Monkey1001 en NL40,000$ FTP

5 respuestas
04/04/2007 05:48

Madre mia que risas , teneis que ver al monkey este jugando en NL40,000$ se ve que o no tiene ni idea o va borracho. El caso es que esta regalando dinero.

Os cuelgo unas manitas del elemento xD

Full Tilt Poker Game #2133291856: Table Bennett (6 max) - $200/$400 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:24:34 ET - 2007/04/03

Seat 1: moneyhungryhoe ($39 800)

Seat 2: wins_pot ($26 582)

Seat 3: 007DUMAZZ ($26 345)

Seat 4: David Benyamine ($34 494)

Seat 5: 40putts ($7 400)

Seat 6: monkey1001 ($10 614)

moneyhungryhoe posts the small blind of $200

wins_pot posts the big blind of $400

The button is in seat #6


007DUMAZZ folds

David Benyamine has 15 seconds left to act

David Benyamine folds

40putts raises to $1 200

monkey1001 calls $1 200

moneyhungryhoe folds

wins_pot folds

Flop :

[ ]

40putts bets $1,200

monkey1001 raises to $9,414, and is all in

40putts calls $5,000, and is all in

monkey1001 shows [ ]

40putts shows [ ]

Uncalled bet of $3,214 returned to monkey1001


[ ] [ ]


[ ] [ ]

monkey1001 shows two pair Queens and Tens

40putts shows two pair Kings and Tens

40putts wins the pot ($15 397) with two pair Kings and Tens

40putts adds $8 000


Total pot $15 400 | Rake $3


[ ]

Seat 1: moneyhungryhoe (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: wins_pot (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: 007DUMAZZ didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: David Benyamine didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: 40putts showed [ ] and won ($15 397) with two pair Kings and Tens

Seat 6: monkey1001 (button) showed [ ] and lost with two pair, Queens and Tens

Full Tilt Poker Game #2133301844: Table Bennett (6 max) - $200/$400 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:25:52 ET - 2007/04/03

Seat 1: moneyhungryhoe ($39 600)

Seat 2: wins_pot ($26 182)

Seat 3: 007DUMAZZ ($26 345)

Seat 4: David Benyamine ($34 494)

Seat 5: 40putts ($23 397)

Seat 6: monkey1001 ($3 214)

wins_pot posts the small blind of $200

007DUMAZZ posts the big blind of $400

The button is in seat #1


David Benyamine folds

40putts folds

monkey1001 raises to $3,214, and is all in

moneyhungryhoe calls $3,214

wins_pot raises to $26,182, and is all in

007DUMAZZ folds

moneyhungryhoe folds

wins_pot shows [ ]

monkey1001 shows [ ]

Uncalled bet of $22,968 returned to wins_pot


[ ]


[ ] [ ]


[ ] [ ]

wins_pot shows a pair of Aces

monkey1001 shows two pair Nines and Eights

monkey1001 wins the pot ($10 039) with two pair Nines and Eights


Total pot $10 042 | Rake $3


[ ]

Seat 1: moneyhungryhoe (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: wins_pot (small blind) showed [ ] and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 3: 007DUMAZZ (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: David Benyamine didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: 40putts didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: monkey1001 showed [ ] and won ($10 039) with two pair Nines and Eights

Full Tilt Poker Game #2133307991: Table Bennett (6 max) - $200/$400 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:26:41 ET - 2007/04/03

Seat 1: moneyhungryhoe ($36 386)

Seat 2: wins_pot ($22 968)

Seat 3: 007DUMAZZ ($25 945)

Seat 4: David Benyamine ($34 494)

Seat 5: 40putts ($23 397)

Seat 6: monkey1001 ($10 039)

007DUMAZZ posts the small blind of $200

David Benyamine posts the big blind of $400

The button is in seat #2


40putts folds

40putts stands up

monkey1001 raises to $10,039, and is all in

moneyhungryhoe folds

wins_pot folds

007DUMAZZ folds

David Benyamine folds

Uncalled bet of $9,639 returned to monkey1001

monkey1001 mucks

monkey1001 wins the pot ($1,000)


