2 respuestas
03/09/2013 14:05

No he visto un hilo, borrad este si me equivoco..

[h=2]Gutsy Call by Lau[/h]Posted 1 minute ago Yardley • Level 10: 500-1,000, 100 ante SHARE

Ka Kwan Lau, a Spanish PokerStars player, bet 12,000 into Albert Daher on the turn of a board reading . Daher dropped a chunk of T5000 chips over the line, enough to put Lau all in. Lau thought about it and made the call. There were gasps around the table as they saw the two hands turned over. Lau tabled for the bare ace high, Daher the for the gut-shot straight draw. Amazing read by Lau and a gutsy call for his tournament life. The dealer burned the last card, the . Daher got there and Lau tapped the table in frustration before he wished the table good luck.


03/09/2013 14:44
Re: Manos EPT BCN

muy sick

03/09/2013 14:54
Re: Manos EPT BCN

No queda claro pero liada de Pique...

[h=2]Piqué Sent Packing by PokerStars Qualifier[/h]Posted 15 minutes ago Chad_Holloway • Level 10: 500-1,000, 100 ante SHARE

Gerard PiquéOne of the most talked about stories here at the EPT Barcelona was the appearance of famed footballer Gerard Piqué, who was one of the headliners entering Day 2. Unfortunately, Piqué won't be adding a poker title to his long list of accomplishments.

It happened when Piqué and PokerStars qualifier Carlos Mora Alvarez saw a flop of . We didn't get the exact action, but it appeared as if there were some big bets and then Piqué got the last of his chips in on the turn. The ended up completing the board on the river, which is about when the TV cameras began filming the action.

Piqué turned over the , revealing that he got the majority of his chips in on middle pair and a gutshot straight draw. Alvarez then tabled the , showing he was willing to get chips in with top pair and a flush draw. Alvarez hit the flush on the turn to seal the deal, and after the river was run out, Piqué wished the table luck and then took his leave as the cameras captured his long walk to the exit.


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