15/04/2012 20:39
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

ya he activado la busqueda STUPId

15/04/2012 21:12
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

abierto el big 55

22R1 6.2k

SM 10k

15/04/2012 21:20
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

subimos a 10.5k en 22R1 haciendo call a push overbet en flop de fish con FD vs nuestro tp gk

Ahora llegamos al add on y lo hacemos, 13.5k

15/04/2012 21:28
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

abierto el 55R,hecho el rebuy inicial

15/04/2012 21:40
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

perdemos bote de 6.3k en 22R1, hacemos rol con 9Thh vs limp de fish undergun, flop soñado Txxhh, cbeteamos y paga,ladrillo en turn,chekeamos y en river Q calleamos su bet lleva QQ, #putosproyectos xdd 9.5k

15/04/2012 21:41
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

En 55R abrimos 66, 1 cc y truchemoas en flop pero se tira a la cbet 😒

15/04/2012 21:44
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

spliteamos bote en el big 55

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]3,605[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]5,229[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]5,319[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]4,688[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]2,852[/])

Jumping (BTN) ([="#0000cc"]3,035[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]5,917[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]2,345[/])

Blinds: 25/50

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]75[/], 9 players) Jumping is BTN A:club: 10:spade:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], MP1 calls 50, MP2 calls 50, [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 300[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], MP1 calls 250, [="#777777"]MP2 folds[/]

Flop: Q:spade: Q:club: 10DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]725[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]MP1 bets 150[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 400[/], [="#cc0000"]MP1 raises to 800[/], Jumping calls 400

Turn: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,325[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]MP1 bets 2,500[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 1,935[/]

River: 3:heart: ([="#0000cc"]6,195[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,195[/]

Jumping shows two pair, Queens and Tens

A:club: 10:spade:

MP1 shows two pair, Queens and Tens

ADIAMONd 10:heart:

MP1 wins [="#0000cc"]3,663[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]63)[/]

Jumping wins [="#0000cc"]3,097[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]62)[/]

MP2 lost [="#0000cc"]50[/]

15/04/2012 21:47
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

perdemos bote de 5.2k en el SM en mano 3 jug contra fish en J9xssx9, lleva JT vs nuestros TT

15/04/2012 21:55
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

bajamos a 4,3k en 22R1, abre fish en bt,cc sb y hacemos sque en bb, paga fish y fold sb, en Axx cbeteamos q es su all in y paga con AJs. xd

15/04/2012 21:59
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

2º break:

22R1 4.3k

SM 7.2k

big 55 2.7k

55R 4.3k

Abriendo el 11R y big 162 y registrandome en el 2ºchance para esta nueva hora.

15/04/2012 22:04
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

hacemos sque y acabamos in en el SM con QQ vs el or q lleva AK y perdemos el flip 1.4k 😒 Se pone jodida la cosa 7bb

15/04/2012 22:06
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

triple up en 11R acabamos in en 95Kss con 55 vs QKdd vs A7ss, turn 9 river Ts 10k

15/04/2012 22:13
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

doble up en 22R1 8,3k abren en pm ( abre mucho ) y pusheamos en sb A3s, bb decide pushear sus 66 u or fold board KKx99 ^^

15/04/2012 22:16
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

doblamos las pipas de SM con QKs vs A8 y tenemos 10bb del nuevo nivel q acaba de empezar 125/250 habrá milagro??

En el 55R perdemos bote de 1,8k con tp vs tp mejor kiker

15/04/2012 22:18
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

busteamos el SM, no hay milagro, pusheamos A9s undergun y no pinchamos vs TT

15/04/2012 22:21
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

subimos a 4k otra vez en el 55R, abrimos AKhh y en AJh8h64h nos pagan 2 barrels y foldea en river un reg ???

15/04/2012 22:24
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

abre co a 5 bb y pusheamos nuestras 23bb en sb con AQs en big 55, foldea

15/04/2012 22:27
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

subimos a 13k en 11R gracias a fishaco

Se abre el 2ºchance

15/04/2012 22:41
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

doble up en big 55, hacemos sque in con A6s y ganamos a AK 6.5k 😄

En big 162 subimos a 5k con un cc y 4bet a sque de v se*lb*st q foldea y despues un 3 barrel contra gam*bit*360 q foldea en river

15/04/2012 22:44
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

llegamos al add on del 55R y lo hacemos, empezaremos tras el break en 6.8k

15/04/2012 22:46
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

abrimos KK en big 55, pagan 4 y foldeamos en flop Axx q donkea el 1º y paga el 2º en hablar, lo nuestro no son las premiums...

