17/03/2012 14:47
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Hoy segun como transcurra la sesion, puede que me abra algunos donkas por mi cuenta. De todas formas, ay quedan los que entran en bancaje, por si los lios 😉

17/03/2012 15:09
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Bueno, voy a parar un momento para comentaros algo. Yo juego sin hm, miro a los villanos que no tengo notas en ppl. Se da esta mano, segun abro el 5$ 2r 1add, tengo QQ, 3beteo y un villano que tiene unos numeros en cuanto a ITM, bastante buenos, luego es un reg bueno, me mete un 3bet, de yo que se cuantas bbs, ahora lo vereis. Miro su ppl, que siempre tengo la web abierta cuando juego y coño digo, no me la juego, que llevo dos dias comiendo ases y esto acaba de empezar y tengo el stack completo, no ay prisa.

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25/t50 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Sentient85 (UTG+2): t3551 71.02 BBs

Gutless Punk (MP1): t5680 113.60 BBs

stanhaj (MP2): t2215 44.30 BBs

RUSvirus (CO): t8496 169.92 BBs

Hero (BTN): t7340 146.80 BBs

u3meha (SB): t9987 199.74 BBs

P-extremo-10 (BB): t8614 172.28 BBs

Tifuxis (UTG): t7920 158.40 BBs

acesup4000 (UTG+1): t7018 140.36 BBs

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is BTN with QDIAMONd Q:spade:

5 folds, RUSvirus raises to t137, Hero raises to t290, 1 fold, P-extremo-10 raises to t3400, 1 fold, P-extremo-10 says "vamos?", P-extremo-10 says "all in?"

[spoil]Final Pot: t742

P-extremo-10 wins t742


El villano luego por chat le enseño que foldeo QQ y dice entre exclamaciones, que llevava 99, cosa que me pareceria, muy rara, pero bueno.

Luego se da esta mano, este villano de el cual si tengo notas, es un puto mono y tras agotar casi el timebank, digo venga anda, no puede ser, le pago, yo AK, el puto mono J9, si J9 el muy retrasao...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25/t50 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Sentient85 (UTG): t3551 71.02 BBs

Gutless Punk (UTG+1): t5680 113.60 BBs

stanhaj (UTG+2): t2215 44.30 BBs

RUSvirus (MP1): t8359 167.18 BBs

Hero (MP2): t7050 141 BBs

u3meha (CO): t9962 199.24 BBs

P-extremo-10 (BTN): t9041 180.82 BBs

Tifuxis (SB): t7945 158.90 BBs

acesup4000 (BB): t7018 140.36 BBs

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is MP2 with A:heart: K:spade:

RUSvirus says "AK?", 1 fold, Hero says "yes", Gutless Punk raises to t225, 2 folds, Hero raises to t440, 1 fold, P-extremo-10 says "me ? 99", 2 folds, Hero says "no", Hero says ";9", 1 fold, Gutless Punk raises to t5680 all in, Hero calls t5240

Flop: (t11435) 6:heart: T:spade: 8DIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t11435) 9:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

RUSvirus says "nice bluff with 99 😉"

River: (t11435) 7:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t11435

Gutless Punk shows Jh 9h (a straight, Seven to Jack)

Hero shows Ah Ks (a straight, Six to Ten)

Gutless Punk wins t11435


Os puede parecer muy sick, pero a el primer villano, le respetaba y mas tras proponerme jugarme el torneo, asi a las primeras de cambio, siendo jugador habitual y al mono pues le pago porque le voy a llevar dominado tantas veces que creo tiene que ser ev+ seguro, ala que el J9s ese, no me lo esperaba ni pa dios, pensaba en AT+ KJ+ . En fin yo flipo de verdad.

17/03/2012 15:30
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Bueno, dejo la explicacion, ya que si no me veis jugar las manos anteriores contra este villano, no le encontrarias mucho sentidiño.

El villano me habia puseado las 3-4 manos anteriores o bien el turn o bien el river, pero siempre pagando mi cbet nada mas en el flop. En esta me hace el miniraise y ya me digo, venga majo, no puede ser que me robes todos los botes. Fuera aparte de que era el mamon oficial de la mesa, estaba abriendo muchas manos aun para ser 6 max y ya creo que no podia ser que conectara en todos los flops.

Me equivoque sorry, busto de el evento 19.

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 6 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Dokky-Black (SB): t20030 M = 44.51

DonDudis (BB): t11355 M = 25.23

Munje77 (UTG): t9742 M = 21.65

braindeador (MP): t2328 M = 5.17

Hero (CO): t5829 M = 12.95

KinkyKatie29 (BTN): t9051 M = 20.11

Pre Flop: (t450) Hero is CO with J:club: Q:spade:

Munje77 raises to t400, 1 fold, Hero raises to t690, 3 folds, Munje77 calls t290

Flop: (t1830) TDIAMONd 8:heart: 3:club: (2 players)

Munje77 checks, Hero bets t732, Munje77 raises to t1464, Hero raises to t5114 all in, Munje77 calls t3650

Turn: (t12058) 7:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t12058) 5:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t12058

Munje77 shows Ks Th (a pair of Tens)

Hero shows Jc Qs (high card Queen)

Munje77 wins t12058


17/03/2012 15:47
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

esta ya sin comentarios, es el villano de la primera mano, sin mas 😒 Busto de el 5$ 2r 1 add...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t60/t120 Blinds + t15 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Sentient85 (BTN): t15105 M = 47.95

adios111 (SB): t10159 M = 32.25

JBzzzr (BB): t8925 M = 28.33

RUSvirus (UTG): t10895 M = 34.59

Hero (UTG+1): t5659 M = 17.97

u3meha (UTG+2): t9992 M = 31.72

P-extremo-10 (MP1): t11318 M = 35.93

Tifuxis (MP2): t10714 M = 34.01

acesup4000 (CO): t4321 M = 13.72

Pre Flop: (t315) Hero is UTG+1 with ADIAMONd JDIAMONd

1 fold, Hero raises to t258, 1 fold, P-extremo-10 calls t258, 1 fold, acesup4000 calls t258, 3 folds

Flop: (t1089) 9:spade: 7:spade: 6:heart: (3 players)

Hero checks, P-extremo-10 bets t838, acesup4000 folds, Hero raises to t1996, P-extremo-10 calls t1158

Turn: (t5081) 6DIAMONd (2 players)

Hero bets t3390 all in, P-extremo-10 calls t3390

River: (t11861) 8:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t11861

Hero shows Ad Jd (a pair of Sixes)

P-extremo-10 shows As 6s (three of a kind, Sixes)

P-extremo-10 wins t11861


Pero me doblo a 25k en el evento 20 de 8$ rebuys, 120/4000 gogogogo...

17/03/2012 17:57
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el evento 20 de 8$+r, solo 1 rebuy + add on. La mano pues eso, mas de lo mismo, 3beteo JJ desde BB, el boton no se cree nada y insta call, flop de bajas, meto lo que queda y zas, river as.

