Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

44 respuestas
11/03/2012 15:56

4 min y comenzamos!!

11/03/2012 16:28
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

abiertos los 3 primeros,en el 33R1 rebuy inicial hecho

11/03/2012 16:41
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

tenia la busqueda oculta... q fish soy :P ya esta desactivada 😉

11/03/2012 17:10
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

perdemos bote de 3k en el 44 6max

No Limit Holdem Tournament


6 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]5,751[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]2,681[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]3,234[/])

Jumping (BTN) ([="#0000cc"]5,822[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]1,440[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]2,500[/])

Blinds: 50/100

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]150[/], 6 players) Jumping is BTN 6DIAMONd A:club:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 205[/], [="#cc0000"]SB goes all-in 1,440[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], Jumping calls 1,235

Flop: 4:spade: KDIAMONd J:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,980[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 10:club: ([="#0000cc"]2,980[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 6:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,980[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]2,980[/]

SB shows a flush, Jack high

9:spade: 10:spade:

Jumping shows a pair of Sixes

6DIAMONd A:club:

SB wins [="#0000cc"]2,980[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]1,540)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]1,440[/]

bajamos a 4.4k

11/03/2012 17:21
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el SW, no ligamos nada en todo el rato y tp somos capaces de tirar de la mano a manos flojas:

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]9,392[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]22,055[/])

Jumping (MP1) ([="#0000cc"]6,998[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]13,373[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]10,542[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]12,361[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]9,241[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]3,598[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]8,811[/])

Blinds: 80/160

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]240[/], 9 players) Jumping is MP1 10:club: J:club:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 328[/], [="#777777"]5 folds[/], BB calls 168

Flop: 6:heart: 9:heart: 3:club: ([="#0000cc"]736[/], 2 players)

BB checks, [="#cc0000"]Jumping bets 375[/], [="#cc0000"]BB raises to 800[/], Jumping calls 425

Turn: 7:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,336[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]BB bets 1,500[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 5,870[/], BB calls 4,370

River: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]14,076[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]14,076[/]

BB shows two pair, Sevens and Threes

K:heart: 7:heart:

Jumping shows a pair of Threes

10:club: J:club:

BB wins [="#0000cc"]14,076[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]7,078)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]6,998[/]

11/03/2012 17:34
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

A9 77 ai pf y nos quedamos con 0.5bb en el 44 6max, y busteamos a la sig mano

11/03/2012 17:43
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

hacemos el add on del 33R1

11/03/2012 18:14
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

abiertos el big 109 hace 15 min y ahora el 55 turbo 2xchance q jugamos como freezout

11/03/2012 18:19
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

hoy lo petas jump ya veras

11/03/2012 18:23
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

Q poquito naipe por el momento....mejor,asi nos reservamos para los gordos 😉

11/03/2012 18:28
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

se abre el 33R,rebuy inicial hecho

11/03/2012 18:35
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el big 109

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]3,334[/])

Jumping (UTG+1) ([="#0000cc"]2,835[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]2,762[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]3,020[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]1,965[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]4,341[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]3,588[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]2,853[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]2,302[/])

Blinds: 20/40

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]60[/], 9 players) Jumping is UTG+1 10:heart: 10DIAMONd

UTG calls 40, [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 160[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], MP3 calls 160, CO calls 160, [="#777777"]2 folds[/], BB calls 120, UTG calls 120

Flop: 7:heart: 9:heart: 5:heart: ([="#0000cc"]820[/], 5 players)

BB checks, UTG checks, [="#cc0000"]Jumping bets 533[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#777777"]BB folds[/], [="#cc0000"]UTG goes all-in 3,174[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 2,142[/]

Turn: 2DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]6,170[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: J:heart: ([="#0000cc"]6,170[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,170[/]

UTG shows a flush, King high

K:heart: QDIAMONd

Jumping shows a flush, Jack high

10:heart: 10DIAMONd

UTG wins [="#0000cc"]6,669[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]3,335)[/]

CO lost [="#0000cc"]160[/]

BB lost [="#0000cc"]160[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]2,835[/]

MP3 lost [="#0000cc"]160[/]

11/03/2012 18:44
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

se abre el 44 turbo

11/03/2012 18:59
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

al break:

33R1: 6k

55 turbo 2xchance 11K

33R 3.7k

44 turbo 3k iniciales

11/03/2012 19:05
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el 33R1, pusheamos 55,recibimos 2 calls QQ y AA, flopeamos oesd pero no completamos 😒

11/03/2012 19:14
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el 44 turbo, con FD y overcard acabamos in en flop y no ligamos nada

11/03/2012 19:15
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

abierto el 22R1,rebuy inicial hecho

11/03/2012 19:19
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

VAMOS ANTONIO!!! que hoy va a ser un gran dia para usted!!! algo me invitaras,,,,jejeje,,,gl

11/03/2012 19:22
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el 55 turbo 2xchance...

