8.50 USD]

** Dealing Turn ** [ Js ]

diek888 bets [$8.50 USD]

>You have options at Table 128322 Table!.

>You have options at Table 126796 Table!.

ElPaso500 calls [$8.50 USD]

** Dealing River ** [ 7s ]

diek888 bets [$26.50 USD]

ElPaso500 is all-In [$26.35 USD]

diek888 shows [ As, Ac ]a full house, Jacks full of Aces.

ElPaso500 shows [ Jc, 7h ]four of a kind, Jacks.

diek888 wins $0.15 USD from side pot #1 with a full house, Jacks full of Aces.

ElPaso500 wins $100.20 USD from the main pot with four of a kind, Jacks.

Game 6095287265 starts.

29/06/2007 00:24
Re: Dame ases y llamame tonto

Si, yo también lo planteé una vez a raiz de los datos del PT. en mi caso eran 67$ en negativo!!! La cosa es que habría que mirar el número de manos, pues en pocas manos entra dentro de la normalidad...

ánimo y no te acojones, que ya quisiéramos todos AA en todas las manos!!

29/06/2007 02:51
Re: Dame ases y llamame tonto

16 manos no son nada. Además con ases existe la tendencia a llevarte el pote pekeño y perder el grande, trata de vigilar eso pero no le des más importancia. Los ases te dan dinero siempre, sea el level ke sea.

01/07/2007 00:23
Re: Dame ases y llamame tonto

Coño es verdad, que no había visto el número de manos...

Está claro. No tienes de qué preocuparte...


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