04/01/2012 19:57
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Break, quedan 4:

5,50$ NLH 1k Cap: 36/243

13,50$ Knockout: 83/156

Sit 180 players: 5/29

5,50$ NLH: 2568/2606

04/01/2012 20:41
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Me voy en burbuja del 180 players....TT vs AQ....no se las veces que he perdido hoy con TT...

Bueno, quedan dos balas para liarla (ya en ITM los dos):

5,50$ 1k Cap: 31/12

13,50$ Knockout: 46/88

04/01/2012 20:56
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Bueno, break:


5,50$ NLH 1k Cap: 20/95

13,50$ Knockout: 26/71

04/01/2012 21:05
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Set up en el 13,50$ con cooler a mi favor. 6/62

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG omyg0t ([="#0000cc"]31,898[/])

UTG+1 puatiL ([="#0000cc"]36,610[/])

MP1 Fabaz ([="#0000cc"]102,560[/])

MP2 Bubuii ([="#0000cc"]32,786[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]37,790[/])

BTN F.Ch.L.W_W ([="#0000cc"]46,325[/])

SB donald0404 ([="#0000cc"]20,965[/])

BB Progambler78 ([="#0000cc"]96,767[/])

Blinds: 700/1,400 Ante 175

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]3,500[/], 8 players) greyman82 is CO K:spade: K:heart:

[="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 3,080[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]donald0404 goes all-in 20,790[/], [="#cc0000"]Progambler78 goes all-in 96,592[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 34,535[/]

Flop: Q:spade: K:club: 5:heart: ([="#0000cc"]156,397[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Turn: 3:club: ([="#0000cc"]156,397[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

River: 5DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]156,397[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]156,397[/]

greyman82 shows a full house, Kings full of Fives

K:spade: K:heart:

donald0404 shows two pair, Kings and Queens

KDIAMONd Q:club:

Progambler78 shows two pair, Tens and Fives

10:spade: 10:club:

greyman82 wins 97,420 (net +59,630)

Progambler78 collects 58,977 (net -37,790)

donald0404 lost 20,965

04/01/2012 21:13
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Doble up en el 5,50$. 4/80

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG TushCan#1 ([="#0000cc"]54,065[/])

UTG+1 Dejmen/FCB ([="#0000cc"]22,106[/])

MP1 thomkk ([="#0000cc"]59,879[/])

MP2 Progambler78 ([="#0000cc"]45,443[/])

MP3 gmartinez4 ([="#0000cc"]55,831[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]40,252[/])

BTN Sagit1 ([="#0000cc"]27,700[/])

SB h4ba ([="#0000cc"]65,834[/])

BB Nbd.aZtec ([="#0000cc"]14,664[/])

Blinds: 600/1,200 Ante 150

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]3,150[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO ADIAMONd A:club:

[="#cc0000"]TushCan#1 raises to 3,000[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 9,600[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], TushCan#1 calls 6,600

Flop: A:spade: 3:heart: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]22,350[/], 2 players)

TushCan#1 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 8,400[/], [="#cc0000"]TushCan#1 raises to 20,400[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 30,502[/], TushCan#1 calls 10,102

Turn: 8DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]83,354[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 10:spade: ([="#0000cc"]83,354[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]83,354[/]

TushCan#1 shows a pair of Aces

KDIAMONd A:heart:

greyman82 shows three of a kind, Aces

ADIAMONd A:club:

greyman82 wins 83,354 (net +43,102)

TushCan#1 lost 40,252

04/01/2012 21:27
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG h4ba ([="#0000cc"]77,958[/])

UTG+1 Nbd.aZtec ([="#0000cc"]42,064[/])

MP1 rastafa13 ([="#0000cc"]35,897[/])

MP2 Dejmen/FCB ([="#0000cc"]43,062[/])

CO thomkk ([="#0000cc"]72,944[/])

BTN Progambler78 ([="#0000cc"]50,798[/])

SB Philipp IV ([="#0000cc"]17,158[/])

BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]72,974[/])

Blinds: 800/1,600 Ante 200

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]4,000[/], 8 players) greyman82 is BB 10:spade: 10:heart:

[="#777777"]6 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Philipp IV raises to 4,800[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 22,400[/], [="#cc0000"]Philipp IV goes all-in 12,158[/]

Flop: Q:club: ADIAMONd 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]40,958[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: A:club: ([="#0000cc"]40,958[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: K:spade: ([="#0000cc"]40,958[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]40,958[/]

Philipp IV shows three of a kind, Aces

10:club: A:spade:

greyman82 shows two pair, Aces and Tens

10:spade: 10:heart:

Philipp IV wins 35,516 (net +18,358)

greyman82 collects 5,442 (net -17,158)

04/01/2012 21:28
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Después de esa, le meto 4bet push a un tipo que no paraba de 3betear, lo hacia 2/3 veces por vuelta, yo con KQs, y me topo con AKo, no hay milagro. Busto del 5,50$.

Focus en el 13,50$!!!! A por la FT!!!

04/01/2012 21:33
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Ya está....me desenchufaron....

