Como corno juego esto?
$0.50/$1 No Limit Holdem
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
UTG ILUVTHRILL ([="#0000cc"]$100.80[/]) 101bb
UTG+1 MatrixFire ([="#0000cc"]$114.59[/]) 115bb
MP1 Tlaudrup ([="#0000cc"]$461.82[/]) 462bb
MP2 mnb75 ([="#0000cc"]$100[/]) 100bb
MP3 Bierbube88 ([="#0000cc"]$105.16[/]) 105bb
CO Commiderang ([="#0000cc"]$67.45[/]) 67bb
BTN yaokhmmmmm ([="#0000cc"]$136.37[/]) 136bb
SB L_Usher87 ([="#0000cc"]$99[/]) 99bb
BB BlackYJK ([="#0000cc"]$161.51[/]) 162bb
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]$1.50[/], 9 players) mnb75 is MP2 K:club: KDIAMONd
[="#cc0000"]ILUVTHRILL raises to $2.50[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Tlaudrup raises to $9[/], mnb75 calls $9, [="#777777"]5 folds[/], ILUVTHRILL calls $6.50
Flop: 7:club: 6:spade: 5:spade: ([="#0000cc"]$28.50[/], 3 players)
[="#cc0000"]ILUVTHRILL bets $17.96[/], Tlaudrup calls $17.96, [="#cc0000"]mnb75 goes all-in $91[/], [="#cc0000"]ILUVTHRILL goes all-in $91.80[/], [="#777777"]Tlaudrup folds[/]
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]$228.46[/]
6:club: 6DIAMONd
mnb75 shows
K:club: KDIAMONd
ILUVTHRILL wins [="#0000cc"]$227.26[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]$126.46)[/]
Tlaudrup lost [="#0000cc"]$26.96[/]
mnb75 lost [="#0000cc"]$100[/]
Estando en BB, SB BTN, es mas facil jugar mini cold 4 bet, pero aqui? Tengo que jugar asi preflop y dejar mi mano face up? En ningun caso tengo un farol. Por eso solo hice call.
Y luego postflop, cuando el estupido este sale donkeando estaba "seguro" que tenia set, pero.... tengo que foldear??