Poker Stars $8.00+$0.80 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t100 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

npomocc (BTN): t41842 M = 19.92

Pal-GamBit (SB): t49282 M = 23.47

Hero (BB): t17660 M = 8.41

carabinatos (UTG): t21122 M = 10.06

SCLowCountry (UTG+1): t44633 M = 21.25

JordyJeeneas (UTG+2): t16506 M = 7.86

telefrede (MP1): t38647 M = 18.40

dahightower (MP2): t22918 M = 10.91

SteenD (CO): t40625 M = 19.35

Pre Flop: (t2100) Hero is BB with J:heart: J:club:

6 folds, npomocc raises to t2400, 1 fold, Hero raises to t8000, npomocc calls t5600

Flop: (t17300) 5:club: 7:spade: 4DIAMONd (2 players)

Hero bets t9560 all in, npomocc calls t9560

Turn: (t36420) 8:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t36420) ADIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t36420

npomocc shows Ah 9c (a pair of Aces)

Hero shows Jh Jc (a pair of Jacks)

npomocc wins t36420


K rabia, para un donka con estructura y stack buenos, busteo de mala manera, agssssss.

17/03/2012 18:10
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Vaya tela, anda que vamos finos...

17/03/2012 18:17
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

busto de el evento 21 de 2+r...

Poker Stars $2.02+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t3500/t7000 Blinds + t700 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

kkingcool (MP2): t224753 M = 13.38

Rgaspar85 (CO): t87198 M = 5.19

Hero (BTN): t84940 M = 5.06

Zebbelle (SB): t16900 M = 1.01

DjonikellA (BB): t127708 M = 7.60

mestab (UTG): t85170 M = 5.07

mossy100 (UTG+1): t149551 M = 8.90

hithenose (UTG+2): t160802 M = 9.57

ronnieb122 (MP1): t275500 M = 16.40

Pre Flop: (t16800) Hero is BTN with A:spade: T:heart:

1 fold, hithenose says "nh", Hero says "a8 call yes ridiculous", 5 folds, Hero raises to t84240 all in, Zebbelle calls t12700 all in, DjonikellA calls t77240

Flop: (t190980) 6:spade: 6DIAMONd 4:club: (3 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t190980) 9:club: (3 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t190980) 7:club: (3 players - 2 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t190980

Hero shows As Th (a pair of Sixes - lower kicker)

Zebbelle shows 4h Ac (two pair, Sixes and Fours)

DjonikellA shows Kd Ah (a pair of Sixes)

DjonikellA wins t136080

Zebbelle wins t54900


17/03/2012 18:33
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

ups en varios torneos, aqui dejo un hero call :p

Poker Stars $4.00+$1.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds + t25 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

japiyo66 (BB): t5090 M = 8.48

aperi321 (UTG): t6930 M = 11.55

**X-RäyU** (UTG+1): t5840 M = 9.73

iPadd (UTG+2): t6125 M = 10.21

blony_tair (MP1): t5225 M = 8.71

Davirgo42 (MP2): t10369 M = 17.28

Alonnnnnn (CO): t1651 M = 2.75

PabloW22 (BTN): t2940 M = 4.90

Hero (SB): t4845 M = 8.07

Pre Flop: (t600) Hero is SB with JDIAMONd K:heart:

7 folds, Hero raises to t500, japiyo66 calls t250

Flop: (t1225) K:club: 4:spade: 3:heart: (2 players)

Hero bets t490, japiyo66 calls t490

Turn: (t2205) ADIAMONd (2 players)

Hero checks, japiyo66 bets t500, Hero calls t500

River: (t3205) 2:heart: (2 players)

Hero checks, japiyo66 bets t3575 all in, Hero calls t3330 all in

[spoil]Final Pot: t9865

japiyo66 shows Td 4h (a pair of Fours)

Hero shows Jd Kh (a pair of Kings)

Hero wins t9865


17/03/2012 18:55
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el 2º 5$ 2r 1 add AK vs 99 A77x9 lol.

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t50 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

mayfish76 (BB): t27655 M = 26.34

blufharry09 (UTG): t17178 M = 16.36

madavaster (UTG+1): t8935 M = 8.51

Ezu1 (UTG+2): t3032 M = 2.89

daskas13 (MP1): t18879 M = 17.98

rusty6700 (MP2): t14609 M = 13.91

Hero (CO): t8077 M = 7.69

dec3x9 (BTN): t13761 M = 13.11

mozart1983 (SB): t18601 M = 17.72

Pre Flop: (t1050) Hero is CO with ADIAMONd K:heart:

blufharry09 raises to t811, 3 folds, rusty6700 calls t811, Hero raises to t8027 all in, 4 folds, rusty6700 calls t7216

Flop: (t17915) 7DIAMONd A:club: 7:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t17915) J:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t17915) 9:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t17915

rusty6700 shows 9h 9d (a full house, Nines full of Sevens)

Hero shows Ad Kh (two pair, Aces and Sevens)

rusty6700 wins t17915


y busto de el 5$ turbo ko a2 vs qt

Poker Stars $4.00+$1.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t600/t1200 Blinds + t125 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

TurnRiva (BTN): t11787 M = 4.03

Locturian (SB): t39793 M = 13.60

Hero (BB): t5250 M = 1.79

ikarus3230 (UTG): t10175 M = 3.48

Twister3011 (UTG+1): t7072 M = 2.42

Fanov (UTG+2): t10135 M = 3.46

caddi1984 (MP1): t28272 M = 9.67

josi7 (MP2): t47311 M = 16.17

manhlo88 (CO): t20220 M = 6.91

Pre Flop: (t2925) Hero is BB with 2:club: ADIAMONd

4 folds, josi7 raises to t3600, 3 folds, Hero raises to t5125 all in, josi7 calls t1525

Flop: (t11975) 9:heart: Q:club: 7:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t11975) 6:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t11975) 7:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t11975

Hero shows 2c Ad (a pair of Sevens)

josi7 shows Ts Qd (two pair, Queens and Sevens)

josi7 wins t11975


17/03/2012 19:01
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Una mano en el evento 22... (lo que falta de stack se fue JJ vs qq en la primera mano.

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15/t30 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

drogaatu (BB): t4210 140.33 BBs

psycandy (UTG): t4415 147.17 BBs

jurata_PL (UTG+1): t4645 154.83 BBs

Hammarby (UTG+2): t7515 250.50 BBs

marcoex (MP1): t5640 188 BBs

Hero (MP2): t2485 82.83 BBs

wonderdog78 (CO): t5200 173.33 BBs

Incognito_xx (BTN): t4805 160.17 BBs

BONDICCA (SB): t5845 194.83 BBs

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is MP2 with A:spade: A:heart:

psycandy raises to t150, 1 fold, Hammarby calls t150, 1 fold, Hero raises to t450, 4 folds, psycandy calls t300, Hammarby calls t300

Flop: (t1395) TDIAMONd 7DIAMONd 3DIAMONd (3 players)

psycandy bets t3965 all in, Hammarby calls t3965, Hero calls t2035 all in

Turn: (t11360) 8DIAMONd (3 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t11360) 5DIAMONd (3 players - 2 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t11360

psycandy shows Jc Jh (a flush, Ten high)

Hammarby shows Ts Js (a flush, Ten high)

Hero shows As Ah (a flush, Ten high)

psycandy wins t1930

Hammarby wins t1930

psycandy wins t2500

Hammarby wins t2500

Hero wins t2500


17/03/2012 19:44
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el 2$ turbo...

