28/09/2010 04:49
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Abre HJ y recibe 3bet desde la BB de un stack de 600K. Foldea. 791K

28/09/2010 04:54
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Marc roba las ciegas desde UTG. En esta posición, el que ocupa la BB es el bigstack, que entra en casi todas las manos.

Luego no defiende su BB contra el button ni la SB contra UTG+1

En el button el bote llega abierto por el bigstack y CO le llega limpia, pero foldea. LA mesa ahora es 8-handed al quedar eliminada la SB e n guerra de ciegas y llegar 2 jugadores a la mesa.

28/09/2010 04:56
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

vaya tilt a pillao markusg21, LOL

28/09/2010 04:56
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

El bigstack sigue a su derecha. A su izquierda, un stack de 1KK y otro de 1,5KK

Abre en CO y la SB 3betea. LA BB (BrynKenney) mete la 4ª y Marc foldea. 730K

28/09/2010 04:59
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Break de 15 minutos.

35 players left.

32980 asegurados, siguiente salto de 6000$ en el puesto 27. Marc tiene 24BB y yo...

estoy palmando de agotamiento...

No aseguro que durante este break no me quede pajarito como me pasó ayer, XD

28/09/2010 05:01
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Felicitaciones a los muchachos por el gran torneo y a antrodax por la cobertura,la verdad un lujo!!!!Saludos

28/09/2010 05:02
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Uno que se pira a verlo desde la cama, sweet nigthmares

edit: Thanks por el pedazo de report antrodax

28/09/2010 05:12
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

gg bedoyiya,gran torneo jugaste!

28/09/2010 05:54
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

doble up de Marc

AQo en sb vs KQo del button. In preflop

1.200 k

28/09/2010 05:55
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Marc se dobla a 1,2 millones de puntos con AQ vs KQ

PokerStars Game #50281918424: Tournament #2010090062, $5000+$200 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXIV (17500/35000) - 2010/09/27 23:50:08 ET

Table '2010090062 34' 9-max Seat #2 is the button

Seat 1: Tîmex (382714 in chips)

Seat 2: FIREintheSUN (3474930 in chips)

Seat 3: markwin11 (590966 in chips)

Seat 5: carryhero (1813274 in chips)

Seat 6: Lottenice (631434 in chips)

Seat 7: BrynKenney (2383997 in chips)

Seat 8: Vinkyy (1230909 in chips)

Seat 9: FrozenVeins (1513852 in chips)

Tîmex: posts the ante 4375

FIREintheSUN: posts the ante 4375

markwin11: posts the ante 4375

carryhero: posts the ante 4375

Lottenice: posts the ante 4375

BrynKenney: posts the ante 4375

Vinkyy: posts the ante 4375

FrozenVeins: posts the ante 4375

markwin11: posts small blind 17500

carryhero: posts big blind 35000

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Lottenice: folds

BrynKenney: folds

Vinkyy: folds

FrozenVeins: folds

FrozenVeins said, "t"

Tîmex: folds

FIREintheSUN: raises 42780 to 77780

markwin11: raises 508811 to 586591 and is all-in

carryhero: folds

FIREintheSUN: calls 508811

*** FLOP *** [4h 3c 3h]

*** TURN *** [4h 3c 3h] [2d]

*** RIVER *** [4h 3c 3h 2d] [Td]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

markwin11: shows [Ad Qs] (a pair of Threes)

FIREintheSUN: shows [Qc Kh] (a pair of Threes - lower kicker)

markwin11 collected 1243182 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 1243182 | Rake 0

Board [4h 3c 3h 2d Td]

Seat 1: Tîmex folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: FIREintheSUN (button) showed [Qc Kh] and lost with a pair of Threes

Seat 3: markwin11 (small blind) showed [Ad Qs] and won (1243182) with a pair of Threes

Seat 5: carryhero (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 6: Lottenice folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 7: BrynKenney folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: Vinkyy folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 9: FrozenVeins folded before Flop (didn't bet)

28/09/2010 06:37
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Se dobla marc AJ vs TT

Está con 2M; 11 de 22

28/09/2010 06:37
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

se vuelve a duplicar!