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG SEWart ([="#0000cc"]56k[/])

UTG+1 Bubuii ([="#0000cc"]102k[/])

MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]58k[/])

MP2 tinafaito ([="#0000cc"]81k[/])

MP3 b2k-Snick ([="#0000cc"]74k[/])

CO Progambler78 ([="#0000cc"]48k[/])

BTN omyg0t ([="#0000cc"]17k[/])

SB puatiL ([="#0000cc"]80k[/])

BB Fabaz ([="#0000cc"]36k[/])

Blinds: 1.3k/2.5k Ante 310

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]6.5k[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 KDIAMONd K:club:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 5.5k[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]omyg0t goes all-in 17k[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], greyman82 calls 11k

Flop: 7DIAMONd A:club: 8DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]40k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 8:heart: ([="#0000cc"]40k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 6:heart: ([="#0000cc"]40k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]40k[/]

greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Eights

KDIAMONd K:club:

omyg0t shows two pair, Aces and Eights

Q:club: ADIAMONd

omyg0t wins 40k (net +23k)

greyman82 lost 17k

04/01/2012 21:48
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Una vez más...me voy contento a la cama.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


7 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG sedoi1979 ([="#0000cc"]83k[/])

UTG+1 loreggio ([="#0000cc"]210k[/])

MP bertvandijk ([="#0000cc"]50k[/])

CO .S.S.8.8.52 ([="#0000cc"]200k[/])

BTN GeraldVuren ([="#0000cc"]60k[/])

SB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]40k[/])

BB F.Ch.L.W_W ([="#0000cc"]139k[/])

Blinds: 2k/4k Ante 500

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]9.5k[/], 7 players) greyman82 is SB A:heart: Q:club:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"].S.S.8.8.52 raises to 8k[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 39k[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], .S.S.8.8.52 calls 31k

Flop: A:spade: 9:spade: 5:club: ([="#0000cc"]86k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 3:heart: ([="#0000cc"]86k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]86k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]86k[/]

.S.S.8.8.52 shows two pair, Aces and Sevens

ADIAMONd 7:club:

greyman82 shows a pair of Aces

A:heart: Q:club:

.S.S.8.8.52 wins 86k (net +46k)

greyman82 lost 40k

04/01/2012 21:53
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Bueno, dos ITM y un mosqueo std, XDD😱/p>

-5,50$ NLH 1k Cap: 14$ (60/1000)

-13,50$ Knockout: 37,72$ + 2,5$ = 40.22$ (32/920)

Total ITM's del día: 54,22$

Total Invertido día: @116,85$

05/01/2012 17:23
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Para hoy esto:

16:30 - Big 8,80$

16:45 - 4,40$ 8max

17:00 - 8,80$ 1R1A (24,80$)

17:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)

17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout

4 sits de 180 players

Total del día: @97,65$

05/01/2012 17:26
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Primeras ostias y doble ups....uno para arriba y otro busto, XDDD.

Busto del 4,40$ 8max en la primera mano, es pedazo de overbet, pero hay mucho tarado en estos micros, que te pagan con AQ, 99+ en estos primeros niveles a push preflop:

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG svarshik730 (6,030)

UTG+1 Volwi (3,235)

MP1 djsb89 (2,115)

MP2 greyman82 (3,000)

CO takkiss111 (2,915)

BTN Boiling666 (2,240)

SB AshModai90 (3,595)

BB A.BANDE1 (3,805)

Blinds: 20/40

Pre-Flop: (60, 8 players) greyman82 is MP2 K:club: KDIAMONd

svarshik730 raises to 80, 2 folds, greyman82 goes all-in 3,000, takkiss111 goes all-in 2,915, 3 folds, svarshik730 folds

Flop: 7:heart: 7:club: JDIAMONd (6,055, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 10:club: (6,055, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 2:club: (6,055, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Volwi says "89"

Final Pot: 6,055

greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Sevens

K:club: KDIAMONd

takkiss111 shows two pair, Aces and Sevens

A:club: A:spade:

takkiss111 wins 5,970 (net +3,055)

greyman82 collects 85 (net -2,915)

svarshik730 lost 80


Y doble up en el Big 8,80$

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG nacho1811 (2,975)

UTG+1 MINTless (2,850)

MP1 madest_82 (4,770)

MP2 guantes30 (5,600)

CO greyman82 (3,300)

BTN TrollAwaken (4,400)

SB SSom2 (5,605)

BB andreytert (3,475)

Blinds: 25/50

Pre-Flop: (75, 8 players) greyman82 is CO K:spade: 10:spade:

1 fold, MINTless raises to 144, 2 folds, greyman82 calls 144, 2 folds, andreytert calls 94

Flop: J:spade: 6DIAMONd 7:spade: (457, 3 players)

andreytert checks, MINTless bets 321, greyman82 calls 321, andreytert folds

Turn: 9:spade: (1,099, 2 players)

MINTless checks, greyman82 bets 549, MINTless calls 549

River: 3DIAMONd (2,197, 2 players)

MINTless checks, greyman82 bets 2,197, MINTless goes all-in 1,836

Final Pot: 6,230

MINTless shows a pair of Fours

4:spade: 4:club:

greyman82 shows a flush, King high

K:spade: 10:spade:

greyman82 wins 6,230 (net +3,019)

andreytert lost 144

MINTless lost 2,850

05/01/2012 19:43
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

No estoy raileando nada hoy xq estoy jugando bastante focus, y tengo pocos abiertos. Pero vaya tela...vaya tela...

