Spanish collusion

26 respuestas
07/02/2011 16:42

Hoy en una sesión he coincidido en una mesa con dos españoles, han estado hablando en español por el chat y luego han dicho que eran primos.

Uno le ha ganado un bote grande al otro, y ha tenido la grandeza de soltar: "No te preocupes, luego te lo devuelvo".

Luego han entrado varias veces juntos en algunas manos, tirando a la gente y repartiendose las fichas cuando podían.

Un regular lituano y yo hemos protestado al support, ha venido un moderador y les habrá jodido el chat pero poca cosa más.

¿Debería enviar el historial a pokerstars?

De todos modos hay que ser retrasado para poner eso por el chat dejándose en evidencia.

Además para joderme más me ha jodido uno de ellos y he quedado sexto.

07/02/2011 16:44
Re: Spanish collusion

Estás tardando en mandarlo a support...

07/02/2011 16:50
Re: Spanish collusion

Muchas luces no tenian no.

07/02/2011 16:50
Re: Spanish collusion


07/02/2011 17:12
Re: Spanish collusion
07/02/2011 16:50
Re: Spanish collusion




07/02/2011 17:21
Re: Spanish collusion

Estas cosas hay que reportarlas a la velocidad del rayo. Si es que, hay cada uno suelto por ahí... XD

07/02/2011 18:09
Re: Spanish collusion

Le falto decirle... primo que el messenger no me va... llamame pare decirme tus cartas :D

Comunicalo al support... y mantennos informados... XD


07/02/2011 20:40
Re: Spanish collusion

vaya familia más retarded xD, comunicaselo a suport ya.

07/02/2011 21:06
Re: Spanish collusion

manda un report, seguramente el mod los banearia por hablar en español y ya..

08/02/2011 01:47
Re: Spanish collusion

¿Como cojones puedo ver el chat desde el holdem manager?

08/02/2011 01:50
Re: Spanish collusion

no habran sido los de skype-team? xD

08/02/2011 02:00
Re: Spanish collusion

Ok lo tengo xD.

Esta es una de las pruebas:

"..." said, "iyo es q iba cargao loco"

1: folds

2: folds

3: folds

4: folds

"..." said, "despues t lo devuelvo vale"

08/02/2011 02:25
Re: Spanish collusion

No se si me devolveran algo de pasta, pero intentar explicar a PS el lenguaje andaluz me estoy partiendo la caja cosa mala.

08/02/2011 02:47
Re: Spanish collusion

Aquí os dejo el e-mail que les he mandado:

Hello, I am a regular player from DoN $10.40 stakes, my nickname is "..." from Spain.

I was enjoying playing in what seemed a fair game, but then I found out something that I can't get out of my mind.

I think, and I might not be wrong, this is the first time something like that happened on one of my tables, but I have evidence that we were cheated in one sit and go.

The tournament responds to the number # "..."

I called a moderator because two players were speaking spanish, which is totally prohibited by the terms of the room.

This is ok, I mean, I saw this matter several times before, and with the help from people working at the site the matter was resolved really quickly, but in this case what really surprised me is that the two players said they were cousins.

Extracted from the chat: "..." said, "is my cousin"

On hand number ten we can see how one of them gets a big pot from the other guy, and then apologizes and promise to give it back to him:

I don't know if you have a responsible for spanish language but I will translate by my own since is my mother language.

HAND ~10~

"...1": shows [Td Tc] (a pair of Tens)

"...2": shows [Ac Qd] (a pair of Aces)

"...2" collected 825 from pot

"...2" said, "iyo es q iba cargao loco" (We have to dig into Andalusian cockney language to get the meaning, but I can surely identify what it means: "I had a strong hand")

"...2" said, "despues t lo devuelvo vale" (I will give it back to you, ok?)

"...1" said, "vale iyo no te preocupes" (Ok friend, don't worry)

If you look closely at the issue throughout the tournament, you can see how many times there are situations in which they both are in the pot and throw the other player away from it.

When I told them I had reported them to the moderators, they start to became aggressive and tried to find the correct english words (with more or less luck) to insult me.

The truth is that I really enjoy playing in this site, the traffic is unbelievable and I can play at any time of day.

But on the other hand, today I was very disappointed that these events can happen, and I hope both players will be punished as team players are strictly prohibited and decreases the chance of us, legal players, to enjoy our tables.

08/02/2011 02:51
Re: Spanish collusion

Van a pasar de leer el tochazo y darte los 10 pavos :P

08/02/2011 02:59
Re: Spanish collusion
08/02/2011 01:50
Re: Spanish collusion

no habran sido los de skype-team? xD

flavicolno habran sido los de skype-team? xD


08/02/2011 03:22
Re: Spanish collusion

Ya me han contestado LOL.

"We have forwarded your email to a Poker Specialist for review. They will

undertake an extensive investigation into any relationship and past play

between these players. Please allow them some time to research this issue as

it may take several days if the case is particularly complex."