Poker Stars $2.00+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 8 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

copmann (MP2): t2356 M = 4.71

madravida (CO): t6871 M = 13.74

Rogeke (BTN): t1635 M = 3.27

qboris (SB): t1970 M = 3.94

Sniper Th (BB): t1370 M = 2.74

Muunis (UTG): t1895 M = 3.79

Mahlzeit2009 (UTG+1): t3361 M = 6.72

Hero (MP1): t2074 M = 4.15

Pre Flop: (t500) Hero is MP1 with 4:club: 4:spade:

2 folds, Hero raises to t2049 all in, 1 fold, madravida raises to t6846 all in, 2 folds, Sniper Th calls t1145 all in

Flop: (t5743) 5:heart: 7:heart: 5DIAMONd (3 players - 3 are all in)

Turn: (t5743) 6:spade: (3 players - 3 are all in)

River: (t5743) KDIAMONd (3 players - 3 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t5743

madravida shows Th Ts (two pair, Tens and Fives)

Sniper Th shows 6c 5c (a full house, Fives full of Sixes)

Hero shows 4c 4s (two pair, Fives and Fours)

madravida wins t1408

Sniper Th wins t4335


17/03/2012 19:56
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

busto de el 5$ 1000cap con itm de 8,56$...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t100 - 8 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Hero (BB): t8095 M = 4.05

louganboi (UTG): t30423 M = 15.21

registr24 (UTG+1): t15260 M = 7.63

butrosLT (MP1): t24801 M = 12.40

conradofpg (MP2): t17600 M = 8.80

Dockyo (CO): t17950 M = 8.97

Mangekyo1 (BTN): t32246 M = 16.12

majortom77 (SB): t6665 M = 3.33

Pre Flop: (t2000) Hero is BB with TDIAMONd K:heart:

6 folds, majortom77 raises to t2400, Hero calls t1600

Flop: (t5600) 6DIAMONd 5:club: QDIAMONd (2 players)

majortom77 bets t4165 all in, Hero calls t4165

Turn: (t13930) 7:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t13930) 3:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t13930

Hero shows Td Kh (high card King)

majortom77 shows 9s Ad (high card Ace)

majortom77 wins t13930


17/03/2012 21:27
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el evento 23 pegando 3 barrels de farol...

Poker Stars $8.00+$0.80 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 5 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Julleke 71 (BTN): t13526 225.43 BBs

Hero (SB): t1892 31.53 BBs

caecilius (BB): t18014 300.23 BBs

Mucheche (UTG): t1593 26.55 BBs

GioPN (CO): t4975 82.92 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is SB with ADIAMONd T:club:

3 folds, Hero raises to t180, caecilius calls t120

Flop: (t360) 8:heart: 7:club: Q:spade: (2 players)

Hero bets t240, caecilius calls t240

Turn: (t840) 6:club: (2 players)

Hero bets t420, caecilius calls t420

River: (t1680) K:heart: (2 players)

Hero bets t1052 all in, caecilius calls t1052

[spoil]Final Pot: t3784

Hero shows Ad Tc (high card Ace)

caecilius shows 8c Ks (two pair, Kings and Eights)

caecilius wins t3784


17/03/2012 22:39
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Hasta los webos ya de las cartitas hoy, le meto el 3bet , pero paga con a6s, claro porque no, en fin, muy rayado ya de tanta mierda. Busto de el evento 23, "QQ vs A6"...

ITM de 18,14$...

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds + t200 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

aijose (UTG+1): t50933 M = 12.13

sokol-max-PS (UTG+2): t61453 M = 14.63

Dzhabulany (MP1): t59606 M = 14.19

playmaker836 (MP2): t11086 M = 2.64

wycioreks (CO): t85146 M = 20.27

Tarald1991 (BTN): t28202 M = 6.71

Hero (SB): t51681 M = 12.30

BLEKBOSS (BB): t51459 M = 12.25

mnammnam (UTG): t42747 M = 10.18

Pre Flop: (t4200) Hero is SB with Q:club: QDIAMONd

5 folds, wycioreks raises to t3520, 1 fold, Hero raises to t8000, 1 fold, wycioreks calls t4480

Flop: (t19400) 9:club: KDIAMONd TDIAMONd (2 players)

Hero bets t7760, wycioreks calls t7760

Turn: (t34920) 3DIAMONd (2 players)

Hero bets t35721 all in, wycioreks calls t35721

River: (t106362) J:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t106362

wycioreks shows Ad 6d (a flush, Ace high)

Hero shows Qc Qd (a straight, Nine to King)

wycioreks wins t106362


17/03/2012 22:44
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el evento 24 de PLO turbo...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 Pot Limit Omaha Hi Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds - 6 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Shen_Pao (CO): t6100 15.25 BBs

Hero (BTN): t4310 10.78 BBs

PocketFiege (SB): t9510 23.77 BBs

bigpat60 (BB): t6675 16.69 BBs

Dkoroknai (UTG): t11025 27.56 BBs

siac0 (MP): t7380 18.45 BBs

Pre Flop: (t600) Hero is BTN with 9:club: K:spade: 6:club: 6:heart:

3 folds, Hero raises to t1400, 1 fold, bigpat60 raises to t4400, Hero calls t2910 all in

Flop: (t8820) JDIAMONd T:spade: A:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t8820) 9:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t8820) TDIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t8820

Hero shows 9c Ks 6c 6h (two pair, Tens and Nines)

bigpat60 shows 7s Tc 4s Jc (a full house, Tens full of Jacks)

bigpat60 wins t8820


18/03/2012 00:33
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto el 17º de el 5$ 1r 1add, esta es la mano de el busto ya con pipas, pero venia de palmar bote tocho, QQ vs AA vs xx

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t3500/t7000 Blinds + t875 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

heliezio (UTG+2): t330297 M = 17.98

GhostlyCloud (MP1): t338138 M = 18.40

Donkihoot (MP2): t108286 M = 5.89

Shmikis_neas (CO): t136368 M = 7.42

nikola8706 (BTN): t105180 M = 5.72

titi1984 (SB): t141466 M = 7.70

MLiisberg (BB): t221657 M = 12.06

Hero (UTG): t30480 M = 1.66

Geraldo22 (UTG+1): t447825 M = 24.37

Pre Flop: (t18375) Hero is UTG with 5:club: J:club:

Hero raises to t29605 all in, Geraldo22 calls t29605, 7 folds

Flop: (t77585) A:spade: 6:heart: 3:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t77585) 9DIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t77585) 8:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t77585

Hero shows 5c Jc (high card Ace)

Geraldo22 shows 6s 6c (three of a kind, Sixes)

Geraldo22 wins t77585


18/03/2012 00:35
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Dia 17: Sabado.