Out del Big 8,80$ ya en ITM, y botecito majo que me ponia muy gordo.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG AlexBah64 ([="#0000cc"]14,591[/])

UTG+1 Atlihardar ([="#0000cc"]66,739[/])

MP1 almostlikeaa ([="#0000cc"]22,808[/])

MP2 VasiliyRogov ([="#0000cc"]58,172[/])

MP3 wdju ([="#0000cc"]16,422[/])

CO bluep01 ([="#0000cc"]33,082[/])

BTN victor161 ([="#0000cc"]28,212[/])

SB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]28,482[/])

BB Sky2408 ([="#0000cc"]29,069[/])

Blinds: 400/800 Ante 100

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]2,100[/], 9 players) greyman82 is SB Q:heart: A:heart:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]VasiliyRogov raises to 2,400[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 5,600[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], VasiliyRogov calls 3,200

Flop: QDIAMONd 6DIAMONd 7:spade: ([="#0000cc"]12,900[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 6,450[/], VasiliyRogov calls 6,450

Turn: 8:heart: ([="#0000cc"]25,800[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 16,332[/], VasiliyRogov calls 16,332

River: 9DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]58,464[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]58,464[/]

VasiliyRogov shows a straight, Five to Nine

4:heart: 5:spade:

greyman82 shows a pair of Queens

Q:heart: A:heart:

VasiliyRogov wins 58,464 (net +29,982)

greyman82 lost 28,482

05/01/2012 19:45
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Quedan 3 balas:

13,50$ Knockout: 44/188

5,50$ 2R1A: 90/345

Sit 180 players: 18/47

05/01/2012 19:58
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Break, actualizo:

13,50$ Knockout: 31/144

5,50$ 2R1A: 109/292

Sit 180 players: 20/40

05/01/2012 20:03
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Pierdo flip AK vs QQ en el 180 players...salvo milagro, se escapa ITM. Me quedo 29/39.

05/01/2012 20:04
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Pues nada, busto KQ vs AK.

05/01/2012 20:40
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Busto del 5,50$ 2R1A, AJ vs AT, TP para mi, dobles para él....sick.

Una bala...y hay q liarla....asiq....fooooooccccuuuuuuusssss!!!

05/01/2012 20:43
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12


05/01/2012 20:46
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

13/81 tras ganar bote vs mono

05/01/2012 21:09
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Lo que me molesta es cuando stars empieza a reirse de mi, mirad que 3 manos consecutivas:

En la primera, abro 99, me pagan dos, flop KQA. Después abro KQ flop 789 (y me gana un short con J7, pinchando en el flop pagando la BB). Después defiendo la BB, pincho TP y el short tiene AA.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG THEMANN79 (15,596)

UTG+1 Roelof (68,309)

MP1 greyman82 (49,426)

MP2 ZzZzZick (38,782)

MP3 enxotopinto (13,548)

CO paradizz (19,619)

BTN FlaShhXx47 (26,887)

SB Bierchinese (78,587)

BB omyg0t (23,224)

Blinds: 700/1,400 Ante 175

Pre-Flop: (3,675, 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 9:spade: 9:heart:

2 folds, greyman82 raises to 3,080, ZzZzZick calls 3,080, 4 folds, omyg0t calls 1,680

Flop: Q:club: K:spade: A:spade: (11,515, 3 players)

omyg0t checks, greyman82 checks, ZzZzZick bets 6,909, omyg0t folds, greyman82 folds

Final Pot: 18,424

ZzZzZick wins 18,424 (net +8,260)

omyg0t lost 3,255

greyman82 lost 3,255


No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Roelof ([="#0000cc"]68,134[/])

UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]46,171[/])

MP1 ZzZzZick ([="#0000cc"]47,042[/])

MP2 enxotopinto ([="#0000cc"]13,373[/])

MP3 paradizz ([="#0000cc"]19,444[/])

CO FlaShhXx47 ([="#0000cc"]26,712[/])

BTN Bierchinese ([="#0000cc"]77,712[/])

SB omyg0t ([="#0000cc"]19,969[/])

BB THEMANN79 ([="#0000cc"]15,421[/])

Blinds: 700/1,400 Ante 175

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]3,675[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 Q:club: K:club:

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 3,080[/], [="#777777"]6 folds[/], THEMANN79 calls 1,680

Flop: 7:heart: 9:spade: 8DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]8,435[/], 2 players)

THEMANN79 checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 bets 4,217[/], [="#cc0000"]THEMANN79 goes all-in 12,166[/], greyman82 calls 7,949

Turn: 2:club: ([="#0000cc"]32,767[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]32,767[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]32,767[/]

THEMANN79 shows a pair of Sevens

7:club: JDIAMONd

greyman82 shows high card King

Q:club: K:club:

THEMANN79 wins 32,767 (net +17,346)

greyman82 lost 15,421


No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG ZzZzZick (46,867)

UTG+1 enxotopinto (13,198)

