[nl25] QJo en BB. 3bet pot contra reg en BTN. cbet y push. Es fold claro?

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26/10/2012 17:49

Villano: 654 manos 23/18 OR BTN:47 fold 3bet steal:56 fold 3bet total:75 4bet range:1 4bet total:5 fold cbet flop:56 raise cbet flop: 4 wtsd:24 wwsf:37 w$sd:61 agr: 67/62/22

PokerStars - €0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players

Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BB): €10.00

UTG: €25.87

MP: €14.16

CO: €11.60

BTN: €25.00

SB: €21.79

SB posts SB €0.10, Hero posts BB €0.25

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.35) Hero has QDIAMONd J:heart:

fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to €0.62, fold, Hero raises to €1.75, BTN calls €1.13

Flop: (€3.60, 2 players) 5:heart: 3:heart: 7:heart:

Hero bets €1.70, BTN raises to €23.25 and is all-in, fold

BTN wins €6.64


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