Evento 19º NLH 5,5$ (6max) 25k grt.........13:30 5930/12980= 0$ (busto QJ vs KT)

Evento 20º NLH 8,8+r 50k grt..................15:00 1937/5187= 0$ (busto JJ vs A9 en flop 574 river as)

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 2r 1add on.............15:15 387/510= 0$ (busto AJ vs A6 barreleando x6x6x)

Evento 21º NLH 2+r 3x turbo 150k grt.......16:00 5187/22306= 0$ (busto AT vs AK)

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 2r 1add on.............17:15 276/529= 0$ (busto AK vs 99)

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 1000 cap...............17:45 85/659= 8,56$ (busto KT vs A9)

Evento 22º NLH 11$ 75k grt....................18:30 1867/16499= 18,14$ (busto QQ vs A6)

Torneo regular NLH5,4$ turbo ko..............18:45 516/2957= 0$ (busto A2 vs QT)

Torneo regular NLH2,2$ turbo..................19:45 2460/6150= 0$ (busto 44 vs TT)

Evento 23º NLH 8,8$ shootout 25k grt......20:30 3280/4096= 0$ (busto AT vs K8 con 3 barrels de farol)

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 1r 1add on.............20:30 17/538= 51.56$ (busto QQ vs AA y J5s vs 66 las pipas)

Evento 24º PLO 5,5$ turbo 6max) 15k grt .22:00 3143/6794= 0$ (busto K966 vs 7TJ4)

Cobros con rebuys y su MU:104,7$

ITM: 25%

Total gastado: 1148,3$ + 114,83$ de MU

Total cobrado: 923,25$

Bueno mañana es dia de relax, el lunes sigo con la pelea 😄

19/03/2012 14:19
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Empiezo en 30min esta sesion:

Dia 19: Lunes.

Evento 39º NLH 8,8$ 40k grt....................15:00

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 2r 1add on.............15:15

Evento 40º NLH 2,2$ 2r 1add on 20k grt....17:00

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 2r 1add on.............17:15

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 1000 cap................17:45

Evento 41º NLH 11$ (6max) 75k grt..........18:30

Torneo regular NLH 5,4$ turbo ko..............18:45

Torneo regular NLH 2,2$ turbo...................19:45

Evento 42º PLO hi-lo 5,5$ 25k grt..............20:30

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 1r 1add on..............20:30

19/03/2012 14:47
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Los big 5, big 8, 3$ freezout de las 17:00 y 5$ freezout de las 18:00, no entran en el pack.

19/03/2012 15:30
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Ok jony! GL tio! A ver si hoy te dejan!

19/03/2012 15:57
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Estos 2 villanos me tenian hasta los cojones pagandome todo el rato cada vez que abria 3beteaba o hacia rol. Se me fue la pinza sorry...

Busto de el 5$ 2r de las 14:15

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds + t20 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

msvoco (UTG+2): t3396 M = 8.39

Pescadito99 (MP1): t27977 M = 69.08

BankMamy (MP2): t10060 M = 24.84

.Ta2.Terry! (CO): t1514 M = 3.74

ShipItAll36 (BTN): t12744 M = 31.47

Mr.R H Esq. (SB): t8464 M = 20.90

jkomuto77 (BB): t9345 M = 23.07

ptrou (UTG): t8490 M = 20.96

Hero (UTG+1): t8038 M = 19.85

Pre Flop: (t405) Hero is UTG+1 with 7:club: T:heart:

1 fold, Hero raises to t300, 4 folds, ShipItAll36 calls t300, Mr.R H Esq. calls t225, 1 fold

Flop: (t1230) 7:heart: 4:heart: 4:spade: (3 players)

Mr.R H Esq. checks, Hero bets t984, ShipItAll36 calls t984, Mr.R H Esq. raises to t1968, Hero raises to t7718 all in, ShipItAll36 raises to t12424 all in, Mr.R H Esq. calls t6176 all in

Turn: (t25236) 3:spade: (3 players - 3 are all in)

River: (t25236) 6:club: (3 players - 3 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t25236

ShipItAll36 shows 5h Ah (a straight, Three to Seven)

Mr.R H Esq. shows 4d Ad (three of a kind, Fours)

Hero shows 7c Th (two pair, Sevens and Fours)

ShipItAll36 wins t852

ShipItAll36 wins t24384


Edito: Como considero que a sido un cagadon mio, meto el big 8$ que iva a jugar por libre, al bancaje.

19/03/2012 16:46
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el evento 39...

Poker Stars $8.00+$0.80 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Hero (UTG+1): t3222 M = 6.14

womble41 (UTG+2): t7118 M = 13.56

Salem Rus (MP1): t10340 M = 19.70

Big_Mick00 (MP2): t3165 M = 6.03

as61rus (CO): t13221 M = 25.18

Grebla0815 (BTN): t5725 M = 10.90

Raakuus (SB): t10644 M = 20.27

lothar1848 (BB): t5500 M = 10.48

roscoe91 (UTG): t5130 M = 9.77

Pre Flop: (t525) Hero is UTG+1 with A:heart: T:spade:

1 fold, Hero raises to t430, 4 folds, Grebla0815 calls t430, 2 folds

Flop: (t1385) K:heart: 7:heart: JDIAMONd (2 players)

Hero bets t554, Grebla0815 calls t554

Turn: (t2493) A:club: (2 players)

Hero bets t2213 all in, Grebla0815 calls t2213

River: (t6919) 9:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t6919

Hero shows Ah Ts (a pair of Aces)

Grebla0815 shows Qc Ad (a pair of Aces - King+Queen kicker)

Grebla0815 wins t6919


19/03/2012 17:30
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Esta mano lol de el evento 40, no se pierdan el copy paste de el chat.

Poker Stars $2.00+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

DENIS I A (UTG): t4935 82.25 BBs

janwienk (UTG+1): t11805 196.75 BBs

kriskros14 (UTG+2): t5194 86.57 BBs

aligator62 (MP1): t12075 201.25 BBs

edelways (MP2): t8855 147.58 BBs

Eschbo777 (CO): t4459 74.32 BBs

LakshmiSutra (BTN): t5287 88.12 BBs

Donkbetty (SB): t8407 140.12 BBs

Hero (BB): t14333 238.88 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is BB with Q:spade: Q:club:

3 folds, aligator62 calls t60, 1 fold, Eschbo777 calls t60, LakshmiSutra calls t60, Donkbetty calls t30, Hero raises to t840, aligator62 calls t780, 3 folds

Flop: (t1860) 5:club: K:heart: 4:club: (2 players)

Hero bets t744, aligator62 calls t744

Turn: (t3348) 9DIAMONd (2 players)

Hero checks, aligator62 checks

River: (t3348) 2:club: (2 players)

Hero checks, aligator62 bets t1560, Hero calls t1560

[spoil]Final Pot: t6468

aligator62 shows Ac 8c (a flush, Ace high)

Hero mucks Qs Qc

aligator62 wins t6468



JONY-NEWAS: increible

aligator62: OK

JONY-NEWAS: como pagas con esa mano

JONY-NEWAS: como se puede ser tan payaso


JONY-NEWAS: yo si que lo lamento


JONY-NEWAS: que piensas que llevava 57

aligator62: ha sido una suertye ya sabes

JONY-NEWAS: agggg dios

19/03/2012 17:32
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Todo un caballero!!

Goooo 😉

19/03/2012 17:42
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

jijijijij..... tipico!!!