MP1 paradizz (19,269)

MP2 FlaShhXx47 (26,537)

CO Bierchinese (77,537)

BTN omyg0t (19,094)

SB THEMANN79 (32,767)

BB greyman82 (30,750)

Blinds: 700/1,400 Ante 175

Pre-Flop: (3,500, 8 players) greyman82 is BB 8DIAMONd 10DIAMONd

5 folds, omyg0t raises to 2,800, 1 fold, greyman82 calls 1,400

Flop: 3:spade: 8:club: 5:spade: (7,700, 2 players)

greyman82 checks, omyg0t bets 2,800, greyman82 raises to 9,800, omyg0t goes all-in 16,119, greyman82 calls 6,319

Turn: Q:heart: (39,938, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 7DIAMONd (39,938, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 39,938

omyg0t shows a pair of Aces

A:spade: A:heart:

greyman82 shows a pair of Eights


omyg0t wins 39,938 (net +20,844)

greyman82 lost 19,094

05/01/2012 21:15
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Busto, A6s vs AT....

05/01/2012 21:18
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Bueno, ITM's de hoy:

Big 8,80$: 15.09$ (556/4718)

13,50$ Knockout: 26.99$ + 7,50$ Bounty = 34.99$ (57/931)

Total ITM = 49,58$

Total BI consumido = @97,65$

06/01/2012 10:50
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Hoy voy a hacer una sesión distinta, porque a las 20:30-21:00 voy a la inauguración del club de poker que ha montado mi novia.

Sobre todo voy a jugar sits de 180, ya que tenemos bastante edge por la cantidad fishes q hay, y al ser un field bajo, siempre estamos más cerca de colarnos en FT.

Por tanto jugaré lo siguiente:

16:15 - 5,50$ 1k Cap

16:30 - Big 8,80$

16:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)

17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout

17:45 - 5,50$ 1k Cap

Incluyo tb 12 Sits de 180 players.

Total Invertido del día: @116,96$

06/01/2012 17:48
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Primer busto de un 180

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG vigzak ([="#0000cc"]3,330[/])

UTG+1 GubisV85 ([="#0000cc"]2,040[/])

MP1 aleksiz61 ([="#0000cc"]1,552[/])

MP2 Godliker_ ([="#0000cc"]1,150[/])

MP3 MEILLEURnew ([="#0000cc"]1,858[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,420[/])

BTN diivains ([="#0000cc"]1,690[/])

SB SekulaSerbia ([="#0000cc"]2,500[/])

BB makitla ([="#0000cc"]1,595[/])

Blinds: 15/30

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]45[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO Q:spade: Q:heart:

[="#777777"]5 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 90[/], [="#cc0000"]diivains raises to 180[/], SekulaSerbia calls 165, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 570[/], diivains calls 390, [="#cc0000"]SekulaSerbia raises to 960[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,350[/], [="#cc0000"]diivains goes all-in 1,690[/], [="#cc0000"]SekulaSerbia goes all-in 2,500[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 70[/]

Flop: 3:heart: A:spade: 4:heart: ([="#0000cc"]5,640[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Turn: 4:spade: ([="#0000cc"]5,640[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

River: KDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]5,640[/], 3 players, 3 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]5,640[/]

greyman82 shows two pair, Queens and Fours

Q:spade: Q:heart:

diivains shows two pair, Aces and Fours

A:heart: J:heart:

SekulaSerbia shows two pair, Aces and Fours


SekulaSerbia wins 3,225 (net +725)

diivains wins 2,415 (net +725)

greyman82 lost 1,420

06/01/2012 17:51
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Busto de otro 180

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG 19Legal85 ([="#0000cc"]1,904[/])

UTG+1 PokerDanny19 ([="#0000cc"]1,455[/])

MP1 mitags ([="#0000cc"]1,648[/])

MP2 Indian73 ([="#0000cc"]2,002[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,482[/])

BTN Fab-Dach ([="#0000cc"]420[/])

SB Tze0OO8 ([="#0000cc"]3,217[/])

BB kill41 ([="#0000cc"]2,946[/])

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]30[/], 8 players) greyman82 is CO A:spade: ADIAMONd

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], mitags calls 20, Indian73 calls 20, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 100[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], kill41 calls 80, mitags calls 80, Indian73 calls 80

Flop: 7:heart: K:spade: 9:heart: ([="#0000cc"]410[/], 4 players)

kill41 checks, [="#cc0000"]mitags bets 340[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 740[/], [="#777777"]kill41 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]mitags goes all-in 1,548[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 642[/]

Turn: 9:spade: ([="#0000cc"]3,340[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 9:club: ([="#0000cc"]3,340[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,340[/]

mitags shows four of a kind, Nines

9DIAMONd K:heart:

greyman82 shows a full house, Nines full of Aces

A:spade: ADIAMONd

mitags wins 3,340 (net +1,692)

Indian73 lost 100

greyman82 lost 1,482

kill41 lost 100

06/01/2012 18:15
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Busto de otro 180

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Cristaleira ([="#0000cc"]3,780[/])

UTG+1 Manchius ([="#0000cc"]1,577[/])

MP1 Grasquet ([="#0000cc"]1,290[/])

