Bono de bet365poker

Sin respuestas
06/04/2006 07:28

De las reglas para completar el bono:

2) How to Enter, It’s as simple as this…


c) Play poker to at least $50 in total stakes (check your poker play history using Playcheck).

Importante por favor alquien q me explique q dice aca en la c)

d) Once you have played 50 raked hands (a raked hand is one where you are dealt cards in a cash game and the pot reached the agreed level and a rake is taken of 25c and above) you will be entitled to receive your first instalment of your bonus of $10.

e) Once a further 50 raked hands have been played an additional $10 bonus can be claimed.

Segun lo q leo en estas dos es q conforme voy haciendo 50RH puedo ir mandandoles mails para q me vayan poniendo de 10$ en 10$..eso es?

4) Eligibility

e) We further reserve the right to ask any customer to provide sufficient documentation for us to be satisfied in our absolute discretion as to the customer's identity prior to us crediting any bonus, free bet or offer to their account.

Alguien q haya completado este bono podría decirme q tipo de informacion podrían pedirme??

Agradezco de antemano....nos vemos

Edito: Me acabo de dar cuenta q lo puse en el foro se pudiera mover al de promociones por favor haganlo


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