
2 respuestas
12/09/2007 13:21

NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, September 12, 00:12:46 GMT 2007

Table Neon 27 6-max (Real Money)

Seat 1 is the button

Total number of active players : 6

Seat 1: Tarkalqsnik ( $50.70 )

Seat 2: meatball898 ( $42.85 )

Seat 3: ruddy22 ( $355.34 )

Seat 4: kiffy ( $26.15 )

Seat 5: Kapsowar ( $181.75 )

Seat 6: amseul ( $52.80 )

meatball898 posts small blind [$0.25]

ruddy22 posts big blind [$0.50]

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to amseul [ 7h, 8h ]

kiffy raises to [$1]

Kapsowar folds

amseul calls [$1]

Tarkalqsnik calls [$1]

meatball898 folds

ruddy22 raises to [$3]

kiffy calls [$2]

amseul calls [$2]

Tarkalqsnik calls [$2]

** Dealing Flop ** [ Ac, 6h, 5h ]

ruddy22 checks

kiffy bets [$5]

amseul raises to [$16]

Tarkalqsnik calls [$16]

ruddy22 folds

kiffy goes all-in

kiffy raises to [$23.15]

amseul goes all-in

amseul raises to [$49.80]

Tarkalqsnik calls [$31.70]

Tarkalqsnik goes all-in

Returning uncalled bet [$2.10] to amseul

** Showdown **

Tarkalqsnik shows [ 5s, 5c ]

kiffy shows [ Qd, As ]

amseul shows [ 7h, 8h ]

** Dealing Turn ** [ Qc ]

** Dealing River ** [ 2h ]

** Hand Conclusion **

amseul wins $49.10 from side pot #1 with a Flush

amseul wins $78.70 from main pot with a Flush

Resultado PokerStove

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

903 games 0.062 secs 14,564 games/sec

Board: Ac 6h 5h


equity win tie pots won pots tied

Hand 0: 44.518% 44.52% 00.00% 402 0.00 { 8h7h }

Hand 1: 02.104% 02.10% 00.00% 19 0.00 { AsQd }

Hand 2: 53.378% 53.38% 00.00% 482 0.00 { 5c5s }

El call preflop del raiseador lo hice ya que el tio era un maniaco que raiseaba cualquier mano.

Como la hubieseis jugado? Se me fue la olla metiendome allin?

12/09/2007 19:52
Re: 87s

A mi me gusto como la jugaste, llevas 15 outs de las cuales reales podrian ser 13... no las calcule, pero a vista nomas tenes buenas odds...

12/09/2007 19:58
Re: 87s

A mi tambien me parece bien jugado,tienes una equity brutal en el flop(60% si no me equivoco),y encima es three handed.A mi estos malditos draws de 15 y 12 outs no me salen nunca,a ver si empieza a cambiar la racha.


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