Buena sesión

3 respuestas
18/09/2007 23:28

Joder, vaya sesión la de ahora. He acabado desenchufando el ordenador del puto cable. No he podido jugar mejor y tomar mejores decisiones, pero los putos bad beats me han machacado en dos pots que me han hecho cerrar con -21$.

1-Aikiro poker:

Sin datos del villano.

** Game ID 1620649176 starting - 2007-09-18 22:41:51

** Brassavola [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- madjime sitting in seat 1 with $20.92

- banderarossa sitting in seat 2 with $19.70

- Zera83 sitting in seat 3 with $18.40

- zullivan sitting in seat 4 with $23.67

- cookiekoen sitting in seat 5 with $11.69

- SFPerkele sitting in seat 6 with $18.57 [Dealer]

- polker_38 sitting in seat 7 with $14.26

- Daino sitting in seat 8 with $20.99

- joukkijuuzo sitting in seat 9 with $18.74

- nisse300 sitting in seat 10 with $10.15

polker_38 posted the small blind - $0.10

Daino posted the big blind - $0.20

** Dealing card to banderarossa: A:club:, Q:heart:

joukkijuuzo folded

nisse300 folded

madjime called - $0.20

banderarossa raised - $0.80

Zera83 folded

zullivan folded

cookiekoen folded

SFPerkele folded

polker_38 folded

Daino folded

madjime called - $0.80

** Dealing the flop: 5:spade:, QDIAMONd, 2:club:

madjime bet - $0.95

banderarossa called - $0.95 Haciendo caso a esta gente del foro tan pasiva, no hay draws chungos, sólo call.

** Dealing the turn: 2:spade:

madjime checked

banderarossa checked Induciremos farol amén de dejar el bote pequeñito.

** Dealing the river: 3:heart:

madjime bet - $7.86 Picó

banderarossa called - $7.86

madjime shows: J:heart:, Q:club: Sinceramente me esperaba que no tuviese nada. Lo ha jugado muy mal.

banderarossa shows: A:club:, Q:heart:

banderarossa wins $18.55 from the main pot

End of game 1620649176

En ésta es un tío muy agresivo y quiero que siga metiendo en cuarta, aparte quiero que pueda pensar que tengo AK. Como estoy commited 100% con mi stack y ese flop me reservo el raise para el turn, quiero que él también lo esté (me esperaba KQ):

** Game ID 1620568893 starting - 2007-09-18 22:07:51

** Lupin [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- banderarossa sitting in seat 1 with $20.25 [Dealer]

- HaMaSt sitting in seat 2 with $35.94

- nisse300 sitting in seat 3 with $18.15

- Bo_GoSS sitting in seat 4 with $39.07

- Darkinferno sitting in seat 5 with $91.27

- mc_peewee sitting in seat 6 with $54.00

- martinbh73 sitting in seat 7 with $16.50

- Digicat sitting in seat 8 with $68.43

- vitrygg sitting in seat 9 with $94.14

- kasperouxx sitting in seat 10 with $43.03

HaMaSt posted the small blind - $0.25

nisse300 posted the big blind - $0.50

** Dealing card to banderarossa: QDIAMONd, A:spade:

Bo_GoSS called - $0.50

Darkinferno folded

mc_peewee folded

martinbh73 folded

Digicat folded

vitrygg folded

kasperouxx called - $0.50

banderarossa raised - $2.00

HaMaSt folded

nisse300 folded

Bo_GoSS called - $2.00

kasperouxx called - $2.00

** Dealing the flop: 5:club:, Q:club:, J:spade:

Bo_GoSS bet - $3.37

kasperouxx folded

banderarossa called - $3.37

** Dealing the turn: 4DIAMONd

Bo_GoSS bet - $6.74

banderarossa went all-in - $14.88

Bo_GoSS called - $14.88

** Dealing the river: 6:club:

banderarossa shows: QDIAMONd, A:spade:

Bo_GoSS shows: J:club:, 7:club:

Bo_GoSS wins $41.09 from the main pot

End of game 1620568893

Éste es de los que duelen. Aquí el villano raisea 2.5% de las manos:

** Game ID 1620696822 starting - 2007-09-18 22:56:47

** Brassavola [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- H2OCLUBER sitting in seat 1 with $9.80 [Sitting out]

- banderarossa sitting in seat 2 with $25.54

- Zera83 sitting in seat 3 with $18.10

- zullivan sitting in seat 4 with $22.59

- coolguyme sitting in seat 5 with $17.93

- SFPerkele sitting in seat 6 with $17.51

- polker_38 sitting in seat 7 with $24.12

- Daino sitting in seat 8 with $24.15

- joukkijuuzo sitting in seat 9 with $21.15 [Dealer]

- nisse300 sitting in seat 10 with $10.68

nisse300 posted the small blind - $0.10

banderarossa posted the big blind - $0.20

** Dealing card to banderarossa: A:heart:, A:spade:

Zera83 folded

zullivan folded

coolguyme folded

SFPerkele raised - $0.80

polker_38 folded

Daino folded

joukkijuuzo folded

nisse300 called - $0.80

banderarossa raised - $2.60

SFPerkele called - $2.60

nisse300 called - $2.60

** Dealing the flop: 7:spade:, 6:spade:, 9:spade:

nisse300 checked

banderarossa bet - $3.80

SFPerkele called - $3.80

nisse300 folded

** Dealing the turn: K:club:

banderarossa bet - $15.40 Aquí creo que cometo un error y es dejarle el river tan caro. Se lo ha pensado más de un minuto por lo que yo creía que tenía QQ con Q:spade: Una bet de 7-8$ me habría hecho call seguro