PokerStars Game #50283022639: Tournament #2010090062, $5000+$200 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXVI (25000/50000) - 2010/09/28 1:35:44 BRT [2010/09/28 0:35:44 ET]

Table '2010090062 211' 9-max Seat #3 is the button

Seat 1: gray31 (4132935 in chips)

Seat 2: troyones (1327237 in chips)

Seat 3: BrynKenney (3113620 in chips)

Seat 5: JP OSU (1648249 in chips)

Seat 7: markwin11 (986307 in chips)

Seat 8: POTTERPOKER (3358537 in chips)

Seat 9: LVSEO (2057654 in chips)

gray31: posts the ante 6250

troyones: posts the ante 6250

BrynKenney: posts the ante 6250

JP OSU: posts the ante 6250

markwin11: posts the ante 6250

POTTERPOKER: posts the ante 6250

LVSEO: posts the ante 6250

JP OSU: posts small blind 25000

markwin11: posts big blind 50000

*** HOLE CARDS ***


LVSEO: folds

gray31: folds

troyones: folds

BrynKenney: raises 50000 to 100000

JP OSU: raises 158675 to 258675

markwin11: raises 721382 to 980057 and is all-in

BrynKenney: folds

JP OSU: calls 721382

*** FLOP *** [As 4d 7d]

*** TURN *** [As 4d 7d] [Jc]

*** RIVER *** [As 4d 7d Jc] [Ah]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

JP OSU: shows [Td Th] (two pair, Aces and Tens)

markwin11: shows [Jh Ad] (a full house, Aces full of Jacks)

markwin11 collected 2103864 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 2103864 | Rake 0

Board [As 4d 7d Jc Ah]

Seat 1: gray31 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: troyones folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 3: BrynKenney (button) folded before Flop

Seat 5: JP OSU (small blind) showed [Td Th] and lost with two pair, Aces and Tens

Seat 7: markwin11 (big blind) showed [Jh Ad] and won (2103864) with a full house, Aces full of Jacks

Seat 8: POTTERPOKER folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 9: LVSEO folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Quedan 25 y va 11 en el promedio de fichas

28/09/2010 06:39
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]


Me acosté sobre las 4 y sin poder dormir,así q decido levantarme a ver el espectáculo y veo q me falta el actor principal.

GG Bedo,vaya torneazo q te has marcado,he disfrutado de lo lindo.

Putada tb lo de Raúl,q vi la mano de los 77 del iluminado.

En General,buen trabajo a todos y suerte para el q sigue.

Plas Plas.. 😄

28/09/2010 06:40
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]


28/09/2010 06:46
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]


28/09/2010 06:47
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]


28/09/2010 06:50
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]
28/09/2010 06:47
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]



saca las mayusculas que se lee mejor! 😉

28/09/2010 06:54
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]


28/09/2010 07:35
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

los saltos de premios dan vértigo

markwin11 tiene 2.7M y está 8º de 13

28/09/2010 07:36
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

GO GO GO markwin

28/09/2010 07:38
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

se pone con 3M 😉

No Limit Holdem Tournament


7 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG FrozenVeins ([="#0000cc"]2,174k[/])

UTG+1 dazzy2004 ([="#0000cc"]1,064k[/])

MP ROMDOM ([="#0000cc"]4,062k[/])

CO markwin11 ([="#0000cc"]2,721k[/])

BTN POTTERPOKER ([="#0000cc"]7,033k[/])

SB joeysweetp ([="#0000cc"]8,478k[/])

BB gray31 ([="#0000cc"]6,215k[/])

Blinds: 30k/60k Ante 7.5k

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]143k[/], 7 players)

[="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]markwin11 raises to 126k[/], [="#777777"]2 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]gray31 raises to 321k[/], [="#cc0000"]markwin11 goes all-in 2,713k[/], [="#777777"]gray31 folds[/]

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]3,117k[/]

markwin11 wins 3,117k (net +396k)

gray31 lost 329k

28/09/2010 07:40
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

quien es markwin? ahi algun forero aun?

28/09/2010 07:43
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

bedoyiya ha sido "the last forero standing" saliendo 41º

markwin están diciendo que es marc colomé echa un vistazo atrás

28/09/2010 07:45
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]


baja a 2M, AT vs KJ

28/09/2010 07:45
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Vuelve a los 2M :S

No Limit Holdem Tournament


7 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG joeysweetp ([="#0000cc"]7,613k[/])

UTG+1 gray31 ([="#0000cc"]6,568k[/])

MP FrozenVeins ([="#0000cc"]2,042k[/])

CO dazzy2004 ([="#0000cc"]921k[/])

BTN ROMDOM ([="#0000cc"]4,976k[/])

SB markwin11 ([="#0000cc"]3,002k[/])

BB POTTERPOKER ([="#0000cc"]6,624k[/])

Blinds: 40k/80k Ante 10k

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]190k[/], 7 players)

POTTERPOKER says "nh", [="#777777"]3 folds[/], [="#cc0000"]dazzy2004 goes all-in 911k[/], [="#777777"]1 fold[/], markwin11 calls 871k, [="#777777"]1 fold[/]

Flop: J:club: 7:heart: 8DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]1,973k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: K:club: ([="#0000cc"]1,973k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 8:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,973k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]1,973k[/]

dazzy2004 shows two pair, Kings and Jacks

J:spade: K:spade:

markwin11 shows a pair of Eights

ADIAMONd 10:spade:

dazzy2004 wins 1,973k (net +1,051k)

markwin11 lost 921k

28/09/2010 07:48
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

quien es m8454572 dice q es de providenciales sera argentino???