19/03/2012 17:42
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Full en el river, y me digo, le meto el stack, que este es un monaco y me forro... jajajaja que magia, me hace call preflop con 5T y flopea full, venga...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds + t10 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

himik79 (SB): t14315 M = 59.65

Stilige_Mari (BB): t9692 M = 40.38

Aceking23y (UTG): t10766 M = 44.86

murashkin (UTG+1): t6885 M = 28.69

PIUlimeira (UTG+2): t11178 M = 46.58

Al Magellan (MP1): t14459 M = 60.25

fishaxe (MP2): t5450 M = 22.71

Hero (CO): t11423 M = 47.60

gatos13-85 (BTN): t5089 M = 21.20

Pre Flop: (t240) Hero is CO with 4:club: 4:spade:

5 folds, Hero raises to t250, gatos13-85 calls t250, 2 folds

Flop: (t740) 5DIAMONd T:club: 5:heart: (2 players)

Hero bets t296, gatos13-85 calls t296

Turn: (t1332) QDIAMONd (2 players)

Hero checks, gatos13-85 checks

River: (t1332) 4DIAMONd (2 players)

Hero bets t10867 all in, gatos13-85 calls t4533 all in

[spoil]Final Pot: t10398

Hero shows 4c 4s (a full house, Fours full of Fives)

gatos13-85 shows 5s Ts (a full house, Fives full of Tens)

gatos13-85 wins t10398


Esto solo pasa en las pelis de harry potter y en ps.

19/03/2012 17:51
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

No me siento orgulloso de el dialogo de el chat, pero ufff, como me paga semegante rol con a8s.

me estan tocando la moral, otra mano...

Poker Stars $2.00+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds + t10 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

TeddiSmit (MP1): t9660 M = 40.25

janwienk (MP2): t15125 M = 63.02

kriskros14 (CO): t5146 M = 21.44

fhb35s (BTN): t13890 M = 57.88

Halil03 (SB): t10110 M = 42.12

Eschbo777 (BB): t10310 M = 42.96

LakshmiSutra (UTG): t9642 M = 40.17

Donkbetty (UTG+1): t7761 M = 32.34

Hero (UTG+2): t8835 M = 36.81

Pre Flop: (t240) Hero is UTG+2 with JDIAMONd J:heart:

2 folds, Hero raises to t300, 4 folds, Halil03 calls t250, 1 fold

Flop: (t790) 6:spade: A:spade: 9:club: (2 players)

Halil03 checks, Hero bets t316, Halil03 raises to t900, Hero says "en serio?", Hero raises to t1900, Halil03 raises to t9800 all in

[spoil]Final Pot: t4590

Halil03 wins t4590


19/03/2012 18:35
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el 5$ turbo ko, le meto la caja, porque la mano anterior ya pago un push con a4 sin sentido ninguno...

Poker Stars $4.00+$1.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t150/t300 Blinds + t25 - 8 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

DoePopoe (UTG): t2650 M = 4.08

1asso74 (UTG+1): t2250 M = 3.46

eierarsch (MP1): t8553 M = 13.16

albertone25 (MP2): t2650 M = 4.08

Luckynorm (CO): t10345 M = 15.92

derlude89 (BTN): t2197 M = 3.38

Hero (SB): t2970 M = 4.57

pishka6407 (BB): t2620 M = 4.03

Pre Flop: (t650) Hero is SB with 6:spade: 6:club:

2 folds, eierarsch raises to t1500, 3 folds, Hero raises to t2945 all in, 1 fold, eierarsch calls t1445

Flop: (t6390) JDIAMONd J:spade: 5:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t6390) Q:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t6390) J:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t6390

eierarsch shows As Ah (a full house, Jacks full of Aces)

Hero shows 6s 6c (a full house, Jacks full of Sixes)

eierarsch wins t6390


19/03/2012 18:42
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Bueno chavales, abrir bien los ojos, estas manos se an producido en un intervalo de 5 minutos, ni una mas,

Eliminacion de el evento 40... TT vs 76

Poker Stars $2.00+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds + t30 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

TeddiSmit (UTG+1): t4784 M = 7.42

janwienk (UTG+2): t14184 M = 21.99

freebird03 (MP1): t15301 M = 23.72

fhb35s (MP2): t10503 M = 16.28

KingAubut (CO): t12497 M = 19.38

Eschbo777 (BTN): t18761 M = 29.09

LakshmiSutra (SB): t10331 M = 16.02

Donkbetty (BB): t25193 M = 39.06

Hero (UTG): t8925 M = 13.84

Pre Flop: (t645) Hero is UTG with T:club: T:spade:

KingAubut says "nh", freebird03 says "ty", Hero raises to t500, 7 folds, Donkbetty calls t250

Flop: (t1395) 6:club: 7:spade: 3:spade: (2 players)

Donkbetty checks, Hero bets t1500, Donkbetty raises to t24663 all in, Hero calls t6895 all in

Turn: (t18185) 5DIAMONd (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t18185) 7DIAMONd (2 players - 2 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t18185

Donkbetty shows 7c 6h (a full house, Sevens full of Sixes)

Hero shows Tc Ts (two pair, Tens and Sevens)

Donkbetty wins t18185


19/03/2012 18:47
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Atencion vean esta mano

Comienza el ev,ento 41 11$ 6 max, y un villano se ponea a pushear any two pero ojo, diciendo previamente la mano que llevava, de repente dice 45 y pushea, si yevava 45 y yo 99 vean vean señores...

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 6 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

szkd (MP): t5015 250.75 BBs

Hero (CO): t4950 247.50 BBs

Scorpaenopsy (BTN): t4970 248.50 BBs

MightyMathe (SB): t4810 240.50 BBs

Free89Eagle (BB): t4936 246.80 BBs

hccooss (UTG): t5000 250 BBs

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is CO with 9DIAMONd 9:heart:

1 fold, szkd says "45", szkd raises to t5015 all in, Hero calls t4950 all in, 2 folds, Free89Eagle calls t4916 all in

Flop: (t14846) 2:club: 8DIAMONd 5:heart: (3 players - 3 are all in)

Turn: (t14846) 4:heart: (3 players - 3 are all in)

River: (t14846) A:club: (3 players - 3 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t14846

szkd shows 4c 5s (two pair, Fives and Fours)

Hero shows 9d 9h (a pair of Nines)

Free89Eagle shows Ks Ah (a pair of Aces)

szkd wins t28

szkd wins t14818


19/03/2012 18:56
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.