15/04/2012 22:51
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

bajamos y subimos en el big 55 contra el mismo fish, en una 3jug tenemos q pagar con escalera debido a la apuesta tan chica q hace con color y en la sig induciendolo a farolear river 5.1k

15/04/2012 22:59
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

3er break:

22R1 9.1k

11R 13.1k

big 55 5.7k

55R 8.3k

big 162 5,4k

2ºchance 5k

Ahora abrimos los 2 últimos , sunday 6 max y 55$

15/04/2012 23:00
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

Se me olvido escribir q en el 55R ha sobrado un doble rebuy a devolver con su MU

15/04/2012 23:09
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

menudo comienzo tras el break..OMFG

Buesteamos el 22R1, reg pushea en sb y pagamos en bb con QK, lleva A3 y no ligamos

Busteamos el 55R en 2 manos :

-acabamos in pf con QQ vs AA por pot de 100bb, y sig mano hacemos sque in con 18bb y AQcc q no gana el flip a JJ en 9cAJc55

15/04/2012 23:12
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

para rematar tb esta joya made in fish en el big 55

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]8,122[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]6,231[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]2,310[/])

Jumping (MP2) ([="#0000cc"]5,603[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]2,995[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]5,400[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]17,760[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]10,453[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]5,593[/])

Blinds: 100/200 Ante 25

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]525[/], 9 players) Jumping is MP2 A:spade: 5:spade:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 400[/], [="#cc0000"]MP3 raises to 600[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], Jumping calls 200

Flop: 10DIAMONd 7:spade: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,725[/], 2 players)

Jumping checks, [="#cc0000"]MP3 goes all-in 2,370[/], Jumping calls 2,370

Turn: 8:club: ([="#0000cc"]6,465[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 4DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]6,465[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,465[/]

Jumping shows high card Ace

A:spade: 5:spade:

MP3 shows a pair of Sevens


MP3 wins [="#0000cc"]6,465[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]3,470)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]2,995[/]

Esperemos q no sea toda la hora asi gluppss

15/04/2012 23:18
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

wow, q pena, nos ponemos con 11,1k en big 162 al ganar AA vs KK vs AK y a la sig mano perdemos bote de 7,3k en el river TT vs 99 vs AJhh en 2QQhh55h 😒 bajamos a 8.1k

15/04/2012 23:26
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

En el 6max nos ha tocado el*ky justo a la izq, y es la primera vez q coincido con el. Alguien me podria decir algo sobre su juego? Q este contrastado obv, no por decir.. ty ty

15/04/2012 23:30
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

busteamos el big 55 con poco menos de 6bb pusheamos QTo q no tiene nada q hacer vs JJ

15/04/2012 23:49
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

spliteamos bote de 75bb en 2º chance 😒

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]12,896[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]2,257[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]5,967[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]5,080[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]7,276[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]4,290[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]1,201[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]3,791[/])

Jumping (BB) ([="#0000cc"]2,867[/])

Blinds: 40/80

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]120[/], 9 players) Jumping is BB K:heart: ADIAMONd

[="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]CO raises to 160[/], [="#cc0000"]BTN goes all-in 1,201[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 2,867[/], [="#777777"]CO folds[/]

Flop: 5:spade: 10DIAMONd K:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,602[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: QDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]2,602[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: J:heart: ([="#0000cc"]2,602[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]2,602[/]

BTN shows a straight, Ten to Ace

Q:heart: A:heart:

Jumping shows a straight, Ten to Ace

K:heart: ADIAMONd

Jumping wins [="#0000cc"]2,967[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]100)[/]

BTN wins [="#0000cc"]1,301[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]100)[/]

CO lost [="#0000cc"]160[/]

15/04/2012 23:57
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

No Limit Holdem Tournament


6 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]9,225[/])

Jumping (UTG+1) ([="#0000cc"]5,448[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]5,882[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]3,075[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]2,306[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]4,064[/])

Blinds: 40/80

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]120[/], 6 players) Jumping is UTG+1 10:club: 9:club:

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 200[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], BTN calls 200, [="#cc0000"]SB raises to 640[/], BB calls 560, Jumping calls 440, BTN calls 440

Flop: 7:club: 8:club: 2:heart: ([="#0000cc"]2,560[/], 4 players)

[="#cc0000"]SB goes all-in 1,666[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 4,808[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/]

Turn: QDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]5,892[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 9:heart: ([="#0000cc"]5,892[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]5,892[/]

SB shows three of a kind, Queens

Q:club: Q:heart:

Jumping shows a pair of Nines

10:club: 9:club:

SB wins [="#0000cc"]5,892[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]3,586)[/]

Jumping collects [="#0000cc"]3,142[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]2,306[/])

BTN lost [="#0000cc"]640[/]

BB lost [="#0000cc"]640[/]

El dia q le gane una mano a Mrklout lo dejo todo y me voy a hacerme un paj....

