RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

10 respuestas
08/05/2012 19:38

Empezamos ya hace 1 hora y busto el hot 11, el resto va bien la cosa GO

08/05/2012 20:34
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

AJ vs AQ busto big22 cerca de premios

08/05/2012 20:41
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

busto big 11 AQ vs KT en ATxT me paga el flop jeje.

08/05/2012 20:46
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

busto 22 freezeout pusheo 88 MP2 y me pga SB con KTs 14 ciegas.. nonsense.

08/05/2012 21:17
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

busto hot 16,50 AQ vs AQ vs 88 a falta de 90 para premiossssss fuck

08/05/2012 21:38
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

PokerStars Hand #80129079651: Tournament #572010442, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (300/600) - 2012/05/08 21:35:44 CET [2012/05/08 15:35:44 ET]

Table '572010442 84' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

Seat 1: Verand1000 (10144 in chips)

Seat 2: ivan gar99 (10981 in chips)

Seat 3: steveelmejor (6318 in chips)

Seat 4: poker41day (20594 in chips)

Seat 5: spetsern (7668 in chips)

Seat 6: Dodorox (8688 in chips)

Seat 7: uwe-uwesen (10727 in chips)

Seat 8: scott96dl (21089 in chips)

Seat 9: Otter8759 (5852 in chips)

Verand1000: posts the ante 70

ivan gar99: posts the ante 70

steveelmejor: posts the ante 70

poker41day: posts the ante 70

spetsern: posts the ante 70

Dodorox: posts the ante 70

uwe-uwesen: posts the ante 70

scott96dl: posts the ante 70

Otter8759: posts the ante 70

Verand1000: posts small blind 300

ivan gar99: posts big blind 600

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to steveelmejor [Kd 5h]

steveelmejor: folds

poker41day: folds

spetsern: folds

Dodorox: folds

uwe-uwesen: folds

scott96dl: raises 600 to 1200

Otter8759: folds

Verand1000: folds

ivan gar99: folds

Uncalled bet (600) returned to scott96dl

scott96dl collected 2130 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 2130 | Rake 0

Seat 1: Verand1000 (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 2: ivan gar99 (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 3: steveelmejor folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 4: poker41day folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 5: spetsern folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 6: Dodorox folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 7: uwe-uwesen folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: scott96dl collected (2130)

Seat 9: Otter8759 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)


busto big 109 falta de 80 para cobrr, tipico flip que nos vale media baraja.. en fin antes hemos perdido KK vs A9 allin pref. enfin.

09/05/2012 00:11
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

y ooooooootro busto mas a 50 de cobrar en el 201R1A

http://weaktight.com/4654312 de risa.. no sale NUNCA

09/05/2012 00:12
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

el bote de top5 para variar 😉

09/05/2012 02:11
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

http://weaktight.com/4654844 busto el de 1k.. flip de 4k points (50bb) KJ vs TT. si queres.. ganamos algo ;P

09/05/2012 02:38
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

en fin se acabó todo. de risa 😫D

mano final en el 109


SUBE KK x5 un fishazo, paga otro fish y paga el masivo yo JJ si quieres no. 😉

en fin GG TY ALL 😉 seguimos aqui con el high de willy go

09/05/2012 18:27
Re: RAIL STEVE Paquete SCOOP + REGULARS 08/05/2012

gg la proxima sera

ha habido algun itm??


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