MP2 kot3milo ([="#0000cc"]1,650[/])

CO h1tman80 ([="#0000cc"]5,934[/])

BTN S9W1 ([="#0000cc"]6,256[/])

SB gigibaston ([="#0000cc"]3,416[/])

BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]653[/])

Blinds: 50/100

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]150[/], 8 players) greyman82 is BB K:club: 6:heart:

[="#777777"]4 folds[/], h1tman80 calls 100, S9W1 calls 100, gigibaston calls 50, greyman82 checks

Flop: 2DIAMONd 5:heart: 6:club: ([="#0000cc"]400[/], 4 players)

gigibaston checks, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 553[/], h1tman80 calls 553, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#777777"]gigibaston folds[/]

Turn: Q:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,506[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 3:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,506[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]1,506[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Sixes

K:club: 6:heart:

h1tman80 shows a straight, Deuce to Six

A:club: 4DIAMONd

h1tman80 wins 1,506 (net +853)

greyman82 lost 653

S9W1 lost 100

gigibaston lost 100

06/01/2012 18:16
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Y de otro:

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Lucky Nadja ([="#0000cc"]1,590[/])

UTG+1 Alex Vurgaft ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

MP1 tomQPL ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

MP2 S.Jenya.A ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

MP3 Snayps ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

CO Denis405 ([="#0000cc"]1,440[/])

BTN kenap007 ([="#0000cc"]1,490[/])

SB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,480[/])

BB lendaurban ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]30[/], 9 players) greyman82 is SB K:heart: A:spade:

[="#cc0000"]Lucky Nadja raises to 60[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Denis405 raises to 190[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,480[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#777777"]Lucky Nadja folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Denis405 goes all-in 1,250[/]

Flop: J:club: 8DIAMONd 6:spade: ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 4DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 2DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,000[/]

Denis405 shows a pair of Tens

10:club: 10:heart:

greyman82 shows high card Ace

K:heart: A:spade:

Denis405 wins 2,960 (net +1,520)

greyman82 collects 40 (net -1,440)

Lucky Nadja lost 60

06/01/2012 18:24
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Out del Big 8,80$...vs ballena...q me hubiera pagado con cualquier PP en ese flop ante mi push...pero claro....sacan la emboscada...

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Mazinho1977 ([="#0000cc"]8,968[/])

UTG+1 baucher79 ([="#0000cc"]5,469[/])

MP1 SENSale ([="#0000cc"]4,187[/])

MP2 SMiGooL8977 ([="#0000cc"]8,518[/])

MP3 Bombinator ([="#0000cc"]4,664[/])

CO puyangdushen ([="#0000cc"]2,510[/])

BTN rcr_lmtd ([="#0000cc"]6,579[/])

SB JaaK ([="#0000cc"]9,307[/])

BB greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]5,250[/])

Blinds: 100/200 Ante 25

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]525[/], 9 players) greyman82 is BB 7:heart: A:heart:

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], JaaK says "ty", [="#777777"]3 folds[/], rcr_lmtd calls 200, JaaK calls 100, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,000[/], rcr_lmtd calls 800, [="#777777"]JaaK folds[/]

Flop: 2:club: A:club: A:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,425[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 4,225[/], rcr_lmtd calls 4,225

Turn: J:spade: ([="#0000cc"]10,875[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: K:spade: ([="#0000cc"]10,875[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]10,875[/]

rcr_lmtd shows a full house, Deuces full of Aces

2DIAMONd 2:spade:

greyman82 shows three of a kind, Aces

7:heart: A:heart:

rcr_lmtd wins 10,875 (net +5,625)

JaaK lost 225

greyman82 lost 5,250

06/01/2012 18:44
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Van unos cuantos bustos más, entre flips y cosas así:

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Biggold100 ([="#0000cc"]4,810[/])

UTG+1 ronny-m527 ([="#0000cc"]5,422[/])

MP1 Huttelihut ([="#0000cc"]2,630[/])

MP2 gigibaston ([="#0000cc"]3,541[/])

MP3 Datobbz ([="#0000cc"]4,405[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,348[/])

BTN masol74 ([="#0000cc"]1,565[/])

SB roman270 ([="#0000cc"]7,270[/])

BB riverman1472 ([="#0000cc"]2,310[/])

Blinds: 75/150

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]225[/], 9 players) greyman82 is CO A:heart: Q:spade:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], Huttelihut calls 150, [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,348[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]roman270 raises to 2,546[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#777777"]Huttelihut folds[/]

Flop: J:spade: J:heart: 7:heart: ([="#0000cc"]4,194[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: KDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]4,194[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 9:club: ([="#0000cc"]4,194[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,194[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Jacks

A:heart: Q:spade:

roman270 shows three of a kind, Jacks

J:club: ADIAMONd

roman270 wins 4,194 (net +1,648)

greyman82 lost 1,348

Huttelihut lost 150

06/01/2012 18:47
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Al final solo he abierto 10, xq la de palos que me están pegando hoy no es normal. Me quedan 3 sits y 2 MTT. La cosa va así:

Sit 1: 90/110

Sit 2: 58/146

Sit 3: 16/146

5,50$ 2R1A: 183/587

5,50$ 1k Cap: 17/601

06/01/2012 19:18
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

La cosa va así:

