NL10 Overpair vs raise flop cb
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
6 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
UTG IveeryLike ([="#0000cc"]$11.07[/]) 111bb
UTG+1 Hero ([="#0000cc"]$10[/]) 100bb
CO nobse1964 ([="#0000cc"]$18.12[/]) 181bb
BTN legendasheff ([="#0000cc"]$10[/]) 100bb
SB centrzib ([="#0000cc"]$10[/]) 100bb
BB fejzl ([="#0000cc"]$23.78[/]) 238bb
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]$0.15[/], 6 players) Hero is UTG+1 10:spade: 10:heart:
[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Hero raises to $0.30[/], nobse1964 calls $0.30, legendasheff calls $0.30, [="#777777"]2 folds[/]
Flop: 5:spade: 2DIAMONd 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]$1.05[/], 3 players)
[="#cc0000"]Hero bets $0.70[/], nobse1964 calls $0.70, [="#cc0000"]legendasheff raises to $3[/], Hero??
Supongo q nadie foldea, no?
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