Aaaaaaaaay xq subiria de nivel?????

1 respuesta
29/01/2006 19:37

Justo el dia que me da por probar en NL50, les da por riverearme 3 veces:

Game #1561773054: Hold'em NL ($0.25/$0.50) - 2006/01/29 - 12:48:55 (ET)

Table "Partita" Seat 5 is the button.

Seat 1: Plunderer ($32.80 in chips)

Seat 2: aheim ($49.50 in chips)

Seat 3: ZZidane ($40.25 in chips)

Seat 4: JyLynn2 ($11.35 in chips)

Seat 5: FaxeC ($48.75 in chips)

Seat 6: Miking ($26.54 in chips)

Seat 7: nuchi ($19.90 in chips)

Seat 8: skip777 ($2.19 in chips)

Seat 9: wow8811 ($64.77 in chips)

Seat 10: Akjoep ($29.87 in chips)

Miking: posts small blind $0.25

nuchi: posts big blind $0.50

----- HOLE CARDS -----

dealt to ZZidane [K:spade: J:spade: ]

skip777: folds

skip777 sits out

wow8811: folds

Akjoep: folds

skip777 sits back

Plunderer: calls $0.50

aheim: folds

ZZidane: raises to $2 --> Puede ser discutible, pero estoy en Late Position, así que raiseo.

JyLynn2: calls $2

FaxeC: folds

Miking: raises to $3.50

nuchi: folds

Plunderer: folds

ZZidane: calls $1.50 --> Había demasiado dinero como para foldear,no?????

JyLynn2: calls $1.50

----- FLOP ----- [9:club: K:heart: JDIAMONd ]

skip777 leaves the table

Miking: bets $2.50

ZZidane: raises to $15 --> No me gusta slowplayar y menos en un board como ese, así que raiseo un poco. Mucho, poco?? Debia foldear o q???

JyLynn2: folds

cad7803 joins the table at seat #8

Miking: calls $12.50

----- TURN ----- [9:club: K:heart: JDIAMONd ][7:heart: ]

Miking: bets $8.04 and is all-in

ZZidane: calls $8.04 --> Q remedio que callear...

----- RIVER ----- [9:club: K:heart: JDIAMONd 7:heart: ][T:club: ]

----- SHOW DOWN -----

Miking: shows [Q:spade: QDIAMONd ] (A Straight, King high)

ZZidane: shows [K:spade: J:spade: ] (Two Pairs, Kings and Jacks, Ten high)

Miking collects $54.73 from Main pot

****HAND ENDS****

No está nada mal. Un gut shot y las reinas. 6 outs. Clap clap.

La siguiente ya fue anchoa mía, pero es que estaba en Jose Antonio On Tilt y decidí regalar lo que me quedaba...

Game #1561773064: Hold'em NL ($0.25/$0.50) - 2006/01/29 - 12:50:38 (ET)

Table "Partita" Seat 6 is the button.

Seat 1: Plunderer ($32.30 in chips)

Seat 2: aheim ($49.50 in chips)

Seat 3: ZZidane ($13.71 in chips)

Seat 4: JyLynn2 ($7.85 in chips)

Seat 5: FaxeC ($48.75 in chips)

Seat 6: Miking ($54.73 in chips)

Seat 7: nuchi ($19.40 in chips)

Seat 8: cad7803 ($30 in chips)

Seat 9: wow8811 ($64.77 in chips)

Seat 10: Akjoep ($29.87 in chips)

nuchi: posts small blind $0.25

cad7803: posts big blind $0.50

----- HOLE CARDS -----

dealt to ZZidane [TDIAMONd J:spade: ]

wow8811: folds

Akjoep: calls $0.50

Plunderer: folds

Plunderer sits out

aheim: folds

ZZidane: calls $0.50

JyLynn2: raises to $1

FaxeC: folds

Miking: folds

nuchi: calls $0.75

cad7803: calls $0.50

Akjoep: calls $0.50

ZZidane: calls $0.50

----- FLOP ----- [Q:club: J:club: 9:heart: ]

nuchi: checks

cad7803: checks

Akjoep: checks

ZZidane: bets $12.71 and is all-in --> Pareja y openended str8 draw, asi que a tomar por culo. Allin

JyLynn2: is all-in $6.85

nuchi: folds

cad7803: folds

Akjoep: folds

Returned uncalled bets $5.86 to ZZidane

----- TURN ----- [Q:club: J:club: 9:heart: ][K:heart: ]

----- RIVER ----- [Q:club: J:club: 9:heart: K:heart: ][J:heart: ]

----- SHOW DOWN -----

ZZidane: shows [TDIAMONd J:spade: ] (A Straight, King high)

JyLynn2: shows [K:spade: KDIAMONd ] (A Full House, Kings full of Jacks)

JyLynn2 collects $17.80 from Main pot

****HAND ENDS****

El river me volvio a joder

Yyyyyyy... 3 minutitos después contra el MISMO tio:

Game #1561906024: Hold'em NL ($0.25/$0.50) - 2006/01/29 - 12:55:59 (ET)

Table "Partita" Seat 3 is the button.

Seat 1: Plunderer sits out

Seat 2: aheim ($48.75 in chips)

Seat 3: ZZidane ($49 in chips)

Seat 4: JyLynn2 ($11.30 in chips)

Seat 5: FaxeC ($48.75 in chips)

Seat 6: bayite ($9.50 in chips)

Seat 7: nuchi ($17.90 in chips)

Seat 8: cad7803 ($29.50 in chips)

Seat 9: wow8811 ($67.47 in chips)

Seat 10: Akjoep ($33.32 in chips)

JyLynn2: posts small blind $0.25

FaxeC: posts big blind $0.50

----- HOLE CARDS -----

dealt to ZZidane [KDIAMONd K:club: ]

bayite: folds

nuchi: calls $0.50

cad7803: calls $0.50

wow8811: folds

Akjoep: folds

aheim: folds

ZZidane: raises to $2.50

JyLynn2: calls $2.25

FaxeC: folds

nuchi: folds

cad7803: calls $2

----- FLOP ----- [6DIAMONd 5:club: T:spade: ]

JyLynn2: bets $8.80 and is all-in

cad7803: folds

ZZidane: calls $8.80

----- TURN ----- [6DIAMONd 5:club: T:spade: ][3:heart: ]

----- RIVER ----- [6DIAMONd 5:club: T:spade: 3:heart: ][J:spade: ]

----- SHOW DOWN -----

JyLynn2: shows [J:club: TDIAMONd ] (Two Pairs, Jacks and Tens, Six high)

ZZidane: shows [KDIAMONd K] (A Pair of Kings, Jack high)

JyLynn2 collects $24.80 from Main pot

****HAND ENDS****

Otra vez el puto river.

Las manos pueden haber estado mal jugadas, pero salvo en la segunda, iba muy por delante.

Lo que me jode es que en la primera el tonto de él me raisea 1.25 cuando ya habia 9$ en el pot (aparte de ver 15$ con segunda pareja) y en la segunda el tontolaba habia min raiseado con KK y les sale bien el hacer putas anchoas. Yo reiseo con KK y el muy tonto decide verme 2,50$ con JTo y encima le sale bien.

Y como no, ahora el que se ha vuelto loco soy yo y no dejo de regalar el puto dinero. Encima yo no fumo y no puedo echarme un fiti para relajarme. Romperia mil objetos ahora mismo. A ver si puedo armarme de paciencia...

29/01/2006 19:46
Re: Aaaaaaaaay xq subiria de nivel?????

Siento el tono general del mensaje. Ya se que son unas mierdas de manos, pero necesitaba desahogarme de alguna manera.


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