Esta otra mano que no me deja bust pero casi me pagan un shove con mierda pura y escalera magica...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds + t30 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

é_memiu (MP1): t3210 M = 4.98

pow17 (MP2): t17775 M = 27.56

ZNA 33 (CO): t55719 M = 86.39

Hero (BTN): t7018 M = 10.88

taroff (SB): t6091 M = 9.44

iskyand (BB): t7498 M = 11.62

MR_TRINDADE (UTG): t4976 M = 7.71

C0rbenD@llas (UTG+1): t3296 M = 5.11

MrKroenen (UTG+2): t2980 M = 4.62

Pre Flop: (t645) Hero is BTN with TDIAMONd T:spade:

pow17 says "sick lucky", 1 fold, C0rbenD@llas calls t250, 1 fold, é_memiu raises to t750, pow17 calls t750, 1 fold, Hero raises to t6988 all in, 3 folds, é_memiu calls t2430 all in, 1 fold

Flop: (t8005) 3DIAMONd 7:spade: 9:spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t8005) 4DIAMONd (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t8005) 7:heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t8005

é_memiu shows 5h 6h (a straight, Three to Seven)

Hero shows Td Ts (two pair, Tens and Sevens)

é_memiu wins t8005


19/03/2012 19:02
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el 5$ 2r de las 16:15...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t250/t500 Blinds + t60 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

ptrou (MP2): t39441 M = 30.57

pitumacarra (CO): t29255 M = 22.68

CYAN_MERLIN (BTN): t34702 M = 26.90

BEN BLACK (SB): t10220 M = 7.92

Co1nfl1ppa (BB): t11026 M = 8.55

avram22 (UTG): t18407 M = 14.27

Dmitriy0731 (UTG+1): t14469 M = 11.22

Hero (UTG+2): t17361 M = 13.46

SngFish87 (MP1): t7303 M = 5.66

Pre Flop: (t1290) Hero is UTG+2 with Q:heart: A:club:

2 folds, Hero raises to t1075, 1 fold, ptrou calls t1075, 4 folds

Flop: (t3440) 4:club: 2:club: 3:heart: (2 players)

Hero bets t1376, ptrou calls t1376

Turn: (t6192) 8:club: (2 players)

Hero bets t2500, ptrou raises to t5500, Hero raises to t14850 all in, ptrou calls t9350

River: (t35892) KDIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t35892

ptrou shows 8d 8s (three of a kind, Eights)

Hero shows Qh Ac (high card Ace)

ptrou wins t35892


Busto de el big 8$...

Poker Stars $8.00+$0.80 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t70 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

MR.Poulsen1 (BB): t23838 M = 15.58

tobitopsen (UTG): t6984 M = 4.56

zellyadrian (UTG+1): t21664 M = 14.16

chobot76 (UTG+2): t30903 M = 20.20

scroosko (MP1): t7276 M = 4.76

Hero (MP2): t6789 M = 4.44

vezaveza (CO): t26619 M = 17.40

EEeeeeeeOre (BTN): t4768 M = 3.12

Mezo1001 (SB): t7986 M = 5.22

Pre Flop: (t1530) Hero is MP2 with JDIAMONd K:spade:

4 folds, Hero raises to t6719 all in, vezaveza calls t6719, 3 folds

Flop: (t14968) 5DIAMONd 4:club: K:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t14968) 8:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t14968) 2DIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t14968

Hero shows Jd Ks (a pair of Kings)

vezaveza shows 8h 8d (three of a kind, Eights)

vezaveza wins t14968


19/03/2012 19:35
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Este no iva en el bancaje, pero mirar mirar...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

mimzii (UTG+2): t3820 19.10 BBs

cheaps (MP1): t5040 25.20 BBs

Mr.Jrx$ (MP2): t8111 40.55 BBs

neveiksmexxx (CO): t5748 28.74 BBs

vaggos_89363 (BTN): t4417 22.09 BBs

00maso00 (SB): t1823 9.12 BBs

Hero (BB): t6094 30.47 BBs

menut77 (UTG): t4350 21.75 BBs

flotats (UTG+1): t10330 51.65 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is BB with Q:spade: QDIAMONd

2 folds, mimzii raises to t400, 2 folds, neveiksmexxx calls t400, vaggos_89363 calls t400, 1 fold, Hero raises to t1400, 2 folds, vaggos_89363 calls t1000

Flop: (t3700) A:heart: 6:club: K:heart: (2 players)

Hero bets t1600, vaggos_89363 raises to t3017 all in, Hero calls t1417

Turn: (t9734) T:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t9734) J:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t9734

vaggos_89363 shows 9h 7h (a flush, Ace high)

Hero shows Qs Qd (a straight, Ten to Ace)

vaggos_89363 wins t9734


de risa

19/03/2012 19:45
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

busto de el 2$ turbo, el stack lo perdi antes con AK vs TT vs 88 vs 44...

Poker Stars $2.00+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds + t20 - 8 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

jebeni fishi (MP2): t1980 M = 5.14

Parttalan (CO): t2295 M = 5.96

gahzito (BTN): t2382 M = 6.19

iotzu3 (SB): t8203 M = 21.31

Doctor Dip (BB): t1980 M = 5.14

blueangel511 (UTG): t2000 M = 5.19

Hero (UTG+1): t840 M = 2.18

128rau (MP1): t14280 M = 37.09

Pre Flop: (t385) Hero is UTG+1 with J:club: Q:heart:

1 fold, Hero raises to t820 all in, 1 fold, jebeni fishi raises to t1960 all in, 3 folds, Doctor Dip calls t1810 all in

Flop: (t4975) A:club: 2:heart: 4:heart: (3 players - 3 are all in)

Turn: (t4975) KDIAMONd (3 players - 3 are all in)

River: (t4975) 9:heart: (3 players - 3 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t4975

jebeni fishi shows Qs Ad (a pair of Aces)

Doctor Dip shows Jd 7s (high card Ace)

Hero shows Jc Qh (high card Ace)

jebeni fishi wins t2280

jebeni fishi wins t2695


y aqui dejo otra magia ...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds + t25 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

mimzii (MP2): t1645 M = 2.74

cheaps (CO): t5815 M = 9.69

Mr.Jrx$ (BTN): t7761 M = 12.94

neveiksmexxx (SB): t6973 M = 11.62

vaggos_89363 (BB): t9282 M = 15.47

00maso00 (UTG): t1698 M = 2.83

Hero (UTG+1): t3429 M = 5.71

menut77 (UTG+2): t2825 M = 4.71

flotats (MP1): t10305 M = 17.18

Pre Flop: (t600) Hero is UTG+1 with ADIAMONd A:heart:

1 fold, Hero raises to t537, 2 folds, mimzii raises to t1000, 4 folds, Hero calls t463

Flop: (t2600) 4:spade: A:club: 3:club: (2 players)

Hero checks, mimzii bets t620 all in, Hero calls t620

Turn: (t3840) 5:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t3840) J:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t3840

mimzii shows Tc Qc (a flush, Ace high)

Hero shows Ad Ah (three of a kind, Aces)

mimzii wins t3840


19/03/2012 20:17
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el 1000 cap con itm de 10,5$

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t600/t1200 Blinds + t150 - 8 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

WhoAreYoux1 (MP2): t23119 M = 7.71

DELUXE1893 (CO): t26171 M = 8.72

mikulita (BTN): t47611 M = 15.87

rellik633 (SB): t30018 M = 10.01

Hero (BB): t2646 M = 0.88

ianbrion (UTG): t35069 M = 11.69

atzektm (UTG+1): t10938 M = 3.65

cubefish (MP1): t46402 M = 15.47

Pre Flop: (t3000) Hero is BB with 3DIAMONd TDIAMONd

3 folds, WhoAreYoux1 raises to t2400, 2 folds, rellik633 calls t1800, Hero calls t1200

Flop: (t8400) 5DIAMONd T:club: 6:club: (3 players)

rellik633 checks, Hero bets t96 all in, WhoAreYoux1 calls t96, rellik633 calls t96

Turn: (t8688) K:heart: (3 players - 1 is all in)

rellik633 checks, WhoAreYoux1 bets t4800, rellik633 calls t4800

River: (t18288) K:club: (3 players - 1 is all in)

rellik633 checks, WhoAreYoux1 bets t15673 all in, rellik633 calls t15673

[spoil]Final Pot: t49634

WhoAreYoux1 shows 6s 6h (a full house, Sixes full of Kings)

rellik633 shows Ks Qd (three of a kind, Kings)

Hero shows 3d Td (two pair, Kings and Tens)

WhoAreYoux1 wins t40946

WhoAreYoux1 wins t8688


19/03/2012 20:19
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.


Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t20/t40 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

maunzi104 (MP1): t3560 89 BBs

Gytoku (MP2): t12025 300.62 BBs

VincentFirst (CO): t7353 183.82 BBs

grefu69 (BTN): t3000 75 BBs

mktmd (SB): t4904 122.60 BBs

JoZ66 (BB): t6525 163.12 BBs

fidel_robot (UTG): t6065 151.62 BBs

Hero (UTG+1): t5456 136.40 BBs

hellmouth89 (UTG+2): t5770 144.25 BBs

Pre Flop: (t60) Hero is UTG+1 with Q:club: Q:spade:

1 fold, Hero raises to t86, 5 folds, mktmd raises to t240, 1 fold, Hero calls t154

Flop: (t520) 4DIAMONd T:spade: Q:heart: (2 players)

mktmd bets t260, Hero raises to t1092, mktmd raises to t1960, Hero raises to t2828, mktmd raises to t4664 all in, Hero calls t1836

Turn: (t9848) TDIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t9848) 4:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t9848

mktmd shows Th Tc (four of a kind, Tens)

Hero shows Qc Qs (a full house, Queens full of Tens)

mktmd wins t9848


19/03/2012 20:28
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

maunzi104 (SB): t2022 33.70 BBs

Repotec (BB): t6030 100.50 BBs

VincentFirst (UTG): t13353 222.55 BBs

grefu69 (UTG+1): t3030 50.50 BBs

bbl6247 (UTG+2): t2670 44.50 BBs

JoZ66 (MP1): t4679 77.98 BBs

fidel_robot (MP2): t7528 125.47 BBs

Hero (CO): t3683 61.38 BBs

WeeDii (BTN): t2590 43.17 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is CO with Q:heart: Q:club:

5 folds, Hero raises to t129, WeeDii calls t129, maunzi104 calls t99, 1 fold

Flop: (t447) 3:spade: 7DIAMONd 2:heart: (3 players)

maunzi104 bets t300, Hero raises to t718, WeeDii folds, maunzi104 calls t418

Turn: (t1883) 9DIAMONd (2 players)

maunzi104 bets t1175 all in, Hero calls t1175

River: (t4233) J:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t4233

maunzi104 shows 2c Jh (two pair, Jacks and Deuces)

Hero shows Qh Qc (a pair of Queens)

maunzi104 wins t4233


y busto de el todo, en el 5 1r 1add...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

maunzi104 (BTN): t4233 70.55 BBs

Repotec (SB): t5970 99.50 BBs

VincentFirst (BB): t13353 222.55 BBs

grefu69 (UTG): t3030 50.50 BBs

bbl6247 (UTG+1): t2670 44.50 BBs

JoZ66 (UTG+2): t4679 77.98 BBs

fidel_robot (MP1): t7528 125.47 BBs

Hero (MP2): t1661 27.68 BBs

WeeDii (CO): t2461 41.02 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is MP2 with KDIAMONd ADIAMONd

2 folds, JoZ66 raises to t150, 1 fold, Hero raises to t1661 all in, 4 folds, JoZ66 calls t1511

Flop: (t3412) 9:heart: Q:spade: JDIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t3412) 5:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t3412) K:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t3412

JoZ66 shows Jc Jh (three of a kind, Jacks)

Hero shows Kd Ad (a pair of Kings)

JoZ66 wins t3412


19/03/2012 21:03
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Vamos caballitooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

19/03/2012 21:26
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.
19/03/2012 21:03
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Vamos caballitooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

7deVamos caballitooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

solo me queda el omaha hi lo, que apenas e jugado xD.

cree este hilo, con las manos mas sicks de hoy, es que fue increible...


19/03/2012 21:52
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto del omaha...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

dm2008 (BB): t4305 43.05 BBs

drhams (UTG): t4148 41.48 BBs

Hero (UTG+1): t3069 30.69 BBs

B81ULH (UTG+2): t10009 100.09 BBs

firenice212 (MP1): t2118 21.18 BBs

szaszapapa71 (MP2): t4225 42.25 BBs

mysmacke (CO): t5175 51.75 BBs

5BAL8 (BTN): t11105 111.05 BBs

DarlanCoxa (SB): t10420 104.20 BBs

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is UTG+1 with 4DIAMONd KDIAMONd 8:club: K:heart:

1 fold, Hero raises to t300, 3 folds, mysmacke raises to t1050, 3 folds, Hero calls t750

Flop: (t2250) 3:club: A:club: 6:heart: (2 players)

Hero checks, mysmacke bets t2250, Hero calls t2019 all in

Turn: (t6288) T:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t6288) 8:heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t6288

Hero shows 4d Kd 8c Kh (HI: a pair of Kings; LO: 8,6,4,3,A)

mysmacke shows 7c Qd As 2c (HI: a pair of Aces; LO: 7,6,3,2,A)

mysmacke wins t3144

mysmacke wins t3144


19/03/2012 21:54
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Dia 19: Lunes.

Evento 39º NLH 8,8$ 40k grt....................15:00 4957/9901= 0$ (busto AT vs AQ en JKxAx)

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 2r 1add on.............15:15 350/524= 0$ (busto 7T vs FD vs A4 en 744)

Evento 40º NLH 2,2$ 2r 1add on 20k grt....17:00 5037/20333= 0$ (busto TT vs 67)

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 2r 1add on.............17:15 254/539= 0$ (busto AQ vs 88)

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 1000 cap................17:45 61/595= 10,50$ (busto 3Ts con 2bbs vs algo)

Evento 41º NLH 11$ (6max) 75k grt..........18:30 12700/13018= 0$ (busto 99 vs 45)

Torneo regular NLH 5,4$ turbo ko..............18:45 1163/2688= 0$ (busto 66 vs AA)

Torneo regular NLH 2,2$ turbo...................19:45 2636/6112= 0$ (busto JQ vs J7 vs AQ)

Evento 42º PLO hi-lo 5,5$ 25k grt..............20:30 3267/5353= 0$ (busto KK84 vs 7QA2)

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 1r 1add on..............20:30 466/525= 0$ (busto QQ vs TT en xQT all in "T"x y luego AK vs JJ)

Cobros con rebuys y su MU: 18,2$

ITM: 10%

Total gastado: 1241,4$ + 124,1$ de MU

Total de cobros: 941,45$

20/03/2012 14:19
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

La sesion de hoy

Dia 20: Martes.