Sit 1: 47/74

Sit 2: 2/105

Sit 3: 40/115

5,50$ 2R1A: 346/476

5,50$ 1k Cap: 95/410

06/01/2012 19:28
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Otro más para la colección

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG CapitanoViko ([="#0000cc"]1,725[/])

UTG+1 money4moneto ([="#0000cc"]1,299[/])

MP1 gigibaston ([="#0000cc"]5,746[/])

MP2 GMorais ([="#0000cc"]2,940[/])

CO greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]2,190[/])

BTN ar_mtg ([="#0000cc"]1,178[/])

SB Luho2011 ([="#0000cc"]2,150[/])

BB GRoCHoL KING ([="#0000cc"]1,220[/])

Blinds: 50/100

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]150[/], 8 players) greyman82 is CO QDIAMONd A:spade:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]gigibaston raises to 200[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 600[/], [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]gigibaston goes all-in 5,746[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,590[/]

Flop: 4:spade: K:heart: 8:club: ([="#0000cc"]8,086[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 5:spade: ([="#0000cc"]8,086[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 8DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]8,086[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]8,086[/]

greyman82 shows a pair of Eights

QDIAMONd A:spade:

gigibaston shows two pair, Kings and Eights

Q:club: K:club:

gigibaston wins 8,086 (net +2,340)

greyman82 lost 2,190

07/01/2012 12:16
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Ayer no hicimos ni un ITM...muy triste.

Total consumido de ayer:

16:15 - 5,50$ 1k Cap

16:30 - Big 8,80$

16:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)

17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout

17:45 - 5,50$ 1k Cap

Incluyo tb 11 Sits de 180 players.

TOTAL: @112,08$

ITM: 0

07/01/2012 12:24
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Para hoy vamos a ver si volvemos a runear medio bien...y jugaremos lo siguiente:

15:00 - Big 5,50$

15:30 - 16,50$ NLHE 8max 1k Cap

16:15 - 5,50$ NLH 1k Cap

16:30 - Big 8,80$

16:45 - 4,40$ 8max 1k Cap

17:15 - 5,50$ 2R1A (20,50$)

17:30 - 13,50$ Knockout

17:45 - 5,50$ NLH 1k Cap

18:15 - 8,80$ 500 Cap

19:00 - 5,50$ NLH

TOTAL: 94,5$

Tb incluyo 8 sits de 180 players (4,50$): 36$

TOTAL consumido del día: @141,59$

07/01/2012 15:32
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Doble up en un 180 y en el Big 5,50$

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG swepro_79 ([="#0000cc"]1,150[/])

UTG+1 sweetpoker86 ([="#0000cc"]1,700[/])

MP1 jackpotbasti ([="#0000cc"]1,604[/])

MP2 AntiArno ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

MP3 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,690[/])

CO tomQPL ([="#0000cc"]1,440[/])

BTN Valten86 ([="#0000cc"]1,376[/])

SB celtik112 ([="#0000cc"]1,480[/])

BB LaudaD ([="#0000cc"]1,560[/])

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]30[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP3 KDIAMONd K:spade:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]jackpotbasti raises to 60[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 280[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]jackpotbasti goes all-in 1,604[/], greyman82 calls 1,324

Flop: QDIAMONd Q:heart: 6:club: ([="#0000cc"]3,238[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 8:heart: ([="#0000cc"]3,238[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 3:heart: ([="#0000cc"]3,238[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,238[/]

greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Queens

KDIAMONd K:spade:

jackpotbasti shows two pair, Queens and Nines

9DIAMONd 9:club:

greyman82 wins 3,238 (net +1,634)

jackpotbasti lost 1,604


No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]2,920[/])

UTG+1 kaffee2006 ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

MP1 19koliy73 ([="#0000cc"]3,580[/])

MP2 Kasachstan77 ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

MP3 El Shortinho ([="#0000cc"]3,160[/])

CO pyszkawas ([="#0000cc"]6,746[/])

BTN muki1111 ([="#0000cc"]2,854[/])

SB noroc111 ([="#0000cc"]4,430[/])

BB GENERAL ZOKA ([="#0000cc"]6,435[/])

Blinds: 20/40

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]60[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG KDIAMONd A:spade:

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 120[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]Kasachstan77 raises to 320[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], GENERAL ZOKA calls 280, [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 2,920[/], [="#cc0000"]Kasachstan77 goes all-in 3,000[/], [="#777777"]GENERAL ZOKA folds[/]

Flop: 6:heart: 10:spade: K:heart: ([="#0000cc"]6,260[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 10DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]6,260[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 7:spade: ([="#0000cc"]6,260[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,260[/]

greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Tens

KDIAMONd A:spade:

Kasachstan77 shows two pair, Tens and Nines

9:club: 9:heart:

greyman82 wins 6,180 (net +3,260)

Kasachstan77 collects 80 (net -2,920)


07/01/2012 15:44
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Ooohhhhhh....primer busto, de un 180. Y eso que esquivé una bala al principio.

