TPTK & miniraise en flop monocolor
3 respuestas
29/09/2013 12:44
Sólo puedo deciros que es un 31/0 en 39 manos.
PokerStars - €0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (SB): €12.18
BB: €10.00
UTG: €8.44
MP: €9.54
CO: €15.17
BTN: €4.63
Hero posts SB €0.05, BB posts BB €0.10
Pre Flop: (pot: €0.15) Hero has ADIAMONd 8:spade:
UTG calls €0.10, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to €0.40, fold, UTG calls €0.30
Flop: (€0.90, 2 players) 3:club: 8:club: 2:club:
Hero bets €0.60, UTG raises to €1.20, Hero??