mano torneo

3 respuestas
22/04/2012 12:46


PokerStars Hand #79257527895: Tournament #569011327, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2012/04/22 11:54:29 CET [2012/04/22 5:54:29 ET]

Table '569011327 11' 9-max Seat #1 is the button

Seat 1: wowsooooted (12164 in chips)

Seat 2: Jaymillio (8164 in chips)

Seat 3: Peitsche33 (22993 in chips)

Seat 4: TheDaggoth (11227 in chips)

Seat 5: posos8122 (20778 in chips)

Seat 7: svijet (2300 in chips)

Seat 8: DAGERRR (9637 in chips)

Seat 9: GroteDwaas (5974 in chips)

wowsooooted: posts the ante 30

Jaymillio: posts the ante 30

Peitsche33: posts the ante 30

TheDaggoth: posts the ante 30

posos8122: posts the ante 30

svijet: posts the ante 30

DAGERRR: posts the ante 30

GroteDwaas: posts the ante 30

Jaymillio: posts small blind 125

Peitsche33: posts big blind 250

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to posos8122 [Kh Qd]

TheDaggoth: calls 250

posos8122: raises 500 to 750

svijet: folds

DAGERRR: folds

GroteDwaas: folds

wowsooooted: folds

Jaymillio: folds

Peitsche33: folds

TheDaggoth: calls 500

*** FLOP *** [2c 2h 9s]

TheDaggoth: checks

posos8122: checks

*** TURN *** [2c 2h 9s] [Kd]

TheDaggoth: bets 250

posos8122: raises 500 to 750

TheDaggoth: raises 500 to 1250

posos8122: calls 500

*** RIVER *** [2c 2h 9s Kd] [5s]

TheDaggoth: bets 9197 and is all-in

posos8122: folds

Uncalled bet (9197) returned to TheDaggoth

TheDaggoth collected 4615 from pot

TheDaggoth: doesn't show hand

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 4615 | Rake 0

Board [2c 2h 9s Kd 5s]

Seat 1: wowsooooted (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: Jaymillio (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 3: Peitsche33 (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 4: TheDaggoth collected (4615)

Seat 5: posos8122 folded on the River

Seat 7: svijet folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: DAGERRR folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 9: GroteDwaas folded before Flop (didn't bet)

22/04/2012 14:14
Re: mano torneo

No Limit Holdem Tournament


8 Players

Hand Conversion Powered by



UTG TheDaggoth ([="#0000cc"]11,227[/])

UTG+1 Hero ([="#0000cc"]20,778[/])

MP1 svijet ([="#0000cc"]2,300[/])

MP2 DAGERRR ([="#0000cc"]9,637[/])

CO GroteDwaas ([="#0000cc"]5,974[/])

BTN wowsooooted ([="#0000cc"]12,164[/])

SB Jaymillio ([="#0000cc"]8,164[/])

BB Peitsche33 ([="#0000cc"]22,993[/])

Blinds: 125/250 Ante 30

Pre-Flop: ([="#0000cc"]615[/], 8 players) Hero is UTG+1 K:heart: QDIAMONd

TheDaggoth calls 250, [="#cc0000"]Hero raises to 750[/], [="#777777"]6 folds[/], TheDaggoth calls 500

Flop: 2:club: 2:heart: 9:spade: ([="#0000cc"]2,115[/], 2 players)

TheDaggoth checks, Hero checks

Turn: KDIAMONd ([="#0000cc"]2,115[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]TheDaggoth bets 250[/], [="#cc0000"]Hero raises to 750[/], [="#cc0000"]TheDaggoth raises to 1,250[/], Hero calls 500

River: 5:spade: ([="#0000cc"]4,615[/], 2 players)

[="#cc0000"]TheDaggoth goes all-in 9,197[/], [="#777777"]Hero folds[/]

Final Pot: [="#0000cc"]4,615[/]

TheDaggoth wins [="#0000cc"]13,812[/] (net +[="#0000cc"]2,585)[/]

Hero lost [="#0000cc"]2,030[/]

22/04/2012 14:18
Re: mano torneo

moveran el post a torneos

la cbet a medio bote mas o menos es obligada porque vas por delante de su rango para sacar valor a alguna mano, ademas tiras manos con equity, si en el flop te raisea me tiro, en el turn tienes que raisear mas fuerte, a 1500 por lo menos. El problema es que al estar mal jugada, no se pueden sacar muchas conclusiones, en el iver ante esa overbet probablemente me tiraria aunque me costaria mucho.


22/04/2012 14:36
Re: mano torneo



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