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]2,560[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]21,952[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]20,904[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]8,211[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]4,100[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]21,820[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]3,889[/])

Jumping (SB) ([="#0000cc"]6,787[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]9,040[/])

Blinds: 500/1,000 Ante 100

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]2,400[/], 9 players) Jumping is SB A:heart: 6:heart:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]MP2 raises to 2,000[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 6,687[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], MP2 calls 4,687

Flop: KDIAMONd JDIAMONd 3:club: ([="#0000cc"]15,274[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 8:heart: ([="#0000cc"]15,274[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: Q:spade: ([="#0000cc"]15,274[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]15,274[/]

MP2 shows two pair, Queens and Eights

8:spade: Q:heart:

Jumping shows high card Ace

A:heart: 6:heart:

MP2 wins [="#0000cc"]15,274[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]8,487)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]6,787[/]

11/03/2012 19:25
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

se siente....se nota.....se palpa......SE ABRE EL SM !!!! aL ATAQUE!!!!

11/03/2012 19:40
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

llegamos al add on del 33R y lo hacemos. A devolver 60$ con su mU de doble rebuy no utilizado

11/03/2012 19:54
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

al break:

33R 5.9k

SM 10k

22R1 3.6k

11/03/2012 20:00
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

abierto tb el big 55

11/03/2012 20:28
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

se abre el 55R,rebuy inicial hecho

11/03/2012 20:36
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

llegamos al add on del 22R1 y lo hicimos

11/03/2012 20:54
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

soble up en 55R AJ vs AK ai pf en bvb

11/03/2012 21:00
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

33R 12,5k

big 55 3.4k

SM 12.5k

22R1 6k

55R 8k

11/03/2012 21:01
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

abrimos el big 162 y el 11R con rebuy inicial realizado

11/03/2012 21:08
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

bajamos a 12bb en el 33R en mano vs cuenta premium std

11/03/2012 21:34
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el big 55 QKs vs 66 en bvb

11/03/2012 21:36
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

abrimos el 2º chance

11/03/2012 21:46
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

hacemos doble rebuy en 11R al perder TT vs sc en Jxxcc , trebol en turn..

11/03/2012 21:49
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

nos quedamos con 400 pts en big 162 tras perder AKs vs QQ ai pf

11/03/2012 22:04
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

hicimos el add on del 55r, creo q ha sobrado un dobkle rebuy ,confirmo luego

11/03/2012 22:06
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

abiertos el sunday 6 max y el 55$,todo en el aire

11/03/2012 22:12
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

llegamos al add on del 11R y lo hacemos,aqui no ha sobrado nada

11/03/2012 22:32
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el 22R1,hacemos sque con AT y nos pagan con AJ

Busteamos tb el 55$ vs 60/40, acabamos in pf con AK y lleva JJ

11/03/2012 22:37
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el big 162 AK vs K9

11/03/2012 22:59
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

11R 4,7k

33R 24.7k a 14 de itm

2ºchance 5.9k

SM 24.5k

sunday 6 max 5.4k

55R 17k

11/03/2012 23:25
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

con esta busteamos el 33R ya en itm 😒

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]82k[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]35k[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]31k[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]42k[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]124k[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]50k[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]66k[/])

Jumping (BB) ([="#0000cc"]16k[/])

Blinds: 1.3k/2.5k Ante 250

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]5.8k[/], 8 players) Jumping is BB 8:heart: KDIAMONd

[="#777777"]6 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]SB raises to 29k[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 13k[/]

Flop: 5:spade: 8:spade: 6:club: ([="#0000cc"]33k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 10:spade: ([="#0000cc"]33k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: Q:spade: ([="#0000cc"]33k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]33k[/]