Sig mano abro AKs y tengo q check foldear flop muy feo vs 2 jug.

OMFG missclick ahora y hago call a un push con J7 q no puede con A4s, nos quedamos con pipas q doblamos con A8 vs KK. Si no consigo remontar a 2,5k fichas devuelvo el buy in, al ser fallo mio. Es lo q tiene railear 😒 😒

16/04/2012 00:08
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

nos doblamos con el fish 33 vs A3 1.3k

16/04/2012 00:09
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

perdemos al sd Ajs vs A8 en 11 R 27.3k

16/04/2012 00:11
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

nada, busteamos el 6max , pusheamos 67 en sb q no supera el A9 de el*ky , devuelvo el buy in de 162$

16/04/2012 00:14
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

En el 11R no usamos el doble rebuy, a devolver con su MU q creo q no lo dije antes

16/04/2012 00:22
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

por fin una alegría en el big 162

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]10,536[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]5,859[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]5,865[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]9,869[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]5,254[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]2,675[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]2,258[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]5,670[/])

Jumping (BB) ([="#0000cc"]7,939[/])

Blinds: 125/250 Ante 30

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]645[/], 9 players) Jumping is BB 4:club: 3:club:

[="#cc0000"]UTG raises to 500[/], UTG+1 calls 500, [="#777777"]6 folds[/], Jumping calls 250

Flop: 8:club: 3:spade: 3:heart: ([="#0000cc"]1,895[/], 3 players)

Jumping checks, [="#cc0000"]UTG bets 895[/], UTG+1 calls 895, Jumping calls 895

Turn: 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]4,580[/], 3 players)

Jumping checks, [="#cc0000"]UTG bets 1,865[/], [="#777777"]UTG+1 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 3,730[/], UTG calls 1,865

River: 10:club: ([="#0000cc"]12,040[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 2,784[/], UTG calls 2,784

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]17,608[/]

UTG shows a full house, Threes full of Jacks

J:heart: J:club:

Jumping shows four of a kind, Threes

4:club: 3:club:

Jumping wins [="#0000cc"]17,608[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]9,669)[/]

UTG lost [="#0000cc"]7,939[/]

UTG+1 lost [="#0000cc"]1,425[/]

16/04/2012 00:24
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

y otra en el 11R

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]31,257[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]7,235[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]18,516[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]8,185[/])

Jumping (CO) ([="#0000cc"]32,091[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]22,388[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]35,344[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]14,460[/])

Blinds: 200/400 Ante 75

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,200[/], 8 players) Jumping is CO ADIAMONd K:spade:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]MP2 goes all-in 8,110[/], Jumping calls 8,110, [="#777777"]3 folds[/]

Flop: A:spade: 10:club: 4:heart: ([="#0000cc"]17,420[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 5:spade: ([="#0000cc"]17,420[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 6:club: ([="#0000cc"]17,420[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]17,420[/]

MP2 shows a pair of Threes

3:club: 3:heart:

Jumping shows a pair of Aces

ADIAMONd K:spade:

Jumping wins [="#0000cc"]17,420[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]9,235)[/]

MP2 lost [="#0000cc"]8,185[/]

16/04/2012 00:27
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

busteamos el 2º chance 66 vs Aq de ana marquez, a cambio ganamos otro botecito en big 162 de 4.7k en big 162 y subimos a 20.5k y nos doblamos gracias a fish en el 55$ q limpea y flopeamos escalera en bb 4.8k

16/04/2012 00:36
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

En 11R vistiendome de AA, al final me quedo con la duda de si hubiese foldeado el river o no si no sale esa carta

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]25,379[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]17,062[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]10,669[/])

Jumping (MP2) ([="#0000cc"]38,226[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]30,648[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]36,832[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]31,769[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]11,985[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]62,641[/])

Blinds: 200/400 Ante 75

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,275[/], 9 players) Jumping is MP2 J:spade: A:spade:

[="#cc0000"]UTG raises to 800[/], UTG+1 calls 800, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 3,113[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], CO calls 3,113, [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#777777"]UTG folds[/], UTG+1 calls 2,313

Flop: 2DIAMONd 3:heart: 5DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]11,414[/], 3 players)

UTG+1 checks, [="#cc0000"]Jumping bets 4,000[/], CO calls 4,000, [="#777777"]UTG+1 folds[/]

Turn: 7:club: ([="#0000cc"]19,414[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]Jumping bets 8,000[/], CO calls 8,000