Total pot $1,000 | Rake $0

Seat 1: moneyhungryhoe didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: wins_pot (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: 007DUMAZZ (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: David Benyamine (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: 40putts didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: monkey1001 collected ($1 000) mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #2133326737: Table Bennett (6 max) - $200/$400 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:29:10 ET - 2007/04/03

Seat 1: moneyhungryhoe ($37 786)

Seat 2: wins_pot ($22 368)

Seat 3: 007DUMAZZ ($25 345)

Seat 4: David Benyamine ($33 694)

Seat 5: Munchi ($20 000)

Seat 6: monkey1001 ($10 639)

007DUMAZZ posts the small blind of $200

David Benyamine posts the big blind of $400

The button is in seat #2


monkey1001 raises to $999

moneyhungryhoe folds

wins_pot folds

007DUMAZZ calls $799

David Benyamine folds


[ ]

007DUMAZZ checks

monkey1001 bets $1,234

007DUMAZZ calls $1,234


[ ] [ ]

007DUMAZZ checks

monkey1001 bets $3,200

007DUMAZZ calls $3,200


[ ] [ ]

007DUMAZZ checks

monkey1001 checks


monkey1001 shows [ ] (Ace Jack high)

007DUMAZZ shows [ ] (a pair of Aces)

007DUMAZZ wins the pot ($11,263) with a pair of Aces


Total pot $11,266 | Rake $3


[ ]

Seat 1: moneyhungryhoe didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: wins_pot (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: 007DUMAZZ (small blind) showed [ ] and won ($11 263) with a pair of Aces

Seat 4: David Benyamine (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Munchi is sitting out

Seat 6: monkey1001 showed [ ] and lost with Ace Jack high

Menudo show

04/04/2007 10:32
Re: Monkey1001 en NL40,000$ FTP

Un autentico Show si señor, a ver si tengo oportunidad de verlo en persona, por que tiene que ser la leche ver un "benefactor" asi en esos niveles...por que me lo he pasao pipa viendo las manos 😄

Buen post.

04/04/2007 15:35
Re: Monkey1001 en NL40,000$ FTP

En la primera mano, mete all-in ante un bet débil con overcards y gutshot, no creo que sea nada fuera de lo normal.

En la segunda mano, hacer all-in con 9bb quedando 3 jugadores por hablar no creo que sea ninguna barbaridad. A la larga no es una jugada muy perdedora.

En la tercera mano supongo que tenía una mano bastante buena y quería aprovecharse de su imagen.

La cuarta mano, pues un continuation bet y second barrel en turn considerando que el oponente no tiene un as alto ya que hubiera reraiseado preflop con él, por lo que cree que apostando otra vez puede tirar un as bajo o alguna pareja inferior.

04/04/2007 17:05
Re: Monkey1001 en NL40,000$ FTP

Ya se Vedast que esto en un caso aislado no esta mal jugado. Pero es que el Monkey en cuestion estaba raiseando el 90% de las manos para que el otro 10% se metiera all-in directamente.

Vamos que estaba on tiltfijate que cuando ponia el la ciega la mayoria de la veces foldeaban todos porque sabian a que se iban a enfrentar...

Luego ya se tranquilizo , pero durante 40 manos no paro de raisear , meterse all-in pre-flop ,reraisear y apostar en todas las calles, los demas de la mesa que la le conocian le seguian con cualquier cosa.

jaja estaba todo el mundo asombrado con el monkey on tilt

05/04/2007 13:29
Re: Monkey1001 en NL40,000$ FTP

Ahora mismo está jugando 3 mesas de heads up nl10 000$

05/04/2007 14:20
Re: Monkey1001 en NL40,000$ FTP

Yo también quiero esos fish en esos niveles. : O


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