08/02/2011 10:12
Re: Spanish collusion

esperemos que como minimo le den un aviso.

jajjajaj buena traduccion , andaluz - ingles

08/02/2011 10:22
Re: Spanish collusion

A mí me paso algo parecido una vez. A los tipos les dieron un toque y a mí me devolvieron algo de pasta (una porquería 😫.

.2" said, "iyo es q iba cargao loco" (We have to dig into Andalusian cockney language to get the meaning, but I can surely identify what it means: "I had a strong hand")


08/02/2011 12:38
Re: Spanish collusion
08/02/2011 02:25
Re: Spanish collusion

No se si me devolveran algo de pasta, pero intentar explicar a PS el lenguaje andaluz me estoy partiendo la caja cosa mala.

MrBrightsidNo se si me devolveran algo de pasta, pero intentar explicar a PS el lenguaje andaluz me estoy partiendo la caja cosa mala.

El 90% de los andaluces no hablan así, igual que no todos los gallegos dicen ayyyyy carallooooooooooo xD

08/02/2011 12:41
Re: Spanish collusion
08/02/2011 02:25
Re: Spanish collusion

No se si me devolveran algo de pasta, pero intentar explicar a PS el lenguaje andaluz me estoy partiendo la caja cosa mala.

08/02/2011 12:38
Re: Spanish collusion

MrBrightsidNo se si me devolveran algo de pasta, pero intentar explicar a PS el lenguaje andaluz me estoy partiendo la caja cosa mala.

El 90% de los andaluces no hablan así, igual que no todos los gallegos dicen ayyyyy carallooooooooooo xD

rafull8El 90% de los andaluces no hablan así, igual que no todos los gallegos dicen ayyyyy carallooooooooooo xD

+1K... he aquí un andaluz :D

08/02/2011 13:20
Re: Spanish collusion
08/02/2011 02:25
Re: Spanish collusion

No se si me devolveran algo de pasta, pero intentar explicar a PS el lenguaje andaluz me estoy partiendo la caja cosa mala.

08/02/2011 12:38
Re: Spanish collusion

MrBrightsidNo se si me devolveran algo de pasta, pero intentar explicar a PS el lenguaje andaluz me estoy partiendo la caja cosa mala.

El 90% de los andaluces no hablan así, igual que no todos los gallegos dicen ayyyyy carallooooooooooo xD

rafull8El 90% de los andaluces no hablan así, igual que no todos los gallegos dicen ayyyyy carallooooooooooo xD


Estoy harto de los estereotipos, ni que fuésemos todos iguales... hay mucha diferencia entre un almeriense, por ejemplo, y un gaditano. Pero bueno, todos a la saca y punto! Total, son andaluces, perros (vagos) y todo el día tumbados durmiendo la siesta y de fiesta...

08/02/2011 13:54
Re: Spanish collusion

Ojo, que lo decía sin la menor intención de causar pesar a nadie.

Era una broma nada más, sin embargo si alguien lo ha malinterpretado le pido disculpas.

08/02/2011 14:04
Re: Spanish collusion

Por otra parte siguiendo un poco el tema del hilo, la primera mesa que me he sentado hoy estaban presentes:





Todos ellos de la Federación Rusa. Estoy hasta los cojones de ver rusos en mis mesas, o alguien ha hecho una escuela y ahora mis mesas están llenas de "kalinkitos" o no se que pasa. Pero siempre tengo como mínimo dos, y no estoy exagerando.

Lamentablemente no me da tiempo a ver sus pautas de juego y no se si jugarán juntos pero todos esos números, todos en la misma mesa me da muy mala espina.

09/02/2011 09:03
Re: Spanish collusion

Hombre, el último creo que quiere que le regales algo el día de su cumple xD, vaya tela ...

09/02/2011 18:04
Re: Spanish collusion

Lo de los rusos en los dons es muy habitual, siempre ha habido muchos lo que pasa es que cada uno ponia su ciudad y no los ubicabas a todos en Rusia, ahora como se ve el Pais pues ala todos rusos

10/02/2011 13:53
Re: Spanish collusion

Todo queda en un aviso:

Hello "...",

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

We agree that these comments were inappropriate and violated PokerStars Card

Room rule #20 which states:

“You may not make any chat comments which may affect the play of any hand or

tournament, even if you are an observer. There are two exceptions to this rule:

1. In cash game hands which are heads up (everyone else has folded, or the

hand started with two players) the two players involved may chat as they wish.

2. In tournaments which are heads up (everyone else has been knocked out of

the tournament, or the tournament started with two players), the two players

involved may chat as they wish.”

Our complete set of Card Room Rules can be found here:

Poker Room Policies - Cardroom Rules at PokerStars.

Although many of our players are not aware of all proper poker rules and

etiquette, this player has now been warned about this incident. We will take

further action if the player breaches our rules again.

The help of vigilant players like yourself is vital in policing our site. We

greatly appreciate your assistance in maintaining the integrity of our games.


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