Jumping shows a pair of Eights

8:heart: KDIAMONd

SB shows a straight, Eight to Queen

9:heart: JDIAMONd

SB wins [="#0000cc"]46k[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]17k)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]16k[/]

salimos el 65º para 171.46$

11/03/2012 23:34
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el sunday 6 max a manos del tipico spanish fish

No Limit Holdem Tournament


6 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]4,479[/])

Jumping (UTG+1) ([="#0000cc"]7,236[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]12,524[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]8,286[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]7,225[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]2,815[/])

Blinds: 75/150 Ante 20

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]345[/], 6 players) Jumping is UTG+1 10:club: 10DIAMONd

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 307[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], BTN calls 307, [="#777777"]2 folds[/]

Flop: 8:club: 8DIAMONd 7:club: ([="#0000cc"]959[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]Jumping bets 600[/], [="#cc0000"]BTN raises to 1,701[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 6,909[/], BTN calls 5,208

Turn: 4:club: ([="#0000cc"]14,777[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 5:heart: ([="#0000cc"]14,777[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]14,777[/]

Jumping shows two pair, Tens and Eights

10:club: 10DIAMONd

BTN shows a flush, Ace high

6:club: A:club:

BTN wins [="#0000cc"]14,777[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]7,541)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]7,236[/]

11/03/2012 23:42
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

busteamos el 11R, megashorts sin haber podido hacer nada antes ,nos metemos con QTs en una mano vs 2, ligamos escalera en turn y uno hace full en river...xd

11/03/2012 23:59
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

3 balas:

2ºchance 17.8k

SM 46k

55R 14.5k

12/03/2012 00:11
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

bonita forma de bustear el 55R FML

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]21,512[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]11,509[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]21,352[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]15,644[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]15,090[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]20,902[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]47,525[/])

SB ([="#0000cc"]6,372[/])

Jumping (BB) ([="#0000cc"]14,277[/])

Blinds: 300/600 Ante 60

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,440[/], 9 players) Jumping is BB 10:heart: 10:spade:

[="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]CO raises to 1,200[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping raises to 3,450[/], [="#cc0000"]CO goes all-in 20,842[/], [="#cc0000"]Jumping goes all-in 10,767[/]

Flop: 2:spade: 10:club: 8DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]29,274[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: Q:heart: ([="#0000cc"]29,274[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: J:spade: ([="#0000cc"]29,274[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]29,274[/]

CO shows a straight, Ten to Ace

A:heart: KDIAMONd

Jumping shows three of a kind, Tens

10:heart: 10:spade:

CO wins [="#0000cc"]35,899[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]14,997)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]14,277[/]

Y de regalo busteamos el SM,abrimos QKs i acabamos in vs tarao q nos hace 3bet a 1/2 stack con QQ

1 bala, 2ºchance con 16k y blinds en 300

12/03/2012 01:17
Re: Rail JUMPING " 6º aniversario PS" 11.03.12

y busto de todo...

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ([="#0000cc"]34,725[/])

UTG+1 ([="#0000cc"]24,024[/])

MP1 ([="#0000cc"]39,400[/])

MP2 ([="#0000cc"]16,932[/])

MP3 ([="#0000cc"]19,080[/])

CO ([="#0000cc"]17,084[/])

BTN ([="#0000cc"]6,500[/])

Jumping (SB) ([="#0000cc"]27,419[/])

BB ([="#0000cc"]20,609[/])

Blinds: 400/800 Ante 80

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]1,920[/], 9 players) Jumping is SB K:club: 10:heart:

[="#777777"]7 folds[/], Jumping calls 400, BB checks

Flop: 8:club: 6:heart: 7:heart: ([="#0000cc"]2,320[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]Jumping bets 1,160[/], BB calls 1,160

Turn: K:heart: ([="#0000cc"]4,640[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]Jumping bets 3,200[/], BB calls 3,200

River: J:heart: ([="#0000cc"]11,040[/], 2 players)

Jumping checks, [="#cc0000"]BB goes all-in 15,369[/], Jumping calls 15,369

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]41,778[/]

Jumping shows a flush, King high

K:club: 10:heart:

BB shows a flush, Ace high

A:heart: 5DIAMONd

BB wins [="#0000cc"]41,778[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]21,169)[/]

Jumping lost [="#0000cc"]20,609[/]

y 2 manos mas tarde pusheamos K7s,call AK 7Axxx

El puto river nos ha matado hoy...


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