SFPerkele went all-in - $11.11

And the river is... duele a la vista:

** Dealing the river: K:heart:

banderarossa shows: A:heart:, A:spade:

SFPerkele shows: A:club:, K:spade:

SFPerkele wins $35.74 from the main pot

End of game 1620696822

Y un par de maníaco a lo Farha. Pura agresión:

** Game ID 1620684340 starting - 2007-09-18 22:52:52

** Brahea [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- enzotree sitting in seat 1 with $30.71

- RICO_TUBBS sitting in seat 2 with $8.60

- Zera83 sitting in seat 3 with $19.80

- Daino sitting in seat 4 with $17.77

- GlopGlop sitting in seat 5 with $35.33

- nisse300 sitting in seat 6 with $17.46

- nibla31 sitting in seat 7 with $13.70

- banderarossa sitting in seat 8 with $15.30 [Dealer]

- Garfield56 sitting in seat 9 with $14.61

- mr_boefkick sitting in seat 10 with $9.37

Garfield56 posted the small blind - $0.10

mr_boefkick posted the big blind - $0.20

** Dealing card to banderarossa: 9:club:, 10:club:

enzotree called - $0.20


Zera83 folded

Daino folded

GlopGlop called - $0.20

nisse300 raised - $0.80

nibla31 folded

banderarossa called - $0.80

Garfield56 called - $0.80

mr_boefkick folded

enzotree called - $0.80

GlopGlop folded

** Dealing the flop: Q:spade:, J:club:, 2:spade:

Garfield56 checked

enzotree bet - $0.60

nisse300 called - $0.60

banderarossa raised - $2.00 OESD, candela

Garfield56 folded

enzotree called - $2.00

nisse300 folded

** Dealing the turn: J:spade:

enzotree bet - $0.60

banderarossa called - $0.60

** Dealing the river: 3:spade:

enzotree bet - $0.80

banderarossa raised - $5.90

enzotree folded

banderarossa shows: 9:club:, 10:club:

banderarossa wins $15.55 from the main pot

End of game 1620684340

** Game ID 1620589753 starting - 2007-09-18 22:18:05

** Borassus [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- Diltoo sitting in seat 1 with $14.02

- Zera83 sitting in seat 2 with $19.80

- banderarossa sitting in seat 3 with $19.60

- mimichacha sitting in seat 4 with $19.84 [Dealer]

- LufsLudde sitting in seat 5 with $9.05

- nisse300 sitting in seat 6 with $9.66

- Turtle83 sitting in seat 7 with $15.43

- maitreced sitting in seat 8 with $5.31

- SFPerkele sitting in seat 9 with $20.00 [Sitting out]

- enoryt sitting in seat 10 with $19.82

LufsLudde posted the small blind - $0.10

nisse300 posted the big blind - $0.20

** Dealing card to banderarossa: JDIAMONd, 9DIAMONd

Turtle83 folded

maitreced folded

enoryt folded

Diltoo called - $0.20

Zera83 folded

banderarossa raised - $1.00

mimichacha called - $1.00

LufsLudde folded

nisse300 folded

Diltoo folded

** Dealing the flop: 6DIAMONd, 2DIAMONd, K:club:

banderarossa bet - $1.50

mimichacha called - $1.50

** Dealing the turn: Q:spade:

banderarossa bet - $3.00

mimichacha called - $3.00

** Dealing the river: A:club:

banderarossa bet - $6.00

mimichacha folded

banderarossa shows: JDIAMONd, 9DIAMONd

banderarossa wins $16.93 from the main pot

End of game 1620589753

18/09/2007 23:43
Re: Buena sesión

Hombre... vamos que si te gusta ser LAG está bien pero ya estas siendo medio kamikaze apostando tanto en el river sin nada

19/09/2007 00:13
Re: Buena sesión

No soy LAG más bien tight y últimamente algo más agresivo... en esos dos rivers faroleo porque:

1-No tengo ninguna posibilidad de ganar al SD.

2-Sale una carta bastante scary para mi rival, que puede parecer que me ha ayudado bastante, y creo que las apuestas guardan cierta coherencia. En la primera represento AQ con as de picas. En la segunda AA o AK.

3-Tengo una buena lectura. En la primera el villano tenía una pareja de reinas y en la segunda, una pareja de reyes o el draw de color.

La del J9s reconozco que es bastante arriesgada porque sin posición nunca sabes por dónde te puede salir. En la otra, esa donk bet en el river le delata, no tenía más que pareja de reinas y sólo hacían falta huevos para meter la pasta.

19/09/2007 01:36
Re: Buena sesión

:S Alguien más de rami cree que en la primera mano bluffera tiene AsQx? mois, no... Es claro que el villano es medio tonto esa clase de apuestas y te saliste con la tuya, qué porcentaje de estos bluffs no te funcionan?

La segunda no pones datos pero contra gente decente te va a costar dinero EMO

EDIT: Lo digo porque EMO estos stakes no son para bluffear y hacer lecturas de pro


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