28/09/2010 07:49
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Se pone chip leader Potterpoker, comentaban por el chat que hace 1 hora estaba con 9BB´s

28/09/2010 07:51
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Quedan 12

Está en 6handed, blinds 40k/80k/10k

28/09/2010 07:54
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

...11 jugadores

28/09/2010 07:57
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]


Ahora mismo está con 2M, 9º de 11, tiene a su izq al chipleader con 10M potterpoker

28/09/2010 08:00
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Buffff llevo desde las 7 leyendo páginas para actualizarme, lástima lo de bedo, vamos marc, a un paso de la FT!!!! Por dios que no se desconecte otra vez!!!

28/09/2010 08:01
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Despertad dormilones!!!

Un español se juega el brazalete del WCOOP ME


28/09/2010 08:04
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]
28/09/2010 07:48
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

quien es m8454572 dice q es de providenciales sera argentino???

chocotitoquien es m8454572 dice q es de providenciales sera argentino???

No, queda en Islas Turcas y Caicos... :S

28/09/2010 08:05
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Out 85K GG

28/09/2010 08:05
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

gg mark

28/09/2010 08:05
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Perdio la paciencia Markwin

28/09/2010 08:05
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]


GG gran torneo marc!

No Limit Holdem Tournament


5 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com



UTG dazzy2004 ([="#0000cc"]1,693k[/])

CO markwin11 ([="#0000cc"]2,077k[/])

BTN POTTERPOKER ([="#0000cc"]10,106k[/])

SB joeysweetp ([="#0000cc"]8,154k[/])

BB gray31 ([="#0000cc"]4,771k[/])

Blinds: 40k/80k Ante 10k

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]170k[/], 5 players)

[="#777777"]1 fold[/], [="#cc0000"]markwin11 raises to 168k[/], POTTERPOKER calls 168k, [="#777777"]1 fold[/], gray31 calls 88k

Flop: A:spade: JDIAMONd 6DIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]594k[/], 3 players)

gray31 checks, [="#cc0000"]markwin11 bets 250k[/], POTTERPOKER calls 250k, [="#777777"]gray31 folds[/]

Turn: 4:spade: ([="#0000cc"]1,094k[/], 2 players)

markwin11 checks, [="#cc0000"]POTTERPOKER bets 288k[/], [="#cc0000"]markwin11 goes all-in 1,649k[/], POTTERPOKER calls 1,361k

River: 7:club: ([="#0000cc"]4,391k[/], 2 players, 1 all-in)


Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,391k[/]

markwin11 shows a pair of Aces

A:heart: 9:heart:

POTTERPOKER shows two pair, Aces and Jacks

J:spade: A:club:

POTTERPOKER wins 4,391k (net +2,315k)

gray31 lost 178k

markwin11 lost 2,077k

28/09/2010 08:08
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]
28/09/2010 07:48
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

quien es m8454572 dice q es de providenciales sera argentino???

28/09/2010 08:04
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

chocotitoquien es m8454572 dice q es de providenciales sera argentino???

No, queda en Islas Turcas y Caicos... :S

RaynoNo, queda en Islas Turcas y Caicos... :S


28/09/2010 08:08
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Que pena, a tan pokito de la FT!!!

gg marc!!!

28/09/2010 08:15
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

GG markwin a un paso de la ft 85k

28/09/2010 08:32
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

GG tio, estos puestos cercanos a mesa final, siempre tienen que joder sea el torneo que sea quedar tan cerca, pero, joder vaya premiacos xD. Es un buen consuelo al menos.

28/09/2010 08:32
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Q se te vaya la conexion en un bote de 4MM y te beteen 180k no tiene precio!!

28/09/2010 08:36
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]
28/09/2010 08:32
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Q se te vaya la conexion en un bote de 4MM y te beteen 180k no tiene precio!!

PatarrQ se te vaya la conexion en un bote de 4MM y te beteen 180k no tiene precio!!

jajajaj eso fue epic, pero me parecio raro q no se activara el tiempo de desconexion, no duro ni 1 minuto

28/09/2010 08:37
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

10MM q saka el potterpoker al 2º ahi es nada!!

28/09/2010 08:43
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Que demonios ha pasado con Joey???

28/09/2010 09:12
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

GG Bedo

28/09/2010 09:17
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

GG a todos. En especial Bedo, el Moneymaker del foro 😉

28/09/2010 09:31
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

GG a todos

28/09/2010 09:37
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

gg muchachos

28/09/2010 09:45
Re: WCOOP-62 MAIN EVENT NLHE $5000+$200 [Día 2]

Pedazo de torneo se han marcado todos, enhorabuena.


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