River: 4:club: ([="#0000cc"]35,414[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 23,038[/], [="#777777"]CO folds[/]

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]35,414[/]

Jumping wins [="#0000cc"]58,452[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]20,226)[/]

CO lost [="#0000cc"]15,188[/]

UTG lost [="#0000cc"]875[/]

UTG+1 lost [="#0000cc"]3,188[/]

16/04/2012 00:37
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

doble up en 55$ A8 vs AT de short 7.3k

16/04/2012 00:45
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

en 11R abro AA utg, 3bet y call3bet por detras,meto 4bet y foldean 😒 65k

16/04/2012 00:48
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

bajamos a 52k en 11R vs fish q limpea y hace call a big rol y en turn encuentra escalera

16/04/2012 00:49
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

gogogo 😉

16/04/2012 00:56
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

esta hace pocos min en el big 162, poco antes tb abrí TT y todos fold

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



Jumping (UTG) ([="#0000cc"]19,511[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]18,042[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]5,321[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]6,367[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]9,107[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]6,484[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]7,820[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]6,834[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]8,475[/])

Blinds: 200/400 Ante 50

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,050[/], 9 players) Jumping is UTG 10:spade: 10DIAMONd

[="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 800[/], [="#777777"]6 folds[/], SB calls 600, BB calls 400

Flop: 4:spade: K:spade: 6:club: ([="#0000cc"]2,850[/], 3 players)

[="#cc0000"]SB bets 1,200[/], [="#cc0000"]BB raises to 2,530[/], [="#777777"]Jumping folds[/], [="#cc0000"]SB goes all-in 5,984[/], [="#777777"]BB folds[/]

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]7,910[/]

SB wins [="#0000cc"]11,364[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]4,530)[/]

BB lost [="#0000cc"]3,380[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]850[/]

EN el 11R perdemos bote de 40k en cooler JJ vs QQ al sd

16/04/2012 00:57
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

despues robamos ciegas en big 162 vs v se*lb*st con 2 minibarrels xd

big 162 20.6k

11R 34k

55$ 6.7k

3 balas, id rezando!! xd

16/04/2012 01:03
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

soy el único al q le huele mal?

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]8,877[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]6,254[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]7,590[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]10,059[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]7,080[/])

Jumping (CO) ([="#0000cc"]20,637[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]17,062[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]4,265[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]6,137[/])

Blinds: 250/500 Ante 60

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,290[/], 9 players) Jumping is CO 10:club: 7:club:

[="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 1,000[/], BTN calls 1,000, [="#777777"]2 folds[/]

Flop: 3:spade: J:spade: 4DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]3,290[/], 2 players)

Jumping checks, BTN checks

Turn: Q:club: ([="#0000cc"]3,290[/], 2 players)

Jumping checks, [="#cc0000"]BTN bets 1,283[/], [="#777777"]Jumping folds[/]

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,290[/]

BTN wins [="#0000cc"]4,573[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,230)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]1,060[/]

16/04/2012 01:12
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

y creia q lo dificil sería pinchar una de las nuestras.... pff

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]29,018[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]8,721[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]11,521[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]6,360[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]10,150[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]7,140[/])

Jumping (BTN) ([="#0000cc"]20,697[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]18,787[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]4,825[/])

Blinds: 250/500 Ante 60

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,290[/], 9 players) Jumping is BTN ADIAMONd Q:spade:

[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]MP3 raises to 1,250[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 2,715[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]BB goes all-in 4,765[/], [="#cc0000"]MP3 goes all-in 10,090[/], Jumping calls 7,375

Flop: 5:spade: A:club: 9:spade: ([="#0000cc"]25,735[/], 3 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 8:spade: ([="#0000cc"]25,735[/], 3 players, 2 all-in)

River: K:heart: ([="#0000cc"]25,735[/], 3 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]25,735[/]

BB shows three of a kind, Fives

5:heart: 5DIAMONd

MP3 shows a pair of Aces

Q:club: A:heart:

Jumping shows a pair of Aces

ADIAMONd Q:spade:

BB wins [="#0000cc"]15,085[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]10,260)[/]

Jumping collects [="#0000cc"]5,325[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]4,825[/])

MP3 collects [="#0000cc"]5,325[/] (net -[="#0000cc"]4,825[/])

16/04/2012 01:13
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

una p... pica en river y nos ponemos de escandalo para la bubble de itm 😒

16/04/2012 01:14
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

abrimos AKs en 11R, pagan 3 y check-foldeamos en 78x

16/04/2012 01:15
Re: Rail JUMPING " Tormenta" 15.04.12

busteamos a short en 11R 40k


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