Evento 47º NLH 5,5$ 2x oportunidades 25k grt....13:30 (late reg 15:00)

Evento 48º NLH 8,8$ ante up 40k grt..................15:00

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 2r 1add on.......................15:15

Torneo regular NLH 5,4$ turbo ko.......................15:45

Torneo regular NLH 5,5 1000 cap........................16:15

Evento 49º NLH y PLO 4,4$ 15k grt....................17:00

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 2r 1add on......................17:15

Evento 50º NLH 11$ 75k grt..............................18:30

Torneo regular NLH 5,4$ turbo ko......................18:45

Torneo regular NLH 2,2$ turbo...........................19:45

Torneo regular NLH 5$ 1r 1add on......................20:30

Evento 51º NLH 4,4$+R (4 max) 25k grt............20:30 (3 rebuys + add on)

Evento 52º NLH 1$ 5k gr.................................. 22:00

20/03/2012 15:02
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Mucha suerte crack! Gooo

20/03/2012 15:48
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.
20/03/2012 15:02
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Mucha suerte crack! Gooo

adriancheMucha suerte crack! Gooo

TY, vamos a ver si hoy es el dia ya 😄 . Primer busto de el dia, el 5$ 1000 cap...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25/t50 Blinds - 8 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

CutOffRaiser (MP2): t2925 58.50 BBs

PIKADOR74 (CO): t8685 173.70 BBs

Andrey_B (BTN): t8387 167.74 BBs

mclane17 (SB): t1925 38.50 BBs

pjotrpokker (BB): t1865 37.30 BBs

Hero (UTG): t2650 53 BBs

wyte123 (UTG+1): t2185 43.70 BBs

pejov (MP1): t1368 27.36 BBs

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is UTG with Q:club: A:heart:

Hero raises to t150, wyte123 raises to t350, 6 folds, Hero calls t200

Flop: (t775) 3DIAMONd QDIAMONd 7:heart: (2 players)

Hero bets t465, wyte123 raises to t1100, Hero raises to t1735, wyte123 raises to t1835 all in, Hero calls t100

Turn: (t4445) K:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t4445) 5DIAMONd (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t4445

Hero shows Qc Ah (a pair of Queens)

wyte123 shows Ac Kd (a pair of Kings)

wyte123 wins t4445


Y el 2º busto, de el 5$ turbo ko, que como cambie el tema de mesa, no me di cuenta de que quede ausente con el simbolito de play en amarillo y me comieron las ciegas.

En el micromillion 2x oportunidades, no e tenido que recargar, pero abri TT x3 desde utg y un fish me pago con J8, board XXJAJ y me saco unas cuantas fichas.

20/03/2012 16:38
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Un par de apuntes, como se me fue la olla con el 5$ turbo meto el big 8 para compensar, que estoy con 5k en media 3.7k.

Y el ultimo evento de hoy de 1$ de las 22:00, no lo jugare y queda tambien dentro de ese big 8$. Es que empieza muy tarde y no es turbo, y mañana me a surjido un recado mañanero.

20/03/2012 16:39
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Go, go, go..!

20/03/2012 16:49
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el evento 47º, dobles flopeadas vs segunda pareja y tripona, river escalera 😒 era un buen bote, se la jugo a 6 outs el muy fisaco...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t600/t1200 Blinds + t150 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

cook5103 (CO): t7975 M = 2.53

umbroSS (BTN): t43228 M = 13.72

Hero (SB): t23390 M = 7.43

johnybvpoker (BB): t22940 M = 7.28

EkimSk8 (UTG): t43489 M = 13.81

pjnich49 (UTG+1): t79025 M = 25.09

Max666917 (UTG+2): t77417 M = 24.58

kaniponk0 (MP1): t21722 M = 6.90

jhony mntero (MP2): t73609 M = 23.37

Pre Flop: (t3150) Hero is SB with A:club: T:club:

2 folds, Max666917 raises to t3000, 4 folds, Hero calls t2400, 1 fold

Flop: (t8550) TDIAMONd K:heart: A:heart: (2 players)

Hero bets t2400, Max666917 raises to t7200, Hero raises to t20240 all in, Max666917 calls t13040

Turn: (t49030) 3:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t49030) J:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t49030

Hero shows Ac Tc (two pair, Aces and Tens)

Max666917 shows Ks Qc (a straight, Ten to Ace)

Max666917 wins t49030


20/03/2012 17:02
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

os mola el diseño que me e creado???

configuracion de mesa1.jpg

20/03/2012 17:16
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Busto de el evento 48, AQ vs AK...

Poker Stars $8.00+$0.80 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t150/t300 Blinds + t60 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Immie85 (UTG+2): t10731 M = 10.84

TrickyTrees9 (MP1): t15106 M = 15.26

Flasaa (MP2): t3792 M = 3.83

howi1000 (CO): t15582 M = 15.74

munuain844 (BTN): t6358 M = 6.42

Ignat63rus (SB): t5808 M = 5.87

peasant99 (BB): t23091 M = 23.32

Hero (UTG): t3660 M = 3.70

ktbill (UTG+1): t25057 M = 25.31

Pre Flop: (t990) Hero is UTG with A:spade: Q:heart:

Hero raises to t3600 all in, 5 folds, munuain844 raises to t6298 all in, 2 folds

Flop: (t8190) 5DIAMONd K:spade: 7:club: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t8190) 9:heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t8190) 2DIAMONd (2 players - 2 are all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t8190

munuain844 shows Ad Kc (a pair of Kings)

Hero shows As Qh (high card Ace)

munuain844 wins t8190


20/03/2012 17:19
Re: Rail JONY-NEWAS Pack de marzo.

Ya empezamos con los retards que me pegan pollazos, como se puede alguien jugar aj asi por dios, no me jodas...

Busto de el 5$ 2r 1 add de las 14:15 AK vs AJ que 4beteo allin y me pagan preflop, con stacks comodos, por supuesto cae la jodida J, vaya semana arggg...

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t350/t700 Blinds + t85 - 9 players

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Hero (UTG): t22699 M = 12.51

a.ApMuK.o (UTG+1): t86763 M = 47.80

wanberi (UTG+2): t11846 M = 6.53

Krinica2009 (MP1): t40049 M = 22.07

Puffi40 (MP2): t23756 M = 13.09

SBGstyle (CO): t14122 M = 7.78

AJPM1990 (BTN): t51110 M = 28.16

christof1111 (SB): t11880 M = 6.55

freshfish33 (BB): t39266 M = 21.63

Pre Flop: (t1815) Hero is UTG with K:spade: A:spade:

Hero raises to t1505, 3 folds, Puffi40 raises to t6300, 4 folds, Hero raises to t22614 all in, Puffi40 calls t16314

Flop: (t47043) 9DIAMONd J:club: 7:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t47043) 6:spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t47043) 2:club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

[spoil]Final Pot: t47043

Hero shows Ks As (high card Ace)

Puffi40 shows Js Ad (a pair of Jacks)

Puffi40 wins t47043



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