sacar dinero de party poker
no se si tengo que rellenar esto de verdad para sacar dinero, lo saco con el metodo bank wire transfer
que otra forma hay menos complicada, porejemplo en otras salas no era tanto rollo cuenta del bank nombres lo tipico y listo no esto.
esto me lo enviaron por email
All cash outs must first be "approved" by our internal review team (to ensure fairness) before they are processed by our redeems department, this is why the current status of your request reads "Pending Approval". The review normally takes 24-48 hours. However, this process is faster for players who have completed and returned the Preferred Player Application with supporting documents (available at [URL="javascript:ol('');"][/URL]). You can check the status of your cash out anytime by selecting 'Cashier' from the Lobby, then 'Cash Out History' . Checks will only be mailed or couriered to your registered address. To change your mailing address for future cash outs, please login to the PartyAcount and click "My Account" followed by "Update Personal Info". For additional help contact us anytime!
o no nesesito rellenar eso? jaja??
alfinal pueod parece mira en cash history: Your Cash out request has been approved. You will receive it as soon as it has been administered by our Processing Team.