El tipo era un nitardo increible con notita...y no me iba a jugarmela a, con suerte, flipar en niveles inciales.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Man0uche ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

UTG+1 Lusteck ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

MP1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

MP2 Valten86 ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

MP3 KOCKAPOKER ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

CO gazolina63 ([="#0000cc"]1,540[/])

BTN acepeelace ([="#0000cc"]1,480[/])

SB Nicztarr ([="#0000cc"]1,480[/])

BB Lenarkin ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/])

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]30[/], 9 players) greyman82 is MP1 ADIAMONd K:heart:

[="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 60[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], gazolina63 calls 60, acepeelace calls 60, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]Lenarkin raises to 300[/], [="#777777"]greyman82 folds[/], gazolina63 calls 240, [="#777777"]acepeelace folds[/]

Flop: K:spade: 4DIAMONd 6DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]730[/], 2 players)

Lenarkin checks, [="#cc0000"]gazolina63 bets 240[/], Lenarkin calls 240

Turn: Q:heart: ([="#0000cc"]1,210[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]Lenarkin bets 200[/], [="#cc0000"]gazolina63 raises to 400[/], [="#cc0000"]Lenarkin goes all-in 960[/], gazolina63 calls 560

River: 2:spade: ([="#0000cc"]3,130[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,130[/]

gazolina63 shows three of a kind, Sixes

6:heart: 6:club:

Lenarkin shows three of a kind, Queens

QDIAMONd Q:spade:

Lenarkin wins 3,130 (net +1,630)

gazolina63 lost 1,500

acepeelace lost 60

greyman82 lost 60


Pero luego ante un tarado, si que no puedo foldear AK. Pero perdí el flip.

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Lusteck ([="#0000cc"]1,560[/])

UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]1,380[/])

MP1 Valten86 ([="#0000cc"]1,470[/])

MP2 KOCKAPOKER ([="#0000cc"]1,540[/])

MP3 satuka77 ([="#0000cc"]1,760[/])

CO acepeelace ([="#0000cc"]1,620[/])

BTN Nicztarr ([="#0000cc"]1,440[/])

SB Lenarkin ([="#0000cc"]3,170[/])

BB Man0uche ([="#0000cc"]1,350[/])

Blinds: 15/30

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]45[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 K:spade: A:club:

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 90[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]satuka77 raises to 150[/], [="#777777"]4 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 1,380[/], satuka77 calls 1,230

Flop: 7:heart: 5DIAMONd 10:heart: ([="#0000cc"]2,805[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 7DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]2,805[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]2,805[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]2,805[/]

satuka77 shows two pair, Jacks and Sevens

JDIAMONd J:spade:

greyman82 shows a pair of Sevens

K:spade: A:club:

satuka77 wins 2,805 (net +1,425)

greyman82 lost 1,380

07/01/2012 17:26
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Acabo de missclickear un call de 6k , yo con 8k de stack, con 72o....arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg odio los botones gigantes de stars....

07/01/2012 17:44
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12
07/01/2012 17:26
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Acabo de missclickear un call de 6k , yo con 8k de stack, con 72o....arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg odio los botones gigantes de stars....

greyman8Acabo de missclickear un call de 6k , yo con 8k de stack, con 72o....arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg odio los botones gigantes de stars....

jajajjaja q putada ha sido eso...pero seguimos luchando! goooooo

07/01/2012 17:56
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Que cabroncete el oriental....un 100/30 el hamijo...y mirad q me hacen...

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG Vovka919191 ([="#0000cc"]3,000[/])

UTG+1 greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]2,955[/])

MP1 Sänd ([="#0000cc"]3,045[/])

MP2 spartanec133 ([="#0000cc"]3,045[/])

MP3 24MOLSON24 ([="#0000cc"]4,050[/])

CO tikarl89 ([="#0000cc"]2,490[/])

BTN AceJeffKing ([="#0000cc"]2,710[/])

SB k-kirjeldus ([="#0000cc"]3,335[/])

BB svg-mbj ([="#0000cc"]2,370[/])

Blinds: 15/30

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]45[/], 9 players) greyman82 is UTG+1 JDIAMONd 10DIAMONd

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 60[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]24MOLSON24 raises to 90[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], k-kirjeldus calls 75, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], greyman82 calls 30

Flop: 5:heart: 8:heart: 10:spade: ([="#0000cc"]300[/], 3 players)

k-kirjeldus checks, greyman82 checks, [="#cc0000"]24MOLSON24 bets 210[/], [="#777777"]k-kirjeldus folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 600[/], 24MOLSON24 calls 390

Turn: J:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,500[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 2,265[/], 24MOLSON24 calls 2,265

River: K:spade: ([="#0000cc"]6,030[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]6,030[/]

24MOLSON24 shows three of a kind, Jacks

J:club: J:heart:

greyman82 shows two pair, Jacks and Tens


24MOLSON24 wins 6,030 (net +3,075)

k-kirjeldus lost 90

greyman82 lost 2,955

07/01/2012 18:01
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Bueno, break y actualizo:

Sits 180, 3 bustos y 2 vivos. (5 por abrir)




