Rail Torneos saturday greyman82
Lastima de bote en el 55$
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com
UTG greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]2,660[/])
UTG+1 RUIB ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])
MP1 L3Genden13 ([="#0000cc"]3,025[/])
MP2 D_INVOLVER ([="#0000cc"]5,670[/])
MP3 vovan2346 ([="#0000cc"]1,215[/])
CO LaliTournier ([="#0000cc"]1,315[/])
BTN shootsu ([="#0000cc"]2,910[/])
SB Unidos12 ([="#0000cc"]4,505[/])
BB eli_lool ([="#0000cc"]2,635[/])
Blinds: 15/30
Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]45[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG Q:spade: Q:club:
[="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 90[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], vovan2346 calls 90, [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Unidos12 raises to 345[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,380[/], [="#cc0000"]vovan2346 goes all-in 1,125[/], [="#cc0000"]Unidos12 goes all-in 4,505[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,280[/]
Flop: J:spade: 9:heart: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]8,410[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
Turn: 2:heart: ([="#0000cc"]8,410[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
River: 7:club: ([="#0000cc"]8,410[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)
Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]8,410[/]
Unidos12 shows a pair of Sevens
Q:heart: A:spade:
greyman82 shows two pair, Queens and Sevens
Q:spade: Q:club:
vovan2346 shows three of a kind, Sevens
7:spade: K:spade:
greyman82 wins 2,890 (net +230)
vovan2346 wins 3,675 (net +2,460)
Unidos12 collects 1,845 (net -2,660)