Bustos: Big 5,50$ - 5,50$ 1k Cap


16,50$ 8max: 51/97

4,40$ 8max: 422/497

5,50$ 1k Cap: 269/360

Big 8,80$: 852/6050

13,50$ Knockout: 506/571

5,50$ 2R1A: 205/492

07/01/2012 18:37
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Otra encerrona:

No Limit Holdem Tournament


9 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG zakath44 ([="#0000cc"]5,804[/])

UTG+1 TocalaSam ([="#0000cc"]11,541[/])

MP1 elensmith ([="#0000cc"]12,436[/])

MP2 MyTILTstory ([="#0000cc"]6,177[/])

MP3 ivan1141 ([="#0000cc"]13,137[/])

CO Salieri76 ([="#0000cc"]5,650[/])

BTN greyman82 ([="#0000cc"]6,637[/])

SB FreakYouOut ([="#0000cc"]15,070[/])

BB ABT707 ([="#0000cc"]6,680[/])

Blinds: 50/100 Ante 10

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]240[/], 9 players) greyman82 is BTN K:spade: 8:spade:

[="#777777"]6 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 220[/], [="#cc0000"]FreakYouOut raises to 575[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], greyman82 calls 355

Flop: 7:spade: J:spade: 8:heart: ([="#0000cc"]1,340[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]FreakYouOut bets 535[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 raises to 1,500[/], [="#cc0000"]FreakYouOut goes all-in 14,485[/], [="#cc0000"]greyman82 goes all-in 4,552[/]

Turn: 3DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]21,877[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: K:heart: ([="#0000cc"]21,877[/], 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]21,877[/]

greyman82 shows two pair, Kings and Eights

K:spade: 8:spade:

FreakYouOut shows a straight, Seven to Jack

10:club: 9:club:

FreakYouOut wins 21,877 (net +6,807)

greyman82 lost 6,637

07/01/2012 18:51
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

El poker desde el Martes, no se muy bien xq me está dando la espalda, y he entrado en un down en todos los aspectos, live, cash y donkas.... Asiq, estoy planteandome tomarme un descanso de unos días, después revisar manos y volver con fuerza...xq me estoy comiendo unos coolers acojonantes, y estoy pillando a tarados mentales con top range sin parar, a parte de perder casi todos los flips...asiq. En cuanto acabe las dos balas q tenemos abiertas, me plantearé cerrar el pack y descansar.

Las dos balas son estas:

13,50$ Knockout: 360/427

16,50$ 8max 1k Cap: 18/40 (ya en ITM)

07/01/2012 19:25
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12
07/01/2012 18:51
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

El poker desde el Martes, no se muy bien xq me está dando la espalda, y he entrado en un down en todos los aspectos, live, cash y donkas.... Asiq, estoy planteandome tomarme un descanso de unos días, después revisar manos y volver con fuerza...xq me estoy comiendo unos coolers acojonantes, y estoy pillando a tarados mentales con top range sin parar, a parte de perder casi todos los flips...asiq. En cuanto acabe las dos balas q tenemos abiertas, me plantearé cerrar el pack y descansar.

Las dos balas son estas:

13,50$ Knockout: 360/427

16,50$ 8max 1k Cap: 18/40 (ya en ITM)


16,50$ 8max 1k Cap: 18/40 (ya en ITM)


Animo q este lo crujes y ya pones el paquete más q en positivo... Te sigo un rato a ver si te doy suerte!!

07/01/2012 19:30
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12
07/01/2012 18:51
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

El poker desde el Martes, no se muy bien xq me está dando la espalda, y he entrado en un down en todos los aspectos, live, cash y donkas.... Asiq, estoy planteandome tomarme un descanso de unos días, después revisar manos y volver con fuerza...xq me estoy comiendo unos coolers acojonantes, y estoy pillando a tarados mentales con top range sin parar, a parte de perder casi todos los flips...asiq. En cuanto acabe las dos balas q tenemos abiertas, me plantearé cerrar el pack y descansar.

Las dos balas son estas:

13,50$ Knockout: 360/427

16,50$ 8max 1k Cap: 18/40 (ya en ITM)

07/01/2012 19:25
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12


16,50$ 8max 1k Cap: 18/40 (ya en ITM)


Animo q este lo crujes y ya pones el paquete más q en positivo... Te sigo un rato a ver si te doy suerte!!


Animo q este lo crujes y ya pones el paquete más q en positivo... Te sigo un rato a ver si te doy suerte!!

Gracias luislex, ya me sentia un loco hablando solo en el rail, XDDD.

Vamos a ver si salen las nuestras...

07/01/2012 20:08
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

estas sitout en el 13.50$


07/01/2012 20:12
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12
07/01/2012 20:08
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

estas sitout en el 13.50$


luisleestas sitout en el 13.50$


Ya está....esq estoy concentradisimo en el 16,50$....thx!!!

07/01/2012 20:32
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

doble uuuup! ship iiitttt!!!! gooo grey goooooo

07/01/2012 20:32
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

Busto en el 13,50$ Ko, en ITM....AQo vs 55.

07/01/2012 20:33
Re: Rail Greyman82 - pack semanal 01-01-12 a 08-01-12

pff te toca nitear con el q se ha quedao sit out porq tenia una cena, lol Y mas con el hijoputa a tu izda...


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